scalabrine, when you are getting it on, do you prefer zucchinis or eggplants?
1) Homosexual fixation: According to Freud, the patient suffering from the disease has repressed his tendency to homosexual love to such an extent that he develops a fixation concerning it. Freud's view has been found correct in many cases, but it does not explain each and every case of the disease.
2) Feelings of inferiority: Here the psychologists have found that the main cause of paranoia is a sense of inferiority that may be caused by a variety of condition such as failure, disgust, sense of guilt.
1) Homosexual fixation: According to Freud, the patient suffering from the disease has repressed his tendency to homosexual love to such an extent that he develops a fixation concerning it. Freud's view has been found correct in many cases, but it does not explain each and every case of the disease.
2) Feelings of inferiority: Here the psychologists have found that the main cause of paranoia is a sense of inferiority that may be caused by a variety of condition such as failure, disgust, sense of guilt.
That's some funny stuff, sissyboy,
I'm certainly not a racist, but, Oh, wow....sissyboy, you certainly are riled up.
Good luck to ya!
That's some funny stuff, sissyboy,
I'm certainly not a racist, but, Oh, wow....sissyboy, you certainly are riled up.
Good luck to ya!
What a detestable, low-life liberal, leftist creep you're such a punk...
Anyone with half a brain knows that that cartoon had no racist just coincided with the monkey attack on that unfortunate women...."The cartoon is a clear parody of a current news event, to wit the shooting of a violent chimpanzee in Connecticut. It broadly mocks Washington's efforts to revive the economy.
Somebody get me a hairdryer. I have to put it on its lowest setting and blow this featherweight out of my thread...
I love how you like to quote historical reference points and then glaze over, or completely ignore, the more pertinent and sordid points when it comes to race and racism throughout American history.
Unfortunately, the chimpanzee depicted i that cartoon strikes a very racial chord for blacks....and that is where you become like are the victim of "white obliviousness"...
Whiteness, and the privileges conferred for being white, don't exist. Everything just IS. Successes are the result of hard work. That cartoon? POLICE shooting a monkey. The police aren't even white. They are just... policemen.To blacks it means much, much more and rightfully so given American history. Since there are literally no blacks in that cartoon, you are quick to take it at face value. "It's just a chimp...and uhhh....ya know...that chimp who mauled that woman was shot and killed by cops just like the one in the cartoon....we live in 2010 and no one would EVER think or even compare blacks to any other species! Certainly not I!"
What a nice little finger painting of the world you've made with your fecal laden hands (feces of the racist shit you pick up and spread throughout these forums).
Unfortunately, virtually all blacks know of white's historical subhuman depiction of black people. Slavery was partly based upon such a disturbing depiction. Blacks were animals, could be shackled, whipped and trained to perform a duty (The one bonus slave masters had when they acknowledged the humanity of blacks was when they raped young black female slaves, as our esteemed founding father, Thomas Jefferson most likely did numerous times...time has erased any verifiable verbal testimony from a slave...)
Black Americana, sold throughout the United States in the late 19th and half of the 20th century, goes one step further to bring racist words and thoughts into the physical realm...the stupid black 'darkie', with features that closely resembling a monkey, is unclean and inferior. There's even a market for it an Ebay. Not surprisingly given the white skin involved with another afflicted group, anything concerning negative depictions of person by Nazis is either relatively tame or nonexistent on Ebay. But I digress...
The Bronx Zoo even went one step further featuring an exhibit in the early 1900's with a black man behind bars...nothing more. JUST A BLACK MAN. They made sure the sign by the exhibit saying the word "gorilla" would ensure the BIG JOKE was not lost on the paying customers (many of whom were white children).
Be mindful such PUBLIC depictions of blacks as monkeys happen right up until today with a company releasing a doll depicting Obama as a monkey in a suit. It was quite popular until the company was forced to stop selling it. The cocksucker Esplanade even had an avatar of the president with monkey-like and/or exaggerated black features (something he has since removed since it became obvious, a PM to a Mod could have a 1 in a million chance of getting him boxed or banned)
The point is that blacks being depicted as monkeys has LONG BEEN and is STILL ENGRAINED within white and black public consciousness and should be COMPLETELY OFF LIMITS to a major news publication, TV, website, or radio. But it clearly isn't.
