What's clear is that you support someone who is bragging about sexually assaulting women,that's right from his mouth.But evidently it's not enough for you to "get another candidate".But you need more proof then the guy admitting it on tape.
So according to you it's a "cop out" to exclude a person who has admitted sexually assaulted women,from being someone I would vote for.You know what,you are right.Maybe I should re-think me tendency to avoid voting for someone after using their personal traits (as you like to call them-like sexually assaulting women),against them.
Pence is a fricken cowardly clown who couldn't even stick up for himself by going against trump,after trump wanted to hang him.Here's an idea,why don't you vote for Pence,he evidently stands for the same things you do.But here's a big test of your allegiance to the cause,how do you feel about other people saying they would want to hang you for the cause,are you cool with that?
Do you think he actually did it? Or was he just 'talking' and being macho around someone?
Again -- read this very slowly: he was not candidate I would have supported to start with. HOWEVER, after seeing how well he did I WOULD have to support him because of that. BUT if he is convicted of something that would make him nonviable as a candidate then I would NOT support him.
I do not understand how all on the Left have him guilty of every possible crime and any other issue they could think of -- even before he was elected.
What? How is it a copout if he was convicted of assaulting someone and THAT was your reason for not voting for him. THAT would be your REASON. IT is a COPOUT to jump on board with any propaganda from the Media and the LEFT before he even gets in office, let alone found guilty.
THE MAIN problem is the LEFT are NOT able to support their reasons for having failed policies with FACTS; they refuse to consider anyone on the RIGHT because of emotions and NOT policies that work.
No, Pence would not be my guy. I used him as an example for you -- because you want a good, moral man to support. But now he is a 'coward'. So, again you cannot show anything on policy--you got STRAIGHT to emotions, yet again.
Do you take EVERYTHING anyone says as literal or only those on the RIGHT?