Quote Originally Posted by KOAJ:
so i understand...i need to pay more in taxes to fund schools in which i have no children, hospitals which i do not use, free healthcare (of which i buy my own) and pensions for jobs i do not have
sounds good. please justify the morality in stealing 40% of my income to pay for shit i dont need or want
J_Galt - go read Fransisc D'Anconia's money speech to find the root of all evil in this country and why it started in 1913
KOAJ, you really arent serious with this post again are you?
Do you really think you will never need a hospital? Nobody in your family has ever needed a hospital? Why are you paying for insurance right now? Theres no law saying you have to have insurance, so dump it. And please dont tell me it saves you on your taxes, because thats BS. you must keep medical insurance because you feel you might need it and dont want to pay cash for anything that happens.
As far as all the things you supposedly are paying for, that you dont use. Am sorry but you use more things then what you seem to think. Your roads wont get plowed by themselves, that water you drink wont get treated by itself, criminals wont be taken off the streets by themselves as just a few examples of things you use daily, but seem to not realize for some reason.
In the type of society we live in, everything cant have every person paying for each thing on their own. I guess you feel since you dont you havent needed a cop, why should you pay for one. I guess you havent figured out you might not need one, because theya re out their working for you.
Honestly you got a messed up vision of how you want society.If our country followed your ideas, we would be in complete and total chaos, with 100's and 100's of murders taking place daily.
If you want to live your life and not pay for living in a civilized modern society, there are tons of third world countries that have all the things in life you dont want to pay for. So why are you packing up your bags and moving to one of those places, and then you can keep all the money you earn? I dont get it, you have a internet business, should be able to move it anywhere.
I really dont know where you have got all these ideas about how society, but am sure you wouldnt like to live in your vision.
As for the pensions, every job in the country cant be, somebody owning their own business. Lots of jobs that need to be done to make society function need to be done by workers and the pensions those workers get, is just part of their whole pay package.
Maybe you should get out of owning your own business and go to work for a company, that will provide you with a pay package of vacation days, medical insurance, pension or 401k plan for providing your labor to the company.
Like i said every job cant be just be 1 person owning their own business.
Thank God, you werent in charge when our country was being built, because we probably still wont have any roads or running water in our houses

Stop pissing your life away constantly thinking about this stuff, either that or you have to leave our society for a different one.
And no i dont like paying school taxes either, not having any kids in school, but if we used your method of paying school taxes, there would be millions of kids who would never get an education and would instead become criminals to survive in life and since we dont have cops on the streets per your vision of society, things would get ugly really fast.
Now print this out and read it everyday