Now,this is getting silly..
Lefty powerbrokers inside Covers acting like the petulant and very childish Left during the greatest State of the Union speech ever given! And Slim. It has reached the point of silliness and immaturity!
Lefty powerbrokers inside Covers acting like the petulant and very childish Left during the greatest State of the Union speech ever given! And Slim. It has reached the point of silliness and immaturity!
Just read your last 5 posts, ????
Obviously there is a lot of cry babies that just your presence makes them whine. Twice now, just you asking a question sends you to the box.
This place gets more revealing every day.
Just read your last 5 posts, ????
Obviously there is a lot of cry babies that just your presence makes them whine. Twice now, just you asking a question sends you to the box.
This place gets more revealing every day.
Your group has been asked repeatedly to stop with the stalking and useless combative nonsense in those threads but you just dont stop. There will not be much more room for discussion when the words are ignored, the only recourse will be banning.
Is it worth all this crap just to force yourself where you are not wanted? Move along and stop being childish, all of you.
Your group has been asked repeatedly to stop with the stalking and useless combative nonsense in those threads but you just dont stop. There will not be much more room for discussion when the words are ignored, the only recourse will be banning.
Is it worth all this crap just to force yourself where you are not wanted? Move along and stop being childish, all of you.
Who me ? Yeah I personally think that Nas won the beef versus Jay-Z . But I can respect how some people think Hov won .
Who me ? Yeah I personally think that Nas won the beef versus Jay-Z . But I can respect how some people think Hov won .
Move along?????
No I will not. Believe in HONOR and PRINCIPLES.
Nothing these two above have posted has violated this sites rules.
Is this an open forum or partisan forum?
Move along?????
No I will not. Believe in HONOR and PRINCIPLES.
Nothing these two above have posted has violated this sites rules.
Is this an open forum or partisan forum?
Wow it is like we have discussed this 100 times and you act like it is new information. The site has rules as to how members interact with each other. If the purpose of interaction is to antagonize, annoy, pester and about 50 other adjectives then it is breaking site rules. Especially in that forum it has been discussed for years what is reasonable and what is not. If you have an issue with a member then THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE TO HAVE IT. So keep your principals for whatever cause you are fighting but voice them where the site allows, this forum is the only place we allow such things.
That is the only discussion on the topic and if you or they or any of your clan decides to continue pecking at others who have repeatedly asked respectfully and calmly to not engage with them given that the purpose is to debate/antagonize then you are going to continue to have issues and end up being banned.
If you are completely unable to restrain yourself then I suggest you stop entering those threads and ignore them to stop your temper and lack of self control.
Wow it is like we have discussed this 100 times and you act like it is new information. The site has rules as to how members interact with each other. If the purpose of interaction is to antagonize, annoy, pester and about 50 other adjectives then it is breaking site rules. Especially in that forum it has been discussed for years what is reasonable and what is not. If you have an issue with a member then THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE TO HAVE IT. So keep your principals for whatever cause you are fighting but voice them where the site allows, this forum is the only place we allow such things.
That is the only discussion on the topic and if you or they or any of your clan decides to continue pecking at others who have repeatedly asked respectfully and calmly to not engage with them given that the purpose is to debate/antagonize then you are going to continue to have issues and end up being banned.
If you are completely unable to restrain yourself then I suggest you stop entering those threads and ignore them to stop your temper and lack of self control.
Wow, it's like 100 times those put here ask what was their infraction and no transparency ever happens. And for obvious good reasons the way the rules are twisted.
Ok, give me a list of posters and threads I am not to respond to. Will make sure I avoid them.
And while were at it I ask you to please stop responding to my posts unless you have an official moderator announcement. I find your retorts condescending to say the least. In Mugg's "I am embarrased for Biden voters" you interjected yourself 10 times in the first 100 posts and IMO it was to antagonize the thread posters. Why were you in the thread to begin with posts that "make it simple for you", deflect garbage is weak, the you did so I can stuff is for kiddies., etc ???
Then you tell a now former member; "Discussion is the purpose for a forum not talking to yourself without a purpose OF discussion." Really?? Yet you defend those who do just that on a daily basis.
Would be happy to provide examples.
Wow, it's like 100 times those put here ask what was their infraction and no transparency ever happens. And for obvious good reasons the way the rules are twisted.
Ok, give me a list of posters and threads I am not to respond to. Will make sure I avoid them.
