Doubleup4life is the guy who's wife is out getting pleasured by a real man while he's at home reading articles on MSNBC about how dangerous the world is.

exactly..and we all know that doubleup knew EXACTLY what he was doing by putting the words "least unvaccinated team" in the title.if he really wanted strictly football/injury/roster discussion then he could have left that shit out and everything would have been perfectly fine and civil and not ended up 15 pages long..but this guy is like a 14 year old girl,desperate to stir up drama and make little "fires" everywhere...dude is the fakest guy on here by a looong way,acts like the nice guy but real intent is clear and then he does this bullshit where he acts offended/indignant that people fire back.."what,little old me??what did i do wrong?i cant understand all the negative energy in here."
exactly..and we all know that doubleup knew EXACTLY what he was doing by putting the words "least unvaccinated team" in the title.if he really wanted strictly football/injury/roster discussion then he could have left that shit out and everything would have been perfectly fine and civil and not ended up 15 pages long..but this guy is like a 14 year old girl,desperate to stir up drama and make little "fires" everywhere...dude is the fakest guy on here by a looong way,acts like the nice guy but real intent is clear and then he does this bullshit where he acts offended/indignant that people fire back.."what,little old me??what did i do wrong?i cant understand all the negative energy in here."
Last thing I'll say about this and I'm done. They like to use scary words like 'infected' and 'pandemic' but... HOW MANY OF THESE PEOPLE ARE ACTUALLY SICK? (the sniffles don't count)
Last thing I'll say about this and I'm done. They like to use scary words like 'infected' and 'pandemic' but... HOW MANY OF THESE PEOPLE ARE ACTUALLY SICK? (the sniffles don't count)
How many usernames do you have ? Honestly...I've noticed for years that several other random SAFS are attached to most threads you appear in
How many usernames do you have ? Honestly...I've noticed for years that several other random SAFS are attached to most threads you appear in
Still waiting for a Libtard with an IQ over 10 to respond to this, but we all know they can't comprehend facts and evidence. Just name calling, blah blah blah....conspiracies, hmmm what else is their brainless responses...just like that Oncologist in the other thread who disappeared after I sent him 3 peer reviewed medical studies from medical journals about Ivermectin. And he sends me back an article from Politico
The Covid PCR testing has been bullshit since day 1 and even now the CDC can’t hide it anymore.
Still waiting for a Libtard with an IQ over 10 to respond to this, but we all know they can't comprehend facts and evidence. Just name calling, blah blah blah....conspiracies, hmmm what else is their brainless responses...just like that Oncologist in the other thread who disappeared after I sent him 3 peer reviewed medical studies from medical journals about Ivermectin. And he sends me back an article from Politico
The Covid PCR testing has been bullshit since day 1 and even now the CDC can’t hide it anymore.
per ESPN: Beasley fined 100k for multiple Covid19 protocol violations. Via video monitoring by the league. So the NFL is now known as the peeping-covid-Toms.
He still gets his 261,111 k game check for today even though he was forced to sit out.
Beasley: "Just to be clear Covid is NOT keeping me out of this game. The rules are. Vaxxed players are playing with Covid every week now because they don't test. One of my vaxxed teammates is in the hospital missing games. I'm sure he didn't get this same energy. Thank you for those who support. Everyone else, if you don't get what is happening, then there's nothing anybody can do for you."
"I'm not anti-or pro vaxx- I'm pro-choice, Beasley said in July. With that being said, the issue at hand is information being withheld from players in order for a player to be swayed in a direction he may not be comfortable with."
I'm not sure he sees the whole big picture but he definitely sees enough of it to be able to call the NFL out for their complicity in the FRAUD that Covid is. To deny an individual informed consent is to deny an individual's right to bodily integrity. And that's called SLAVERY.
So F the NFL and their slave protocols. And can I get a:
per ESPN: Beasley fined 100k for multiple Covid19 protocol violations. Via video monitoring by the league. So the NFL is now known as the peeping-covid-Toms.
He still gets his 261,111 k game check for today even though he was forced to sit out.
Beasley: "Just to be clear Covid is NOT keeping me out of this game. The rules are. Vaxxed players are playing with Covid every week now because they don't test. One of my vaxxed teammates is in the hospital missing games. I'm sure he didn't get this same energy. Thank you for those who support. Everyone else, if you don't get what is happening, then there's nothing anybody can do for you."
"I'm not anti-or pro vaxx- I'm pro-choice, Beasley said in July. With that being said, the issue at hand is information being withheld from players in order for a player to be swayed in a direction he may not be comfortable with."
