@UNIMAN Still way too early to claim what you just did. One thing I am curious about is that the military helicopter was flying directly into the arrival path and I have no idea how in any shape or form this would be allowed, it is mind boggling to even allow any height or distance to have another object enter the space of commercial passenger airplanes that are taking a set path that every single one of them will use for that period. What I have not heard an answer to (I have not been watching 24/7) is that the helicopter is REQUIRED to maintain contact with the airport traffic control but was that the case and how would it be ensured that the military helicopter would keep contact as they are required? It isnt like there is some regulatory body tracking low path military activities so say the helicopter didnt keep contact or it happens that they do not, how would this even be traceable?
The same ABC article later said; "The helicopter appeared to be flying at about 350 feet, above the mandated 200 feet, according to sources familiar with the operation."
My claim was Trump was right, the helicopter was flying too high. So ABC basically belittles Trump in the headline and then later admits it is probably true.