He can still win. But there has to be a combo: ill health /report on Hillary + yet another corruption claim that really bothers voters + very low turnout from blacks and Latinos + ???
At the same time Trump needs to change gears from who and how he is and what got him to this point, and play the game of a major world leader with carefully chosen words. Error free ball in other words.
He can still win. But there has to be a combo: ill health /report on Hillary + yet another corruption claim that really bothers voters + very low turnout from blacks and Latinos + ???
At the same time Trump needs to change gears from who and how he is and what got him to this point, and play the game of a major world leader with carefully chosen words. Error free ball in other words.
Mainstream media is not gonna let off the pedal everyday till nov 8th. This is too much. So obvious she has been coronated already. Revolting spectacle of her goofy smile and creepy stalker half corpse bill on stage with balloons and confetti.
Mainstream media is not gonna let off the pedal everyday till nov 8th. This is too much. So obvious she has been coronated already. Revolting spectacle of her goofy smile and creepy stalker half corpse bill on stage with balloons and confetti.
But more importantly - i think the republicans share some blame in this. If there was ever an election that was ripe for the GOP to win it was this one. Hillary has so many negatives against her that it should of been an easy (relatively speaking) win for the GOP. But they failed in the last four years to get their house in order. Why did they have 17 candidates for the primary? That is honestly very absurd and speaks to a lack of focus and direction. How is there so much decide that a phony businessman and reality TV show bully is the nominee. Think about that. It is amazing. He can't even get along with his party. I know some support him but I am sure behind closed doors the majority of them are saying how the heck did we end up in this fiasco?
Say all you want to about Hillary and the clintons and the CIA etc. I do not completely disagree with these comments - but man if the GOP had even the foggiest hint at a planned approach we would probably be speaking a different story.
This is a very strange thread.
But more importantly - i think the republicans share some blame in this. If there was ever an election that was ripe for the GOP to win it was this one. Hillary has so many negatives against her that it should of been an easy (relatively speaking) win for the GOP. But they failed in the last four years to get their house in order. Why did they have 17 candidates for the primary? That is honestly very absurd and speaks to a lack of focus and direction. How is there so much decide that a phony businessman and reality TV show bully is the nominee. Think about that. It is amazing. He can't even get along with his party. I know some support him but I am sure behind closed doors the majority of them are saying how the heck did we end up in this fiasco?
Say all you want to about Hillary and the clintons and the CIA etc. I do not completely disagree with these comments - but man if the GOP had even the foggiest hint at a planned approach we would probably be speaking a different story.
But more importantly - i think the republicans share some blame in this. If there was ever an election that was ripe for the GOP to win it was this one. Hillary has so many negatives against her that it should of been an easy (relatively speaking) win for the GOP. But they failed in the last four years to get their house in order. Why did they have 17 candidates for the primary? That is honestly very absurd and speaks to a lack of focus and direction. How is there so much decide that a phony businessman and reality TV show bully is the nominee. Think about that. It is amazing. He can't even get along with his party. I know some support him but I am sure behind closed doors the majority of them are saying how the heck did we end up in this fiasco?
Say all you want to about Hillary and the clintons and the CIA etc. I do not completely disagree with these comments - but man if the GOP had even the foggiest hint at a planned approach we would probably be speaking a different story.
Agree with everything you said except the strange thread part. It is different, but maybe that is the strange part.
Clinton Presidency will be a nightmare.
1) Bill is going to die while she is in office.
2) Hillary will show signs of old age fragility and mental instability.
3) She is a proven backroom negotiator and board member --but this coalition of anti trump will unravel as trump is not there and she stands on her own.
4) Econo ic collapse of the middle class as she gives wall street backers everything they wanted
5) terrorism and ISIS in full terroristic adventurism, running stride for stride with open borders and an unwillingness to check who is entering the US.
6) War. Hillary goes for every war--period.
7) Further disunity and community disconnection as racial divides are incited by democratic liberal reforms
8) further urban blight as seen in other democrat controlled cities (CHICAGO, Detroit, Flint, D.C., Watts, Atlanta...) with increased racial strife, further poverty from lowered wages, lowered economic growth, jobs overseas.
Quote Originally Posted by mattbrot:
This is a very strange thread.
But more importantly - i think the republicans share some blame in this. If there was ever an election that was ripe for the GOP to win it was this one. Hillary has so many negatives against her that it should of been an easy (relatively speaking) win for the GOP. But they failed in the last four years to get their house in order. Why did they have 17 candidates for the primary? That is honestly very absurd and speaks to a lack of focus and direction. How is there so much decide that a phony businessman and reality TV show bully is the nominee. Think about that. It is amazing. He can't even get along with his party. I know some support him but I am sure behind closed doors the majority of them are saying how the heck did we end up in this fiasco?