Attempting to counter with "BUT I DON'T think like this", is a common and empty refrain because (outside of the fact I wouldn't believe you) your views and thoughts do not outweigh centuries of relevant history within the overall consciousness of black American citizens with regard to this issue.
I haven't even BROACHED the white cops shown in the cartoon... specifically America's and NEW YORK's eye-popping record when it comes to profiling, abuse, and MURDER of blacks at the hands of a militant and aggressive police force....that's a topic we may get to if you're lucky...
If a single black man was polled, The Post would have never ran that cartoon. If a hundred were, they would hire more black staff members to provide the black perspective in NY and the US. Instead, they ran it, were publicly humiliated and forced to apologize for it. So goes the consequences of white pride.
The lesson here Jerry, and I'll teach you many before this thread is through, is to consider the minority perspective, in this case, black perspective if ANYTHING Is of questionable content in a public forum. Exercise your right to free speech of course.
But be mindful of who is standing right behind you when you do...I wouldn't want to turn around...
What a detestable, low-life liberal, leftist creep you're such a punk...
Anyone with half a brain knows that that cartoon had no racist just coincided with the monkey attack on that unfortunate women...."The cartoon is a clear parody of a current news event, to wit the shooting of a violent chimpanzee in Connecticut. It broadly mocks Washington's efforts to revive the economy.
Somebody get me a hairdryer. I have to put it on its lowest setting and blow this featherweight out of my thread...
I love how you like to quote historical reference points and then glaze over, or completely ignore, the more pertinent and sordid points when it comes to race and racism throughout American history.
Unfortunately, the chimpanzee depicted i that cartoon strikes a very racial chord for blacks....and that is where you become like are the victim of "white obliviousness"...
Whiteness, and the privileges conferred for being white, don't exist. Everything just IS. Successes are the result of hard work. That cartoon? POLICE shooting a monkey. The police aren't even white. They are just... policemen.To blacks it means much, much more and rightfully so given American history. Since there are literally no blacks in that cartoon, you are quick to take it at face value. "It's just a chimp...and uhhh....ya know...that chimp who mauled that woman was shot and killed by cops just like the one in the cartoon....we live in 2010 and no one would EVER think or even compare blacks to any other species! Certainly not I!"
What a nice little finger painting of the world you've made with your fecal laden hands (feces of the racist shit you pick up and spread throughout these forums).
Unfortunately, virtually all blacks know of white's historical subhuman depiction of black people. Slavery was partly based upon such a disturbing depiction. Blacks were animals, could be shackled, whipped and trained to perform a duty (The one bonus slave masters had when they acknowledged the humanity of blacks was when they raped young black female slaves, as our esteemed founding father, Thomas Jefferson most likely did numerous times...time has erased any verifiable verbal testimony from a slave...)
Black Americana, sold throughout the United States in the late 19th and half of the 20th century, goes one step further to bring racist words and thoughts into the physical realm...the stupid black 'darkie', with features that closely resembling a monkey, is unclean and inferior. There's even a market for it an Ebay. Not surprisingly given the white skin involved with another afflicted group, anything concerning negative depictions of person by Nazis is either relatively tame or nonexistent on Ebay. But I digress...
The Bronx Zoo even went one step further featuring an exhibit in the early 1900's with a black man behind bars...nothing more. JUST A BLACK MAN. They made sure the sign by the exhibit saying the word "gorilla" would ensure the BIG JOKE was not lost on the paying customers (many of whom were white children).
Be mindful such PUBLIC depictions of blacks as monkeys happen right up until today with a company releasing a doll depicting Obama as a monkey in a suit. It was quite popular until the company was forced to stop selling it. The cocksucker Esplanade even had an avatar of the president with monkey-like and/or exaggerated black features (something he has since removed since it became obvious, a PM to a Mod could have a 1 in a million chance of getting him boxed or banned)
The point is that blacks being depicted as monkeys has LONG BEEN and is STILL ENGRAINED within white and black public consciousness and should be COMPLETELY OFF LIMITS to a major news publication, TV, website, or radio. But it clearly isn't.