And while were at it I ask you to please stop responding to my posts unless you have an official moderator announcement. I find your retorts condescending to say the least. In Mugg's "I am embarrased for Biden voters" you interjected yourself 10 times in the first 100 posts and IMO it was to antagonize the thread posters. Why were you in the thread to begin with posts that "make it simple for you", deflect garbage is weak, the you did so I can stuff is for kiddies., etc ???
Then you tell a now former member; "Discussion is the purpose for a forum not talking to yourself without a purpose OF discussion." Really?? Yet you defend those who do just that on a daily basis.
Would be happy to provide examples.
If you guys need me to interject and to play the mediary I’d be more than happy to oblige because I just want to see you guys communicate well and on a higher level , because there are so many times in this life where I see people just completely whiff on what the other person is saying that I just can’t take it anymore as it breaks my heart each and every single time .
So pretty please with sugar on top don’t break my heart guys . Let me help .
If you guys need me to interject and to play the mediary I’d be more than happy to oblige because I just want to see you guys communicate well and on a higher level , because there are so many times in this life where I see people just completely whiff on what the other person is saying that I just can’t take it anymore as it breaks my heart each and every single time .
So pretty please with sugar on top don’t break my heart guys . Let me help .
I was reviewing your correspondence to each other from the above posts . You both each make valid and interesting points . I have many thoughts on this situation . Number 13 will shock you .
I was reviewing your correspondence to each other from the above posts . You both each make valid and interesting points . I have many thoughts on this situation . Number 13 will shock you .
So have we not discussed your partisan tangent in #9? I am quite positive Ive answered this exact topic like 20 times. As to leading you by the nose I think you are creating excess drama needing to make a list for you. It is obvious who the group is, where the infractions are and what you should be doing and not doing.
Your repeated negative jaded comments on a topic that has been discussed so many times is pointless. I do not answer the same questions over and over and over and over when they have been answered many times over many years.
If you truly are in doubt, error on the side of avoiding drama, creating discord and being a respectful, reasonable and upstanding member. You do not need to be treated like a 5 year old here, even though Ive had to spell everything out in excesses for ZERO purpose but to bug the crap out of me.
Try harder...
So have we not discussed your partisan tangent in #9? I am quite positive Ive answered this exact topic like 20 times. As to leading you by the nose I think you are creating excess drama needing to make a list for you. It is obvious who the group is, where the infractions are and what you should be doing and not doing.
Your repeated negative jaded comments on a topic that has been discussed so many times is pointless. I do not answer the same questions over and over and over and over when they have been answered many times over many years.
If you truly are in doubt, error on the side of avoiding drama, creating discord and being a respectful, reasonable and upstanding member. You do not need to be treated like a 5 year old here, even though Ive had to spell everything out in excesses for ZERO purpose but to bug the crap out of me.
Try harder...
The offer still stands .
In a weary and weathered Muhammad Ali after he knocked out George Foreman way because he was tired and depleted after absorbing so much punishment but it stands nonetheless .
Because I think I have the missing ingredient your political pot pie is missing .
It’s called bipartisanship , and boy is it a stunna on the tastebuds .
You feel me ?
so how bout it ? You guys need some help ?
The offer still stands .
In a weary and weathered Muhammad Ali after he knocked out George Foreman way because he was tired and depleted after absorbing so much punishment but it stands nonetheless .
Because I think I have the missing ingredient your political pot pie is missing .
It’s called bipartisanship , and boy is it a stunna on the tastebuds .
You feel me ?
so how bout it ? You guys need some help ?
Yo . I’m here for another 10 minutes before Bible Study lets out . I got the peeps reviewing how the crowd rallied for Barabas and against Jesus Christ when Pontius Pilate gave them the option between who should live or be crucified . But then I’ll be gone for a while . Let me know . Let’s do this now . I’m feeling it . Peace is in the air . I just know it .
Yo . I’m here for another 10 minutes before Bible Study lets out . I got the peeps reviewing how the crowd rallied for Barabas and against Jesus Christ when Pontius Pilate gave them the option between who should live or be crucified . But then I’ll be gone for a while . Let me know . Let’s do this now . I’m feeling it . Peace is in the air . I just know it .
"Leading you by the nose" ???
Obviously if I can find no reason for Slim's boxing (haven't looked at Sundance yet) then no, it's not obvious who the group is or what the infraction is. Not obvious at all. Please enlighten.