Say all you want to about Hillary and the clintons and the CIA etc. I do not completely disagree with these comments - but man if the GOP had even the foggiest hint at a planned approach we would probably be speaking a different story.
Agree with everything you said except the strange thread part. It is different, but maybe that is the strange part.
Clinton Presidency will be a nightmare.
1) Bill is going to die while she is in office.
2) Hillary will show signs of old age fragility and mental instability.
3) She is a proven backroom negotiator and board member --but this coalition of anti trump will unravel as trump is not there and she stands on her own.
4) Econo ic collapse of the middle class as she gives wall street backers everything they wanted
5) terrorism and ISIS in full terroristic adventurism, running stride for stride with open borders and an unwillingness to check who is entering the US.
6) War. Hillary goes for every war--period.
7) Further disunity and community disconnection as racial divides are incited by democratic liberal reforms
8) further urban blight as seen in other democrat controlled cities (CHICAGO, Detroit, Flint, D.C., Watts, Atlanta...) with increased racial strife, further poverty from lowered wages, lowered economic growth, jobs overseas.
Is Pennsylvania in play? The states that are within reach are in Vegas around +200 or more:
Ohio + Penn + Florida + Nevada + Colorado
Nevada and Colorado have seen huge immigration numbers of Mexican nationals and they are first generation immigrants within the last ten years (within Obama's tenure) and were registered Democrat by an 8:! margin. This is a difficult task for Trump in those two.
Ohio and Penn are the states that allow Trump the most plausible chance at victory with Nevada and Colorado becoming impossibly and solidly democrat. Pennsylvania becomes a necessity even if Trump takes Ohio and Florida. Yet with 5-9 point leads, the possibility is narrow.
Every election has a key state scenario. This year it is Pennsylvania. It has not gone Republican since Herbert Walker in 1988. NOT LIKELY.
As a gambler, Iowa at +205 appears a good wager to go republican. Obama too these twice. It is a focal point of the Trump camp, receiving time, $$$, and it's been goal from day one. Democrats have not been giving Iowa any attention at all. They are looking at keeping Virginia and putting Trump on the defensive in N. Carolina. Pennsylvania is a MAJOR STATE of emphasis for Hillary. They are getting bombarded by "with her" ads daily, many "university type" rallies, and they ALSO see Pennsylvania as mathematically THE ONLY possibility for Trump. There are a lot of disgruntled unionized workers, angry democrats in Pennsylvania. Iowa is being virtually written off by Hillary, so again, I'd give IOWA a major look at making $$$.
Is Pennsylvania in play? The states that are within reach are in Vegas around +200 or more:
Ohio + Penn + Florida + Nevada + Colorado
Nevada and Colorado have seen huge immigration numbers of Mexican nationals and they are first generation immigrants within the last ten years (within Obama's tenure) and were registered Democrat by an 8:! margin. This is a difficult task for Trump in those two.
Ohio and Penn are the states that allow Trump the most plausible chance at victory with Nevada and Colorado becoming impossibly and solidly democrat. Pennsylvania becomes a necessity even if Trump takes Ohio and Florida. Yet with 5-9 point leads, the possibility is narrow.
Every election has a key state scenario. This year it is Pennsylvania. It has not gone Republican since Herbert Walker in 1988. NOT LIKELY.
As a gambler, Iowa at +205 appears a good wager to go republican. Obama too these twice. It is a focal point of the Trump camp, receiving time, $$$, and it's been goal from day one. Democrats have not been giving Iowa any attention at all. They are looking at keeping Virginia and putting Trump on the defensive in N. Carolina. Pennsylvania is a MAJOR STATE of emphasis for Hillary. They are getting bombarded by "with her" ads daily, many "university type" rallies, and they ALSO see Pennsylvania as mathematically THE ONLY possibility for Trump. There are a lot of disgruntled unionized workers, angry democrats in Pennsylvania. Iowa is being virtually written off by Hillary, so again, I'd give IOWA a major look at making $$$.
The general election is all but lost. At -300--350 now, this can only get worse in September. If you can't stand wagering and siding with the "devil," but see her taking a few "margin states," then Nevada and/or Colorado have better odds. I would not touch her in SEC country at all, except the "northern SEC' states such as Virginia.Trump has a load of support in Florida, and hispanics in Florida as Cuban origin and Colombian or Venezuelan, ARE very different politically than Mexicans or Central Americans. Latinos tend to be and vote more conservative in Florida.
Pennsylvania is a good state to back Hillary. It is where they had their convention (Trump supporters saw illegal immigrants, liberal hollywood stars who sell out to any cause, muslim terrorist sympathizers, abortionists, etc, but was a hit with democrats) and surge in polls from which they will not look back. This is likely the state that after results are shown on tv, they are planning to announce Hillary as our first female President. Results from red states will not matter after Penn.
