Quote Originally Posted by djbrow:
Its ironic that you make a statement as truth, I respond that it is untrue, and rather than supporting your original statement with facts, you tell me to support my claim.
But I digress.
It is equally, if not more ironic, that you talk about others inability to be objective whilst you advocate every far right wing position, but attempt to qualify that under the rubric of 'being a contrarian.'
The thing is, you are a fairly articulate guy. One would think that if what you said was true, you would do exactly what you discuss above...take an objective position, examine all of the angles, and debate.
Instead, there is nothing I could learn from you that isn't already part of the right wing manual/platform/handbook. Too bad.
DJ, should you find anything that I have ever written on this entire site that shows me touting any far-right policy, then I will consider you the victor in this little debate.
Most of what I've written in the Politic forum is anti-HRC, and not a single word of it has been debunked by any of the liberals here.
The best argument anyone seems to have for HRC is to attack Trump.
You, as most everyone else who discusses politics, are biased.
This is not an insult, so please don't get defensive/aggressive in response.
I am not a registered Republican.
I look at every political issue from my own perspective, and individually.
I do not tow any party line.
I am conservative regarding fiscal matters.
I am left of center on social issues.
I watch some FOX News, some CNN, and some MSNBC.
My internet reading are similarly diverse, actually more-so.
My friends, mostly conservatives, swear I'm a liberal.
I believe that Donald Trump is an obnoxious, arrogant, narcissistic twit.
But I still have trouble believing that this country is better off with HRC as POTUS.
For a brief period of time I toyed with the idea of giving my vote to Trump, for no other reason than I was on the 'anyone but Hillary' bandwagon.
As things have developed, I have made my decision to not vote for either candidate. (I do not consider Johnson a candidate, and any vote for him is the equivalent of no vote at all)
Does any of this sound like it's coming from a person who "advocates any far right wing position"?
This will be the last word I will type in my attempt to explain myself (i can already hear the "thank God's!) ...
Covers very own resident racist has the ability to read another persons words and draw conclusions which are far removed from the point those words were attempting to make.