And if this "group" that I'm supposed to avoid enters a thread I am posting in are they not in the wrong? Or is it me and the "clan" that only need to "move on"?
"Discussion is the purpose for a forum not talking to yourself without a purpose OF discussion." How does this statement work with avoiding others?
This is unbelievable.
Correction to post #9; It was 10 posts out of the first 50, not 100.
"Leading you by the nose" ???
Obviously if I can find no reason for Slim's boxing (haven't looked at Sundance yet) then no, it's not obvious who the group is or what the infraction is. Not obvious at all. Please enlighten.
And if this "group" that I'm supposed to avoid enters a thread I am posting in are they not in the wrong? Or is it me and the "clan" that only need to "move on"?
"Discussion is the purpose for a forum not talking to yourself without a purpose OF discussion." How does this statement work with avoiding others?
This is unbelievable.
Correction to post #9; It was 10 posts out of the first 50, not 100.
I am not engaging with immature retorts here, especially when you completely take a comment I made out of context. You are looking to be combative and I will not engage with combative nonsense.
What you are missing in content is because you are part of the problem and you are a multiple offender. There is absolutely zero reason to go into ANY thread and make useless combative comments which add no value, no discussion, no purpose but to antagonize and annoy...that is ANY thread. Then you add to this that your side has almost daily infractions of going into threads which you know are not seeking discussion of that sort or really any. Your side has been so abusive and combative that certain members will NEVER EVER engage with your group, it is that bad. So going into threads where you have wrecked any engagement and THEN making combative, petting partisan comments is compounding an issue and making it a multiple worse.
My word....this is absurd.
I am not engaging with immature retorts here, especially when you completely take a comment I made out of context. You are looking to be combative and I will not engage with combative nonsense.
What you are missing in content is because you are part of the problem and you are a multiple offender. There is absolutely zero reason to go into ANY thread and make useless combative comments which add no value, no discussion, no purpose but to antagonize and annoy...that is ANY thread. Then you add to this that your side has almost daily infractions of going into threads which you know are not seeking discussion of that sort or really any. Your side has been so abusive and combative that certain members will NEVER EVER engage with your group, it is that bad. So going into threads where you have wrecked any engagement and THEN making combative, petting partisan comments is compounding an issue and making it a multiple worse.
My word....this is absurd.
In my opinion you guys are doing a great job of getting your points across . You’re looking to clarify things . I respect that .
But remember , when semantics mixes itself with the art of looking at things subjectively the resulting cocktail of gibberish will leave you befuddled and feeling drunk because in reality you were just “ slipped a mickey “
Or you can look at it this way .
it’s like doing ayahuasca . Because taken separately the two plants that make up that psychedelic concoction aren’t much trouble , but when you put them together it becomes quite a baffling and strange experience .
I caught that little rhyme you did at the end . It was good
In my opinion you guys are doing a great job of getting your points across . You’re looking to clarify things . I respect that .
But remember , when semantics mixes itself with the art of looking at things subjectively the resulting cocktail of gibberish will leave you befuddled and feeling drunk because in reality you were just “ slipped a mickey “
Or you can look at it this way .
it’s like doing ayahuasca . Because taken separately the two plants that make up that psychedelic concoction aren’t much trouble , but when you put them together it becomes quite a baffling and strange experience .
I caught that little rhyme you did at the end . It was good
So now posting in the same threads as certain posters is stalking? I'm having a hard time understanding your interpretation of the TOS. Threatening sundance with banning now? For what?
So now posting in the same threads as certain posters is stalking? I'm having a hard time understanding your interpretation of the TOS. Threatening sundance with banning now? For what?
What exactly did Slim do. Which post(s) are interpreted as harassment? What exactly are you interpreting as "stalking"? Your goal seems to be establishing echo chambers. You have mentioned "posting in X person's thread" multiple times, as if thread ownership is a thing. It isn't. Now you have repeatedly referred to stalking. What exactly are you defining as "stalking". I am not playing devil's advocate. I am genuinely interested.
What exactly did Slim do. Which post(s) are interpreted as harassment? What exactly are you interpreting as "stalking"? Your goal seems to be establishing echo chambers. You have mentioned "posting in X person's thread" multiple times, as if thread ownership is a thing. It isn't. Now you have repeatedly referred to stalking. What exactly are you defining as "stalking". I am not playing devil's advocate. I am genuinely interested.