The general election is all but lost. At -300--350 now, this can only get worse in September. If you can't stand wagering and siding with the "devil," but see her taking a few "margin states," then Nevada and/or Colorado have better odds. I would not touch her in SEC country at all, except the "northern SEC' states such as Virginia.Trump has a load of support in Florida, and hispanics in Florida as Cuban origin and Colombian or Venezuelan, ARE very different politically than Mexicans or Central Americans. Latinos tend to be and vote more conservative in Florida.
Pennsylvania is a good state to back Hillary. It is where they had their convention (Trump supporters saw illegal immigrants, liberal hollywood stars who sell out to any cause, muslim terrorist sympathizers, abortionists, etc, but was a hit with democrats) and surge in polls from which they will not look back. This is likely the state that after results are shown on tv, they are planning to announce Hillary as our first female President. Results from red states will not matter after Penn.
It is amazing that this election will be decided by people who have no American heritage or history.
AGREE 100%.
It is time (they are telling us) to identify NOT with a nation (its history and heritage), but to see ourselves as global citizens. We can go and live anywhere. What globalists see as "white privilege" is disappearing because "we are all equal" and the law will now help those of color, and "white privilege" will be confronted directly and openly,
Obama, of mixed race, questionable birthplace (still in question actually because of paperwork issues from his parents who filled out forms inaccurately--VERY similar to Ted Cruz--Ted Cruz backers IGNORED his Cuban origin and Canadian birth) is the star representative of this new globalization that is liberal in every aspect. Seems as though they want us to "hurry up and screw each other and have mixed babies..." for this new world order on the horizon.
Trump is trying to gain the presidency through these northern white voters who are in majority, but he will have to gain the support of the manufacturing states of Ohio and Pennsylvania.By labeling Trump as dangerous or unstable, this can keep voters off of their real problems of trade and job loss, and back onto"business a usual" to the liberal globalists. IOWA is within sight for Trump. Its Pence country. Its smaller. Its being ignored by Hillary. Hillary and Kaine are liberal north easterners.
Quote Originally Posted by sundance:
It is amazing that this election will be decided by people who have no American heritage or history.
AGREE 100%.
It is time (they are telling us) to identify NOT with a nation (its history and heritage), but to see ourselves as global citizens. We can go and live anywhere. What globalists see as "white privilege" is disappearing because "we are all equal" and the law will now help those of color, and "white privilege" will be confronted directly and openly,
Obama, of mixed race, questionable birthplace (still in question actually because of paperwork issues from his parents who filled out forms inaccurately--VERY similar to Ted Cruz--Ted Cruz backers IGNORED his Cuban origin and Canadian birth) is the star representative of this new globalization that is liberal in every aspect. Seems as though they want us to "hurry up and screw each other and have mixed babies..." for this new world order on the horizon.
Trump is trying to gain the presidency through these northern white voters who are in majority, but he will have to gain the support of the manufacturing states of Ohio and Pennsylvania.By labeling Trump as dangerous or unstable, this can keep voters off of their real problems of trade and job loss, and back onto"business a usual" to the liberal globalists. IOWA is within sight for Trump. Its Pence country. Its smaller. Its being ignored by Hillary. Hillary and Kaine are liberal north easterners.
I cannot for the life of me understand why someone might think you are racist.
good lord, has a presidential race ever been as race-centered as this one? Its also known as demographics. The quote is what others say / think--not my own. Any comments about this election almost always have to brush close to demographic realties. I don't regard any race or culture as superior. It is evolving. It is mixing. If a government forcefully brings in Muslims to your community and says "Here take care of them" and opens your borders and changes the demographics of entire states within a mere 10 years, is this not deliberate LIBERAL FACISM? (Racism meaning serving the state, obeying the state's directives, and liberal meaning the demolition of cultural and racial barriers by the state) Why is this not deliberate? They bring in refugees by Presidential and governor directives (racism).
Quote Originally Posted by djbrow:
Mixed babies.
I cannot for the life of me understand why someone might think you are racist.
good lord, has a presidential race ever been as race-centered as this one? Its also known as demographics. The quote is what others say / think--not my own. Any comments about this election almost always have to brush close to demographic realties. I don't regard any race or culture as superior. It is evolving. It is mixing. If a government forcefully brings in Muslims to your community and says "Here take care of them" and opens your borders and changes the demographics of entire states within a mere 10 years, is this not deliberate LIBERAL FACISM? (Racism meaning serving the state, obeying the state's directives, and liberal meaning the demolition of cultural and racial barriers by the state) Why is this not deliberate? They bring in refugees by Presidential and governor directives (racism).
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