I'm not sure he sees the whole big picture but he definitely sees enough of it to be able to call the NFL out for their complicity in the FRAUD that Covid is. To deny an individual informed consent is to deny an individual's right to bodily integrity. And that's called SLAVERY.
So F the NFL and their slave protocols. And can I get a:
Another 1500+ Americans died of covid today
Best of health , Blessings, and happiness to you Fam
You already won the lottery , as you didn't die of covid or anything else today ...yeah !!! CONGRATULATIONS
Another 1500+ Americans died of covid today
Best of health , Blessings, and happiness to you Fam
You already won the lottery , as you didn't die of covid or anything else today ...yeah !!! CONGRATULATIONS
I'd bet my entire bankroll that you have 9+ usernames in this thread
Appreciate you coming back to show yourself for everyone
God BLESS Fam...Sweep your board
Appreciate all your log ins and log outs
I'd bet my entire bankroll that you have 9+ usernames in this thread
Appreciate you coming back to show yourself for everyone
God BLESS Fam...Sweep your board
Appreciate all your log ins and log outs
you complete and utter are beyond help.truly staggering that people bring up REAL,VERIFIABLE claims and ideas of a serious nature and you call them all "nutty conspiracies".....and yet in the same breath you talk about how the nfl is fixed and how EVERYBODY that disagrees with you is the same person under a different username.good grief,you are so far gone its kind of sad.
name any fuggin amount of money you want.ANY AMOUNT..and we can wager that i dont have more than one username.and you can go ahead and contact the administrators or do whatever you see fit.
you are so deluded,conditioned and stuck in your own supposedly "sane" mainstream bubble that you cant even fathom the idea that there are MILLIONS of real human beings that disagree entirely with your stupid,myopic,authoritarian viewpoints...oh no,it must be 4 guys that have opened up 127,000 accounts all over covers,right??
of course we know you would never take up such a never prove a damn thing,you just spout off and start conflict and then play innocent like a small child that doesnt know how fuccing obvious it is when they are lying........nope,this bizarre claim that there are 38 different accounts made "just to target you" is as likely to be proven as all the claims of "well,this virus is deadly AF!!my mums cousin and my friends plumber and my grandfathers massage therapist and my daughters teachers dog ALL died of the virus in the past 2 days and they were all young and healthy!!!run for your lives,its out to get ya!!"
you complete and utter are beyond help.truly staggering that people bring up REAL,VERIFIABLE claims and ideas of a serious nature and you call them all "nutty conspiracies".....and yet in the same breath you talk about how the nfl is fixed and how EVERYBODY that disagrees with you is the same person under a different username.good grief,you are so far gone its kind of sad.
name any fuggin amount of money you want.ANY AMOUNT..and we can wager that i dont have more than one username.and you can go ahead and contact the administrators or do whatever you see fit.
you are so deluded,conditioned and stuck in your own supposedly "sane" mainstream bubble that you cant even fathom the idea that there are MILLIONS of real human beings that disagree entirely with your stupid,myopic,authoritarian viewpoints...oh no,it must be 4 guys that have opened up 127,000 accounts all over covers,right??
of course we know you would never take up such a never prove a damn thing,you just spout off and start conflict and then play innocent like a small child that doesnt know how fuccing obvious it is when they are lying........nope,this bizarre claim that there are 38 different accounts made "just to target you" is as likely to be proven as all the claims of "well,this virus is deadly AF!!my mums cousin and my friends plumber and my grandfathers massage therapist and my daughters teachers dog ALL died of the virus in the past 2 days and they were all young and healthy!!!run for your lives,its out to get ya!!"
Touché, Pork...PERFECT analogy !!!!
Touché, Pork...PERFECT analogy !!!!
the sign of a truly mentally unstable person is when they are sitting at home typing away messages about how all those who disagree with them must be one and the same person....its just as well that you see the government as your daddy,ready to help you out and solve your problems at the drop of a hat cos they might have some medication and a long stay in some type of institution lined up for ya.
the sign of a truly mentally unstable person is when they are sitting at home typing away messages about how all those who disagree with them must be one and the same person....its just as well that you see the government as your daddy,ready to help you out and solve your problems at the drop of a hat cos they might have some medication and a long stay in some type of institution lined up for ya.
Why even take the stupid vaccines you still have a high chance of getting the virus? Also, why even take anything when you have a 99.7% chance of surviving, even if you get it? I refuse to take it, if my employer fires me for it, I will sue!!! This virus is just an excuse to take away more and more rights from us! ??
