Quote Originally Posted by DeezyAZ81: So you are saying Trump's real support may be even lower? Some participants might say they are still standing firmly behind Trump, but are really going to vote for Biden just to trick the pollsters and out of sheer embarrassment for their 2016 vote. No, that's not what I'm saying ....what I'm saying is there are tens of million's of middle-class people out there who support President Trump ..However, due to vicious attacks on them by crazed Trump haters.. e.g. wearing a MAGA ,a yard sign,a shirt supporting President Trump..or anything with his name on it..These quiet Trump supporters will not say it out loud ... These are the same "Silent Majority",, that shocked the Nation and the World in 2016..So, if pollsters think they are getting any kind of useful information on the pulse of the country for the 2020 presidential election..( like the polls we see posted in here daily ) they will be as wrong as they were in the last election when Donald Trump schlonged Forbes's most powerful women in the world in 2016... when most all the polls showed Hilary was winning..even on eve of the election
Baseless opinion. Thinking 2020 is 2016 is a grave mistake. How do you know tens of million support Trump, but are afraid to co-sign it? Who told you? Did you personally talk to tens of millions of these people? Silent majority is complete nonsense. What a stupid phrase. Trump didn't even have the majority in the 2016 election before he was wrecking the country. You realize he lost the popular vote by 3 million votes in 2016 right? That means he did not have the majority supporting him, even in 2016. Winning the electoral college is the only goal, but suggesting he has the "silent majority" is simply a baseless talking point you are falling for. Not surprised though.