Attempting to counter with "BUT I DON'T think like this", is a common and empty refrain because (outside of the fact I wouldn't believe you) your views and thoughts do not outweigh centuries of relevant history within the overall consciousness of black American citizens with regard to this issue.
I haven't even BROACHED the white cops shown in the cartoon... specifically America's and NEW YORK's eye-popping record when it comes to profiling, abuse, and MURDER of blacks at the hands of a militant and aggressive police force....that's a topic we may get to if you're lucky...
If a single black man was polled, The Post would have never ran that cartoon. If a hundred were, they would hire more black staff members to provide the black perspective in NY and the US. Instead, they ran it, were publicly humiliated and forced to apologize for it. So goes the consequences of white pride.
The lesson here Jerry, and I'll teach you many before this thread is through, is to consider the minority perspective, in this case, black perspective if ANYTHING Is of questionable content in a public forum. Exercise your right to free speech of course.
But be mindful of who is standing right behind you when you do...I wouldn't want to turn around...
By Robert M. Grooms
© 1997
In an 1856 letter to his wife Mary Custis Lee, Robert E. Lee called slavery "a moral and political evil." Yet he concluded that black slaves were immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, socially and physically.
The fact is large numbers of free Negroes owned black slaves; in fact, in numbers disproportionate to their representation in society at large. In 1860 only a small minority of whites owned slaves. According to the U.S. census report for that last year before the Civil War, there were nearly 27 million whites in the country. Some eight million of them lived in the slaveholding states.
The census also determined that there were fewer than 385,000 individuals who owned slaves (1). Even if all slaveholders had been white, that would amount to only 1.4 percent of whites in the country (or 4.8 percent of southern whites owning one or more slaves).
In the rare instances when the ownership of slaves by free Negroes is acknowledged in the history books, justification centers on the claim that black slave masters were simply individuals who purchased the freedom of a spouse or child from a white slaveholder and had been unable to legally manumit them. Although this did indeed happen at times, it is a misrepresentation of the majority of instances, one which is debunked by records of the period on blacks who owned slaves. These include individuals such as Justus Angel and Mistress L. Horry, of Colleton District, South Carolina, who each owned 84 slaves in 1830. In fact, in 1830 a fourth of the free Negro slave masters in South Carolina owned 10 or more slaves; eight owning 30 or more (2).
According to federal census reports, on June 1, 1860 there were nearly 4.5 million Negroes in the United States, with fewer than four million of them living in the southern slaveholding states. Of the blacks residing in the South, 261,988 were not slaves. Of this number, 10,689 lived in New Orleans. The country's leading African American historian, Duke University professor John Hope Franklin, records that in New Orleans over 3,000 free Negroes owned slaves, or 28 percent of the free Negroes in that city.
To return to the census figures quoted above, this 28 percent is certainly impressive when compared to less than 1.4 percent of all American whites and less than 4.8 percent of southern whites. The statistics show that, when free, blacks disproportionately became slave masters.
The majority of slaveholders, white and black, owned only one to five slaves. More often than not, and contrary to a century and a half of bullwhips-on-tortured-backs propaganda, black and white masters worked and ate alongside their charges; be it in house, field or workshop. The few individuals who owned 50 or more slaves were confined to the top one percent, and have been defined as slave magnates.
In 1860 there were at least six Negroes in Louisiana who owned 65 or more slaves The largest number, 152 slaves, were owned by the widow C. Richards and her son P.C. Richards, who owned a large sugar cane plantation. Another Negro slave magnate in Louisiana, with over 100 slaves, was Antoine Dubuclet, a sugar planter whose estate was valued at (in 1860 dollars) $264,000 (3). That year, the mean wealth of southern white men was $3,978 (4).
In Charleston, South Carolina in 1860 125 free Negroes owned slaves; six of them owning 10 or more. Of the $1.5 million in taxable property owned by free Negroes in Charleston, more than $300,000 represented slave holdings (5). In North Carolina 69 free Negroes were slave owners (6).
