It's absolutely hysterical how you have not addressed one point of mine. I guess I now fully understand why steveshane has been so critical of you among others. You have not painted one broadly even reliable source that would assume you have any remote idea what it is you're asserting. You ought to stick to arguing your petty domestic policies with 14
First you made the claim that I am anti-Jewish, and then you went on to try and prove me Truman comment as wrong which it is actually so self-evidently true. You blew off my NPT comment which is extremely important, you again discredited that any aid to Israel couldn’t possibly be fueling anti-Americanism which in fact it has and then you go on to say that “I can explain that having been there and by the Palestinians stated plans to the Jewish settlements in the area. Don't forget...I have been to these settlements.” So this supposed to be the focus your argument. You’re pathetic.
You're unable to debate with me because you're too caught up marginalizing my previous threads about how I've pointed out how Israel is grossly in violation of specific individual human rights, however this thread looks at the bigger picture and you simply discredit all of my points with a broad stroke of absolute bs...
US has provided upwards of 154 billions dollars most of which is direct grants not loans. FACT. Which equates to $500 per capita Egypt being the next recipient receiving $20 per person. FACT
Israel unilaterally declared statehood violating the UN partition that would declared two states. FACT
Israel expanded into more than 75% of Palestinian land engaging in ethnic cleansing and the UN General Assembly adopted resolution 194.... Israel again violated this and has never recognized the Palestinians refugees right to return...FACT
US has no oversight on the way in which Israel used this money we grant them. FACT
The Nixon/Kissinger strategy to back Israel which led to the US overlooking many attempts at peaceful opportunities with former Egyptian president Anwar Sadat tries to cut a deal in 1971-1972. According to Secretary of State this agreement would have surely avoided the 1973 War. FACT
UN General Assembly Resolution 59/124 "Israeli practices affecting human rights of Palestinian people" passed by a vote of 149-7. Among the nations supported the resolution were Japan, Germany, France, China and Great Britain. Those opposed Israel, Australia, Marshall Islands, the US and a couple others..... FACT
Countless notable defense experts inside of Israel and at various institutions have pointed out that Israel is a strategic liability.
Yet you somehow think that the VAST array of civic organizations that attempt to push Israeli foreign policy NOT the US is small and unworthy? You’re saying not any of these groups have any influence at all?? AIPAC, IPF, ADL, ZOA etc..
Do you know anything about interest groups and their power??
Lastly it is hardly unpopular news that US backing for Israel is unpopular elsewhere in the world. People like yourself who think that Israel and the US are unified by a collective terrorist threat have the causal relationship backwards. You can’t seem to grasp this basic idea.
They say when one cannot argue based on facts, they resort to personal attacks. I guess that is true.
The actual 'facts' you cite are either not in dispute nor relevant, nor actual facts (I like how you use editorial blogs to make a claim in fact).
I have responded to your claims. I have pointed out why it is vital to our interests to support stable governments over those that are not. I have pointed out the need to have a stable ally in that region. I have explained how Americans die when we support unstable governments and money and weapons fall into wrong hands. I have described why Israel violated the treaty.
You say you have been to Israel. If that is true, then you know that the West Bank and surrounding lands have Israeli and Palestinian settlements. You would also know that if that land is returned to the Palenstinians, they have stated they will raze the Israeli settlements. Does that bother you in the least? I realize that it does not.
I have also criticized Israeli actions including boarding the ship in October that was bound for Gaza and carried supplies. I have on numerous occasions stated that the far right militant wing in Israel has done its country a disservice. Do you have one post where you criticize Iran or Hamas? Just one? I wonder why that is?