Why even take the stupid vaccines you still have a high chance of getting the virus? Also, why even take anything when you have a 99.7% chance of surviving, even if you get it? I refuse to take it, if my employer fires me for it, I will sue!!! This virus is just an excuse to take away more and more rights from us! ??
I appreciate your continued hate filled rants
When will you admit that 10+ usernames in this thread are yours
I appreciate your continued hate filled rants
When will you admit that 10+ usernames in this thread are yours
How about Josh Allen who got vaccinated and made 258 Million +
How about Josh Allen who got vaccinated and made 258 Million +
what a fuccing dope...the numbers are highly questionable as has been documented many,many times.but you will never see that if all you watch is fuccin CNN.
but even given that,you do realise that HUMAN BEINGS DIE,right???these are the same old,frail,vulnerable people that have been dying every day of every year gone past...if it wasnt covid it would be something else.they are unwell and immuno-compromised and are mostly ready to be tipped over the edge...the average age of a "covid death" is 80 fuccing years old and youre trying to act like this is some horrific,unnecessary wasteful all these people would be perfectly fine and ready to carry on for another 45 years if not for the boogeyman of,they dont die cos of some wildly overblown virus,they die because THATS WHAT OLD/FRAIL/OBESE/VULNERABLE PEOPLE DO!!!....sad but you have gotten past the age of 12 without realising this is wild.
what a fuccing dope...the numbers are highly questionable as has been documented many,many times.but you will never see that if all you watch is fuccin CNN.
but even given that,you do realise that HUMAN BEINGS DIE,right???these are the same old,frail,vulnerable people that have been dying every day of every year gone past...if it wasnt covid it would be something else.they are unwell and immuno-compromised and are mostly ready to be tipped over the edge...the average age of a "covid death" is 80 fuccing years old and youre trying to act like this is some horrific,unnecessary wasteful all these people would be perfectly fine and ready to carry on for another 45 years if not for the boogeyman of,they dont die cos of some wildly overblown virus,they die because THATS WHAT OLD/FRAIL/OBESE/VULNERABLE PEOPLE DO!!!....sad but you have gotten past the age of 12 without realising this is wild.
BAHAHAHA!!"anyone that disagrees with me is spreading "hate""
go up and read what i wrote...NAME ANY SUM OF MONEY YOU LIKE and i will confirm agreement to wager on the fact that i have never had another account can use whatever means you please by contacting the higher ups at covers.very,very simple.
of course we all know you wont do a damn thing.
BAHAHAHA!!"anyone that disagrees with me is spreading "hate""
go up and read what i wrote...NAME ANY SUM OF MONEY YOU LIKE and i will confirm agreement to wager on the fact that i have never had another account can use whatever means you please by contacting the higher ups at covers.very,very simple.
of course we all know you wont do a damn thing.
I haven't read one sentence of your ramblings in 4+ pages
Appreciate you exposing yourself here...
O boy
I haven't read one sentence of your ramblings in 4+ pages
Appreciate you exposing yourself here...
O boy
LOL Melo,
What does DU do when he wants to shut down dissent? He uses the "cult" word...then all the expletives in his limited vocabulary. Course, cult is what the crowd that denies science is...but they just cover their eyes...their lying eyes...and shout out "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" to make the truth go away.
He used to talk to himself about the ponies with his "harding park" saf...but his baish and his surfrancis are his azz-kizzers du jour now.
So natch...he accuses you of having alternate user IDs. It's what they do...he's learned from the best when he watches the MSM dolts 24/7.
You've done a good job exposing the shameless Avatar-Man from Bullshitalo...have a pop and a laugh. You're not grateful.
Cheers, M
LOL Melo,
What does DU do when he wants to shut down dissent? He uses the "cult" word...then all the expletives in his limited vocabulary. Course, cult is what the crowd that denies science is...but they just cover their eyes...their lying eyes...and shout out "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" to make the truth go away.
He used to talk to himself about the ponies with his "harding park" saf...but his baish and his surfrancis are his azz-kizzers du jour now.
So natch...he accuses you of having alternate user IDs. It's what they do...he's learned from the best when he watches the MSM dolts 24/7.
You've done a good job exposing the shameless Avatar-Man from Bullshitalo...have a pop and a laugh. You're not grateful.
Cheers, M
D'jou say sumpin' ???
Oh right...cuz you have 10 SAFs I do also?
Brotha...I already told got no game left. Troof!!!
D'jou say sumpin' ???
Oh right...cuz you have 10 SAFs I do also?
Brotha...I already told got no game left. Troof!!!
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