In 1860 William Ellison was South Carolina's largest Negro slaveowner. In Black Masters. A Free Family of Color in the Old South, authors Michael P. Johnson and James L. Roak write a sympathetic account of Ellison's life. From Ellison's birth as a slave to his death at 71, the authors attempt to provide justification, based on their own speculation, as to why a former slave would become a magnate slave master.
By Robert M. Grooms
© 1997
In an 1856 letter to his wife Mary Custis Lee, Robert E. Lee called slavery "a moral and political evil." Yet he concluded that black slaves were immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, socially and physically.
The fact is large numbers of free Negroes owned black slaves; in fact, in numbers disproportionate to their representation in society at large. In 1860 only a small minority of whites owned slaves. According to the U.S. census report for that last year before the Civil War, there were nearly 27 million whites in the country. Some eight million of them lived in the slaveholding states.
The census also determined that there were fewer than 385,000 individuals who owned slaves (1). Even if all slaveholders had been white, that would amount to only 1.4 percent of whites in the country (or 4.8 percent of southern whites owning one or more slaves).
In the rare instances when the ownership of slaves by free Negroes is acknowledged in the history books, justification centers on the claim that black slave masters were simply individuals who purchased the freedom of a spouse or child from a white slaveholder and had been unable to legally manumit them. Although this did indeed happen at times, it is a misrepresentation of the majority of instances, one which is debunked by records of the period on blacks who owned slaves. These include individuals such as Justus Angel and Mistress L. Horry, of Colleton District, South Carolina, who each owned 84 slaves in 1830. In fact, in 1830 a fourth of the free Negro slave masters in South Carolina owned 10 or more slaves; eight owning 30 or more (2).
According to federal census reports, on June 1, 1860 there were nearly 4.5 million Negroes in the United States, with fewer than four million of them living in the southern slaveholding states. Of the blacks residing in the South, 261,988 were not slaves. Of this number, 10,689 lived in New Orleans. The country's leading African American historian, Duke University professor John Hope Franklin, records that in New Orleans over 3,000 free Negroes owned slaves, or 28 percent of the free Negroes in that city.
To return to the census figures quoted above, this 28 percent is certainly impressive when compared to less than 1.4 percent of all American whites and less than 4.8 percent of southern whites. The statistics show that, when free, blacks disproportionately became slave masters.
The majority of slaveholders, white and black, owned only one to five slaves. More often than not, and contrary to a century and a half of bullwhips-on-tortured-backs propaganda, black and white masters worked and ate alongside their charges; be it in house, field or workshop. The few individuals who owned 50 or more slaves were confined to the top one percent, and have been defined as slave magnates.
In 1860 there were at least six Negroes in Louisiana who owned 65 or more slaves The largest number, 152 slaves, were owned by the widow C. Richards and her son P.C. Richards, who owned a large sugar cane plantation. Another Negro slave magnate in Louisiana, with over 100 slaves, was Antoine Dubuclet, a sugar planter whose estate was valued at (in 1860 dollars) $264,000 (3). That year, the mean wealth of southern white men was $3,978 (4).
In Charleston, South Carolina in 1860 125 free Negroes owned slaves; six of them owning 10 or more. Of the $1.5 million in taxable property owned by free Negroes in Charleston, more than $300,000 represented slave holdings (5). In North Carolina 69 free Negroes were slave owners (6).
In 1860 William Ellison was South Carolina's largest Negro slaveowner. In Black Masters. A Free Family of Color in the Old South, authors Michael P. Johnson and James L. Roak write a sympathetic account of Ellison's life. From Ellison's birth as a slave to his death at 71, the authors attempt to provide justification, based on their own speculation, as to why a former slave would become a magnate slave master.
What a detestable, low-life liberal, leftist creep you're such a punk...
Anyone with half a brain knows that that cartoon had no racist just coincided with the monkey attack on that unfortunate women...."The cartoon is a clear parody of a current news event, to wit the shooting of a violent chimpanzee in Connecticut. It broadly mocks Washington's efforts to revive the economy.
Somebody get me a hairdryer. I have to put it on its lowest setting and blow this featherweight out of my thread...
