Quote Originally Posted by cd329:
You cant link the posts,lmfaooooooooooooooo
Just tell me what am a hypocrite about, with your own two words, unless you dont know how to write more then one sentence.
Guys like you are total fuckin fraud troublemakers. You make all these bullshit claims about somebody and then got jack shit to backup your claims. At least when i call somebody a hypocrite, i explain in detail, why they are a hypocrite. You just go around running your mouth off, with nothing to back it up.
Keep flapping your jaw, because every silly post you make, is just making you look like a bigger fool.
Its comical, how you keep coming up with this popping pain pills shit.. I have no idea where you came up with that one. I guess its just another one of your many bullshit stories and lies.
Lmfaoooooooooo clown doesnt even know me and says am popping pain pills. I know why you are saying this crap, its because you are the real pain pill addict. I would bet you and your brother bob and your other brother bob sit around your double wide all day snorting oxycontins, smoking crystal meth and talkling about
the bushes. Oxycontins, meth and moonshine, what a great combo, my little country bumpkin.
I bet you dont have more then 6 teeth left in your mouth
It does make sense why you are so angry at the world all the time. You are a junkie that needs help
Am sorry your miserable and lonely because your life turned out so horrible, its not my fault. Maybe some therapy can help to trun it around for you.
And yes i did relax on the couch for a little bit, but the difference is while i was relaxing, i was also making some cash
, unlike you, who spent the day getting high and drunk
are you having WABBIT stew again tonight?

says the senile hypocrite
why not link some of your claims?

oh thats right, you cant, youre a lying hypocrite

is it a treehouse, a double wide or a van down by the river?

is it a whisky still or pills now?

your lack of substance, no originality, butchering of the english language, and no respect for grammar lead me to believe you are highly educated

just remember, youre the chicken shit who cant put up, but refuse to shut up

ps. tell your wife to bitch slap you