Whether right wing or left, the important task at hand for all of us (I think you will agree) is to be CORRECT on the challenges and problems we face RIGHT NOW: Terrorism, WAR (colonial wars, religious wars), diseases, environmental degradation, security, corruption...and so many more as they unfold.
1) Obama was correct on his stance on Iraq ("we will pull out of Iraq..." but he has not kept his word. Situation in Iraq is out of control, but it is not his fault, he can blame Bush, but in final analysis, 8 years and it is worse under his watch.
2) Obama is correct in speaking to unify the world and its many cultures, divisive religions, and he has given a voice to condemning past racism and institutionalized racism. He is wrong to give a voice to the Black Muslim Brotherhood (college campus radicals) because they are racist (racist meaning opposite of color blind, and uniting behind a counter culture movement that supports only one race, which is antithetical to the dominant majority caucasian race. "Black Lives Matter" is a racist term, and the name suggests GUILT, because it means that black lives are being lost because they are black and nothing else. He could be taking the opportunity to remind black community to COMPLY with peace officers, and to NEVER talk back, NEVER try to show up a peace officer, NEVER try to show up a peace officer physically at a critical and stressful moment--it is the song time to do so. It is ok to do this at school, shout back, run, outmaneuver teachers and school officials, but NOT a policeman. But he gives validity to BLM by inviting them to the Whie House and championing their cause--which is to imply white officers are first and foremost racist. Not true at all. They need training, a lot of it. How different it COULD BE if Obama would also add, that "further police training is needed" and to provide for more nationwide funds to teach officers how to diffuse a situation, how to understand other cultures, etc.
3. Obama believes (or appears to believe) he is helping to make the world abetter lace by appeasing Muslims and their religion by allowing for refugees to live in the US, by refusing to call radical islamic terrorism a religious act by extremists, and by calling them acts by "sick individuals." Once again(sorry to repeat myself) Obama is NOT DEFUSING A SITUATION, he is making it worse.
4) CORRUPTION--Clinton is making $500,000 for some speeches because these are essentially bribes, they are LEGAL ways to contribute to a candidate by LAW, but with the UNDERSTANDING that she (Hillary) will be favorable to them (Goldman Sahc, Wall Street, etc...) later down the line when she is in office. She knew that the Clinton Foundation was receiving hundreds of millions from foreign individuals trying to buy influence, and this was a LEGAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST in her appointed position as Sec of State---so the decision was CONSCIOUSLY MADE to HIDE TRANSACTIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS from watchful eyes by using a private email server. Email has been the best way to get ahold of her, to give her money for influence. Obama should speak out against corruption, not be complicit because she is " correct about many issues that are good for the future of the country..." (such as open borders, religious tolerance, etc.) Call a spade a spade. The email leaks that show the Democratic Party was helping Clinton to defeat Bernie Sanders helped Clinton in a tight election--THIS IS CORRUPTION. WHEN IS OBAMA GOING TO SPEAK OUT AGAINST THIS??? Once again, he is not leading America out of corruption to protect her democracy.