I love how you like to quote historical reference points and then glaze over, or completely ignore, the more pertinent and sordid points when it comes to race and racism throughout American history.
Unfortunately, the chimpanzee depicted i that cartoon strikes a very racial chord for blacks....and that is where you become like are the victim of "white obliviousness"...
Whiteness, and the privileges conferred for being white, don't exist. Everything just IS. Successes are the result of hard work. That cartoon? POLICE shooting a monkey. The police aren't even white. They are just... policemen.To blacks it means much, much more and rightfully so given American history. Since there are literally no blacks in that cartoon, you are quick to take it at face value. "It's just a chimp...and uhhh....ya know...that chimp who mauled that woman was shot and killed by cops just like the one in the cartoon....we live in 2010 and no one would EVER think or even compare blacks to any other species! Certainly not I!"
What a nice little finger painting of the world you've made with your fecal laden hands (feces of the racist shit you pick up and spread throughout these forums).
Unfortunately, virtually all blacks know of white's historical subhuman depiction of black people. Slavery was partly based upon such a disturbing depiction. Blacks were animals, could be shackled, whipped and trained to perform a duty (The one bonus slave masters had when they acknowledged the humanity of blacks was when they raped young black female slaves, as our esteemed founding father, Thomas Jefferson most likely did numerous times...time has erased any verifiable verbal testimony from a slave...)
Black Americana, sold throughout the United States in the late 19th and half of the 20th century, goes one step further to bring racist words and thoughts into the physical realm...the stupid black 'darkie', with features that closely resembling a monkey, is unclean and inferior. There's even a market for it an Ebay. Not surprisingly given the white skin involved with another afflicted group, anything concerning negative depictions of person by Nazis is either relatively tame or nonexistent on Ebay. But I digress...
The Bronx Zoo even went one step further featuring an exhibit in the early 1900's with a black man behind bars...nothing more. JUST A BLACK MAN. They made sure the sign by the exhibit saying the word "gorilla" would ensure the BIG JOKE was not lost on the paying customers (many of whom were white children).
Be mindful such PUBLIC depictions of blacks as monkeys happen right up until today with a company releasing a doll depicting Obama as a monkey in a suit. It was quite popular until the company was forced to stop selling it. The cocksucker Esplanade even had an avatar of the president with monkey-like and/or exaggerated black features (something he has since removed since it became obvious, a PM to a Mod could have a 1 in a million chance of getting him boxed or banned)
The point is that blacks being depicted as monkeys has LONG BEEN and is STILL ENGRAINED within white and black public consciousness and should be COMPLETELY OFF LIMITS to a major news publication, TV, website, or radio. But it clearly isn't.
Attempting to counter with "BUT I DON'T think like this", is a common and empty refrain because (outside of the fact I wouldn't believe you) your views and thoughts do not outweigh centuries of relevant history within the overall consciousness of black American citizens with regard to this issue.
I haven't even BROACHED the white cops shown in the cartoon... specifically America's and NEW YORK's eye-popping record when it comes to profiling, abuse, and MURDER of blacks at the hands of a militant and aggressive police force....that's a topic we may get to if you're lucky...
If a single black man was polled, The Post would have never ran that cartoon. If a hundred were, they would hire more black staff members to provide the black perspective in NY and the US. Instead, they ran it, were publicly humiliated and forced to apologize for it. So goes the consequences of white pride.
The lesson here Jerry, and I'll teach you many before this thread is through, is to consider the minority perspective, in this case, black perspective if ANYTHING Is of questionable content in a public forum. Exercise your right to free speech of course.
But be mindful of who is standing right behind you when you do...I wouldn't want to turn around...
Just cause someone thinks somethings racist doesnt make it so....
Pouring syrup on shit dont make it pancakes
The fucking country is going to hell and its starting with lefty crybaby pussies like yourself. Boo fucking hoo. As if the US doesnt have enough problems,now we gotta spend time and energy on a fuckin cartoon? If all fairness, that monkey look rabid and need to be put down. What was left out of the picture is the baby he killed after escaping from the zoo. Its amazing how you can draw so many conclusion from 1 single snapshot....
