Concerned about this supposedly "shaking the box" strategy of Trump (can also be called the bully kicking down the sand castle)...Denmark has spent untold billions on Greenland, energy and time...and a lot of patience and perseverance to allow Greenlanders to preserve their language, culture, traditions, while at the same time preparing them for a modern economy, bureacracies, taxation, visas, and so on....and for Trump to send his sons and various envoys to entice the Greenlanders with promises of instant retirement (like glass beads of the 1500s) is gut wrenching. I hope the Greenlanders will see how other islands have fared under American influence, notably Okinawa--which is unlike any island of Japan--or Hawaii--Honolulu is indistiguishable from LA. And look how no Native American tribe was able to preserve its language, customs, religion, and their close ties living WITH nature was denigrated and called "savage." Their culture placed into museums as relics now. Denmark should be commended for transitioning Greenlanders to the modern global community, while preserving their culture.
Are these punitive tariffs on Canada, and public calls to join the US simply trolling for policy? Or is it "shaking the box" to question long developed relations and alliances? Is demanding Germany pay 5% GDP for defense a way to forge new alliances altogether?
The US is seen as a promoter of freedom, democracy, free trade, human rights, and this helps other western countries to stand up to Russia and China. China is the largest mercantile empire humanity has ever seen, and they are purchasing more ports, mines, farmland, and gold reserves.....they are a game changer for everyone.
And russia is forever bothering its neigbors...let's not forget they border just about everyone....and they will have every generation, some new idea, way of life, new threaten its neigbors with, and this will be the reality. They now are introducing new modes of banking, commerce, trade....
These are real threats to smaller nations.
If Trump is moving us to a purely transactional relationship, then we will lose an ideological connection, and our values will become scattered as old alliances are fractured. I guess this is what you voted for.