So now that you gave Trump another backrub, tell me why this is a bad idea, and also why this will never happen.
Both answers are easy...even a blind Trump fan should know these easy answers.
So now that you gave Trump another backrub, tell me why this is a bad idea, and also why this will never happen.
Both answers are easy...even a blind Trump fan should know these easy answers.
So now that you gave Trump another backrub, tell me why this is a bad idea, and also why this will never happen.
Both answers are easy...even a blind Trump fan should know these easy answers.
So now that you gave Trump another backrub, tell me why this is a bad idea, and also why this will never happen.
Both answers are easy...even a blind Trump fan should know these easy answers.
The answers are not about repub vs dem...and actually dems are more inclined to support gluten free, non-gmo. Its your side of the aisle that are anti..
But no that is not why..
Can you really try and skip the partisan whining? Its easy...
The answers are not about repub vs dem...and actually dems are more inclined to support gluten free, non-gmo. Its your side of the aisle that are anti..
But no that is not why..
Can you really try and skip the partisan whining? Its easy...
Hey now, just for the record... I'm all gluten free, strictly paleo and organic if at all possible for years everything I kill...and I still can't stomach voting for "them"
just sayin
Hey now, just for the record... I'm all gluten free, strictly paleo and organic if at all possible for years everything I kill...and I still can't stomach voting for "them"
just sayin
I was refuting his silly comment..but in general what I said is quite true as you have to admit.
If you are having gut issues (gluten) how strong is your probiotic and enzyme intake? A few yrs ago I started properly taking both and it reversed severe problems I had with gluten and also proteins.
I was refuting his silly comment..but in general what I said is quite true as you have to admit.
If you are having gut issues (gluten) how strong is your probiotic and enzyme intake? A few yrs ago I started properly taking both and it reversed severe problems I had with gluten and also proteins.
When I first started out a few years ago, I took a probiotic(Primal Probiotics) twice a day and supplemented with enyzmes before the meal and some HCL post meal, for help with digesting all the protein. Put a lot of empahsis on prebiotic foods as well. still take a daily probiotic.
My gut was wrecked after a course of strong anibiotics, follwed by a back injury that put me on a cycle of prednisone....both just awful for gut health.
rough time for sure, but the road back to health got me educated about what I put in my body and feeling great, made a lifetime of moderate eczema disappear as well..very glad it happened to me looking back. It's really a lifestyle now, more than a diet. Imagine the effects on our health care system if this kind of stuff was mainstream.
When I first started out a few years ago, I took a probiotic(Primal Probiotics) twice a day and supplemented with enyzmes before the meal and some HCL post meal, for help with digesting all the protein. Put a lot of empahsis on prebiotic foods as well. still take a daily probiotic.
My gut was wrecked after a course of strong anibiotics, follwed by a back injury that put me on a cycle of prednisone....both just awful for gut health.
rough time for sure, but the road back to health got me educated about what I put in my body and feeling great, made a lifetime of moderate eczema disappear as well..very glad it happened to me looking back. It's really a lifestyle now, more than a diet. Imagine the effects on our health care system if this kind of stuff was mainstream.
So did you see any benefit from taking the pre/pro and enzymes with regards to the gluten/celiac issues?
I know the gluten issues are more than digestion but I really wonder what percentage of the population if they started and maintained a solid enzyme/probiotic/pre regimine what percent would not need script drugs or to completely remove the items from their diet? I know that our digestive systems are not meant to break down gluten or cows milk and other things but I think people are misdiagnosed because it is fast and makes money to tell them to take a drug for their issues.
You are right about antibiotics, I do all I can to not take if there is any way possible to avoid.
So did you see any benefit from taking the pre/pro and enzymes with regards to the gluten/celiac issues?
I know the gluten issues are more than digestion but I really wonder what percentage of the population if they started and maintained a solid enzyme/probiotic/pre regimine what percent would not need script drugs or to completely remove the items from their diet? I know that our digestive systems are not meant to break down gluten or cows milk and other things but I think people are misdiagnosed because it is fast and makes money to tell them to take a drug for their issues.