Scal...face it are the biggest racist at Covers
What a detestable, low-life liberal, leftist creep you're such a punk...
Anyone with half a brain knows that that cartoon had no racist just coincided with the monkey attack on that unfortunate women...."The cartoon is a clear parody of a current news event, to wit the shooting of a violent chimpanzee in Connecticut. It broadly mocks Washington's efforts to revive the economy.
Somebody get me a hairdryer. I have to put it on its lowest setting and blow this featherweight out of my thread...
I love how you like to quote historical reference points and then glaze over, or completely ignore, the more pertinent and sordid points when it comes to race and racism throughout American history.
Unfortunately, the chimpanzee depicted i that cartoon strikes a very racial chord for blacks....and that is where you become like are the victim of "white obliviousness"...
Whiteness, and the privileges conferred for being white, don't exist. Everything just IS. Successes are the result of hard work. That cartoon? POLICE shooting a monkey. The police aren't even white. They are just... policemen.To blacks it means much, much more and rightfully so given American history. Since there are literally no blacks in that cartoon, you are quick to take it at face value. "It's just a chimp...and uhhh....ya know...that chimp who mauled that woman was shot and killed by cops just like the one in the cartoon....we live in 2010 and no one would EVER think or even compare blacks to any other species! Certainly not I!"
What a nice little finger painting of the world you've made with your fecal laden hands (feces of the racist shit you pick up and spread throughout these forums).
Unfortunately, virtually all blacks know of white's historical subhuman depiction of black people. Slavery was partly based upon such a disturbing depiction. Blacks were animals, could be shackled, whipped and trained to perform a duty (The one bonus slave masters had when they acknowledged the humanity of blacks was when they raped young black female slaves, as our esteemed founding father, Thomas Jefferson most likely did numerous times...time has erased any verifiable verbal testimony from a slave...)
Black Americana, sold throughout the United States in the late 19th and half of the 20th century, goes one step further to bring racist words and thoughts into the physical realm...the stupid black 'darkie', with features that closely resembling a monkey, is unclean and inferior. There's even a market for it an Ebay. Not surprisingly given the white skin involved with another afflicted group, anything concerning negative depictions of person by Nazis is either relatively tame or nonexistent on Ebay. But I digress...
The Bronx Zoo even went one step further featuring an exhibit in the early 1900's with a black man behind bars...nothing more. JUST A BLACK MAN. They made sure the sign by the exhibit saying the word "gorilla" would ensure the BIG JOKE was not lost on the paying customers (many of whom were white children).
Be mindful such PUBLIC depictions of blacks as monkeys happen right up until today with a company releasing a doll depicting Obama as a monkey in a suit. It was quite popular until the company was forced to stop selling it. The cocksucker Esplanade even had an avatar of the president with monkey-like and/or exaggerated black features (something he has since removed since it became obvious, a PM to a Mod could have a 1 in a million chance of getting him boxed or banned)
The point is that blacks being depicted as monkeys has LONG BEEN and is STILL ENGRAINED within white and black public consciousness and should be COMPLETELY OFF LIMITS to a major news publication, TV, website, or radio. But it clearly isn't.
Attempting to counter with "BUT I DON'T think like this", is a common and empty refrain because (outside of the fact I wouldn't believe you) your views and thoughts do not outweigh centuries of relevant history within the overall consciousness of black American citizens with regard to this issue.
I haven't even BROACHED the white cops shown in the cartoon... specifically America's and NEW YORK's eye-popping record when it comes to profiling, abuse, and MURDER of blacks at the hands of a militant and aggressive police force....that's a topic we may get to if you're lucky...
If a single black man was polled, The Post would have never ran that cartoon. If a hundred were, they would hire more black staff members to provide the black perspective in NY and the US. Instead, they ran it, were publicly humiliated and forced to apologize for it. So goes the consequences of white pride.
The lesson here Jerry, and I'll teach you many before this thread is through, is to consider the minority perspective, in this case, black perspective if ANYTHING Is of questionable content in a public forum. Exercise your right to free speech of course.
But be mindful of who is standing right behind you when you do...I wouldn't want to turn around...
Just cause someone thinks somethings racist doesnt make it so....
