Iwinner!@ Iwinere! Iwwwwwwiiiinnnnnnnnnaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Forgive me Iwinner I passed out for about 7 minutes there, it was like I saw a ghost. Reports coming out of the jail had told me that they had quit feeding you and, and, and,

I just get "all torn up" if you will Iwinner

Don't worry buddy, I am going to buy you some class A diamond plated diapers so you won't even have to wear pants when you wear these damn thangs. Iwinner they may have ripped you a new one but you will look damn good until you get that problem fixed. I have a pack of them here myself, you see I had bought them in expectation of you being sexually abused down there. It says on the directions that the first time you put them on you have to "do the camel walk down your street", and it says to be sure to be wearing nothing but these diamond plated adult diapers. It says maybe a gold chain around your neck and some socks but nothing else. I don't understand why they require this? Maybe they are trying to help you feel better about yourself. It sounds like a good idea Iwinner. Hey, a truckload of these are coming your way as we speak brother. On the TW house. A welcome back cotter type present that makes you instantly feel so much better.
Dopay I feel as if you may be on the verge of something special in your life. I don't feel like you need to leave. Maybe it will be to find a way to spam 1 million in 1 day???? Wow Dopay now that would be a life changing event!
Did you ever see the movie Short Circuit? The robot's name was Johnny4. Where am I going with this? I have no fuking idea, oh I got it now, the point is that maybe you could become like Johnny4 and still half human like Johnny4 and send out spams like you wouldn't believe. Like a half human robot. That would be really cool Dopay. Just don't send any dam spam MY way Dopay.
Iwinner it has taken me 4 hours to write this because when I found out you were out, I set my BB gun machine on rapid fire and aimed it right at my left temple. BB's are not bullets and they don't penetrate, but they do hurt when hitting you at 3 per second in the temple area. Occasionally I just black out and hit the floor. You see Iwinner there is no need to punish yourself. I am doing it for you! Another get well present brother.
Dopay, there is a difference between voluptuous women (these are great), and women who really need to lose weight. Dopay I need you to focus on the voluptuous women. They have curves and fun to play with, but not 300 pounds. Can you understand this Dopester?
Finally, as a present for getting out of jail, I have picked the perfect melody. It is a classy song that will calm your nerves Iwinner because you will experience a high volume of anxiety after a long stint in the slammer there brother. Put it on never ending repeat and let the world melt away. That is what protostar does.
Making Love Out Of Nothing At All
Iwinner I have been saving this for when you got out. When the guy is sad, that is all of us when you went to prison. When the girl makes a U-turn on the highway, that is you when you came out of prison. You are finally happy! When the guitar player is then happy, that is the TW crew now that you are out because now we are happy. But nobody here will kiss you Iwinner. You are going to have to find a nice female for that.
Let me give you some inspiration

Sarah Smile