Read post 17 a few times, this question is quite perplexing because the concept of how to interact with other members is not that complex. I find this repeated question as reactive and defensive when someone is looking for an excuse for stalking/trolling etc and I have answered this like 50 times and yet again in post 17.
Read post 17 a few times, this question is quite perplexing because the concept of how to interact with other members is not that complex. I find this repeated question as reactive and defensive when someone is looking for an excuse for stalking/trolling etc and I have answered this like 50 times and yet again in post 17.
I’m not a doctor but I’ve had dinner with Patrick Dempsey who played one on tv .
And my best guess is that sundance was threatened with a banning because wallstreetcappers was bullied in his youth .
And now he is taking out his unresolved anger over that issue on a forum member to which he is a moderator ,
but in reality it isn’t a good fit for him to be a moderator , because he is biased , politically speaking , and it’s a huge conflict of interest , which makes it impossible for him to moderate fairly .
but he doesn’t see that . He doesn’t comprehend that logic . It’s not your fault cap . You’re human . You are influenced in your decision making by your belief system .
Flawed living thing to flawed living thing I forgive you .
I’m not a doctor but I’ve had dinner with Patrick Dempsey who played one on tv .
And my best guess is that sundance was threatened with a banning because wallstreetcappers was bullied in his youth .
And now he is taking out his unresolved anger over that issue on a forum member to which he is a moderator ,
but in reality it isn’t a good fit for him to be a moderator , because he is biased , politically speaking , and it’s a huge conflict of interest , which makes it impossible for him to moderate fairly .
but he doesn’t see that . He doesn’t comprehend that logic . It’s not your fault cap . You’re human . You are influenced in your decision making by your belief system .
Flawed living thing to flawed living thing I forgive you .
Stu, almost every post reply starts with a condescending snotty reply.
Shocking development. Are you going to learn at some point or should I just ban both of you instead?
Your group has been asked repeatedly to stop with the stalking and useless combative nonsense
So have we not discussed your partisan tangent in #9?
I am not engaging with immature retorts
This person apparently can't help themselves. Obviously a built-in hatred.
Would not bold, enlarged, and colored STUPID MAGAS repeated over and over not be considered useless combative nonsense? Then you get the canned reply; if it bothers you "report it". Yeah right.
We all know there are those here who post nothing but Left propaganda and never engage. Concept on how to interact?
Whatever, I tried.
Stu, almost every post reply starts with a condescending snotty reply.
Shocking development. Are you going to learn at some point or should I just ban both of you instead?
Your group has been asked repeatedly to stop with the stalking and useless combative nonsense
So have we not discussed your partisan tangent in #9?
I am not engaging with immature retorts
This person apparently can't help themselves. Obviously a built-in hatred.
Would not bold, enlarged, and colored STUPID MAGAS repeated over and over not be considered useless combative nonsense? Then you get the canned reply; if it bothers you "report it". Yeah right.
We all know there are those here who post nothing but Left propaganda and never engage. Concept on how to interact?
Whatever, I tried.
Problems corrected
"If the purpose of interaction is to antagonize, annoy, pester and about 50 other adjectives then it is breaking site rules."
UNI,Do you feel that the purpose of these threads below ( just on page #1) is to debate and not combative nonsense to antagonize ?
Prime example of the other CLAN trolling
1.) We have picked a terrible time to have the stupidest president ever.
2.) President Greatness Project Expert Survey ranks Biden #14...Obama#7GWBush #32..Trump ranks DEAD LAST.
3.) What damage to America does the traitor and his party plan for the rest of the year ?
4.)Trump lies so much .
5.) Con artist Trumpy already trying to get away from his pre election
6.) How low can Trump go ?
7.) Even more trump FRAUD and CORRUPTION.
..and more ...
Problems corrected
"If the purpose of interaction is to antagonize, annoy, pester and about 50 other adjectives then it is breaking site rules."
UNI,Do you feel that the purpose of these threads below ( just on page #1) is to debate and not combative nonsense to antagonize ?
Prime example of the other CLAN trolling
1.) We have picked a terrible time to have the stupidest president ever.
2.) President Greatness Project Expert Survey ranks Biden #14...Obama#7GWBush #32..Trump ranks DEAD LAST.
3.) What damage to America does the traitor and his party plan for the rest of the year ?
4.)Trump lies so much .
5.) Con artist Trumpy already trying to get away from his pre election
6.) How low can Trump go ?
7.) Even more trump FRAUD and CORRUPTION.
..and more ...
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