Pouring syrup on shit dont make it pancakes
The fucking country is going to hell and its starting with lefty crybaby pussies like yourself. Boo fucking hoo. As if the US doesnt have enough problems,now we gotta spend time and energy on a fuckin cartoon? If all fairness, that monkey look rabid and need to be put down. What was left out of the picture is the baby he killed after escaping from the zoo. Its amazing how you can draw so many conclusion from 1 single snapshot....
Scal...face it are the biggest racist at Covers
Just cause someone thinks somethings racist doesnt make it so....
Pouring syrup on shit dont make it pancakes
The fucking country is going to hell and its starting with lefty crybaby pussies like yourself. Boo fucking hoo. As if the US doesnt have enough problems,now we gotta spend time and energy on a fuckin cartoon? If all fairness, that monkey look rabid and need to be put down. What was left out of the picture is the baby he killed after escaping from the zoo. Its amazing how you can draw so many conclusion from 1 single snapshot....
Scal...face it are the biggest racist at Covers
Just cause someone thinks somethings racist doesnt make it so....
Pouring syrup on shit dont make it pancakes
The fucking country is going to hell and its starting with lefty crybaby pussies like yourself. Boo fucking hoo. As if the US doesnt have enough problems,now we gotta spend time and energy on a fuckin cartoon? If all fairness, that monkey look rabid and need to be put down. What was left out of the picture is the baby he killed after escaping from the zoo. Its amazing how you can draw so many conclusion from 1 single snapshot....
Scal...face it are the biggest racist at Covers
By Robert M. Grooms
© 1997
In an 1856 letter to his wife Mary Custis Lee, Robert E. Lee called slavery "a moral and political evil." Yet he concluded that black slaves were immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, socially and physically.
The fact is large numbers of free Negroes owned black slaves; in fact, in numbers disproportionate to their representation in society at large. In 1860 only a small minority of whites owned slaves. According to the U.S. census report for that last year before the Civil War, there were nearly 27 million whites in the country. Some eight million of them lived in the slaveholding states.
The census also determined that there were fewer than 385,000 individuals who owned slaves (1). Even if all slaveholders had been white, that would amount to only 1.4 percent of whites in the country (or 4.8 percent of southern whites owning one or more slaves).
In the rare instances when the ownership of slaves by free Negroes is acknowledged in the history books, justification centers on the claim that black slave masters were simply individuals who purchased the freedom of a spouse or child from a white slaveholder and had been unable to legally manumit them. Although this did indeed happen at times, it is a misrepresentation of the majority of instances, one which is debunked by records of the period on blacks who owned slaves. These include individuals such as Justus Angel and Mistress L. Horry, of Colleton District, South Carolina, who each owned 84 slaves in 1830. In fact, in 1830 a fourth of the free Negro slave masters in South Carolina owned 10 or more slaves; eight owning 30 or more (2).
According to federal census reports, on June 1, 1860 there were nearly 4.5 million Negroes in the United States, with fewer than four million of them living in the southern slaveholding states. Of the blacks residing in the South, 261,988 were not slaves. Of this number, 10,689 lived in New Orleans. The country's leading African American historian, Duke University professor John Hope Franklin, records that in New Orleans over 3,000 free Negroes owned slaves, or 28 percent of the free Negroes in that city.
To return to the census figures quoted above, this 28 percent is certainly impressive when compared to less than 1.4 percent of all American whites and less than 4.8 percent of southern whites. The statistics show that, when free, blacks disproportionately became slave masters.
The majority of slaveholders, white and black, owned only one to five slaves. More often than not, and contrary to a century and a half of bullwhips-on-tortured-backs propaganda, black and white masters worked and ate alongside their charges; be it in house, field or workshop. The few individuals who owned 50 or more slaves were confined to the top one percent, and have been defined as slave magnates.
In 1860 there were at least six Negroes in Louisiana who owned 65 or more slaves The largest number, 152 slaves, were owned by the widow C. Richards and her son P.C. Richards, who owned a large sugar cane plantation. Another Negro slave magnate in Louisiana, with over 100 slaves, was Antoine Dubuclet, a sugar planter whose estate was valued at (in 1860 dollars) $264,000 (3). That year, the mean wealth of southern white men was $3,978 (4).
In Charleston, South Carolina in 1860 125 free Negroes owned slaves; six of them owning 10 or more. Of the $1.5 million in taxable property owned by free Negroes in Charleston, more than $300,000 represented slave holdings (5). In North Carolina 69 free Negroes were slave owners (6).
In 1860 William Ellison was South Carolina's largest Negro slaveowner. In Black Masters. A Free Family of Color in the Old South, authors Michael P. Johnson and James L. Roak write a sympathetic account of Ellison's life. From Ellison's birth as a slave to his death at 71, the authors attempt to provide justification, based on their own speculation, as to why a former slave would become a magnate slave master.
By Robert M. Grooms
© 1997
In an 1856 letter to his wife Mary Custis Lee, Robert E. Lee called slavery "a moral and political evil." Yet he concluded that black slaves were immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, socially and physically.
The fact is large numbers of free Negroes owned black slaves; in fact, in numbers disproportionate to their representation in society at large. In 1860 only a small minority of whites owned slaves. According to the U.S. census report for that last year before the Civil War, there were nearly 27 million whites in the country. Some eight million of them lived in the slaveholding states.
The census also determined that there were fewer than 385,000 individuals who owned slaves (1). Even if all slaveholders had been white, that would amount to only 1.4 percent of whites in the country (or 4.8 percent of southern whites owning one or more slaves).
In the rare instances when the ownership of slaves by free Negroes is acknowledged in the history books, justification centers on the claim that black slave masters were simply individuals who purchased the freedom of a spouse or child from a white slaveholder and had been unable to legally manumit them. Although this did indeed happen at times, it is a misrepresentation of the majority of instances, one which is debunked by records of the period on blacks who owned slaves. These include individuals such as Justus Angel and Mistress L. Horry, of Colleton District, South Carolina, who each owned 84 slaves in 1830. In fact, in 1830 a fourth of the free Negro slave masters in South Carolina owned 10 or more slaves; eight owning 30 or more (2).
According to federal census reports, on June 1, 1860 there were nearly 4.5 million Negroes in the United States, with fewer than four million of them living in the southern slaveholding states. Of the blacks residing in the South, 261,988 were not slaves. Of this number, 10,689 lived in New Orleans. The country's leading African American historian, Duke University professor John Hope Franklin, records that in New Orleans over 3,000 free Negroes owned slaves, or 28 percent of the free Negroes in that city.
To return to the census figures quoted above, this 28 percent is certainly impressive when compared to less than 1.4 percent of all American whites and less than 4.8 percent of southern whites. The statistics show that, when free, blacks disproportionately became slave masters.
The majority of slaveholders, white and black, owned only one to five slaves. More often than not, and contrary to a century and a half of bullwhips-on-tortured-backs propaganda, black and white masters worked and ate alongside their charges; be it in house, field or workshop. The few individuals who owned 50 or more slaves were confined to the top one percent, and have been defined as slave magnates.
In 1860 there were at least six Negroes in Louisiana who owned 65 or more slaves The largest number, 152 slaves, were owned by the widow C. Richards and her son P.C. Richards, who owned a large sugar cane plantation. Another Negro slave magnate in Louisiana, with over 100 slaves, was Antoine Dubuclet, a sugar planter whose estate was valued at (in 1860 dollars) $264,000 (3). That year, the mean wealth of southern white men was $3,978 (4).
In Charleston, South Carolina in 1860 125 free Negroes owned slaves; six of them owning 10 or more. Of the $1.5 million in taxable property owned by free Negroes in Charleston, more than $300,000 represented slave holdings (5). In North Carolina 69 free Negroes were slave owners (6).
In 1860 William Ellison was South Carolina's largest Negro slaveowner. In Black Masters. A Free Family of Color in the Old South, authors Michael P. Johnson and James L. Roak write a sympathetic account of Ellison's life. From Ellison's birth as a slave to his death at 71, the authors attempt to provide justification, based on their own speculation, as to why a former slave would become a magnate slave master.
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