You are right about antibiotics, I do all I can to not take if there is any way possible to avoid.
I'm not celiac thankfully, but I have a substantial intolerance to it. I did a 30 day elimination diet on two seperate occasions, to confirm for myself. Both times after I reintroduced it to my diet, I was in the bathroom shortly thereafter. then I got tested to be sure... these guys are legit and recomended by most in functional medicine industry.
The enzymes and the HCL supps really helped my stomach with the transition to the diet, the increase in vegetables specifically, and the protein increase, it was foreign to my body, so the supps really helped yes. ...I was in rough shape, leaky gut, constant gas, and reflux was awful. I would recomend all these supps to people, even mild cases. It took some time, gut health doesn't happen overnight, but eventually it worked wonders. I was lucky though, my wife is in medical field and got in my head about all this rather than ship me off to a Dr. and their prescription pad.
What we got in America right now is disease care, not health care. We treat symptoms (profitably) and do nothing to address the cause or the why. As an example, All those different meds for acid reflux you see on TV? They actually make things worse, and basically force the patient to take them for the rest of their life. Alzheimers is not a normal part of aging and is on the increase. Diabetes, Crohn's, etc. All chronic illnesses that in most cases could be prevented or made very rare.
We poison ourselves, slowly. Industrial seed oils are in everything. Some household products and grooming items we use have toxins in them. Yet allowed to be sold to us.
It all adds up. As seen with the health care debacle in this country.
I'm not celiac thankfully, but I have a substantial intolerance to it. I did a 30 day elimination diet on two seperate occasions, to confirm for myself. Both times after I reintroduced it to my diet, I was in the bathroom shortly thereafter. then I got tested to be sure... these guys are legit and recomended by most in functional medicine industry.
The enzymes and the HCL supps really helped my stomach with the transition to the diet, the increase in vegetables specifically, and the protein increase, it was foreign to my body, so the supps really helped yes. ...I was in rough shape, leaky gut, constant gas, and reflux was awful. I would recomend all these supps to people, even mild cases. It took some time, gut health doesn't happen overnight, but eventually it worked wonders. I was lucky though, my wife is in medical field and got in my head about all this rather than ship me off to a Dr. and their prescription pad.
What we got in America right now is disease care, not health care. We treat symptoms (profitably) and do nothing to address the cause or the why. As an example, All those different meds for acid reflux you see on TV? They actually make things worse, and basically force the patient to take them for the rest of their life. Alzheimers is not a normal part of aging and is on the increase. Diabetes, Crohn's, etc. All chronic illnesses that in most cases could be prevented or made very rare.
We poison ourselves, slowly. Industrial seed oils are in everything. Some household products and grooming items we use have toxins in them. Yet allowed to be sold to us.
It all adds up. As seen with the health care debacle in this country.
I was refuting his silly comment..but in general what I said is quite true as you have to admit.
I'm assuming you're an employed taxpaying American (if not, then the discussion stops here)
If you're an employed taxpaying American, why would you be against this program? Saving taxpayer money? Eliminating abuse of a program that was originally designed to help people? If it's simply because Trump brought it up, and you're on your Liberal snowflake MSM high-horse, then, you may need to take a good long look in the mirror.....
Like I said in the OP - if you REALLY need the food staples for you and your precious children to live, then they will be delivered to your house, free of charge. What other country even offers something remotely close to that? You don't even have to try to take the bus to the local market and "shop" and then worry about carrying bags home, bus transfers in a "rough" neighborhood, etc., etc., etc.....
You and your family qualify for a certain amount of food staples per week/month/whatever, and your allotment shows up on your doorstep 3 days later - BING, BANG, BOOM.....
No more EBT/SNAP/Food Stamps that get traded for drugs & alcohol - you're getting FOOD - - DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR
Not sure how else to explain it, or what your "issues" could possibly be.....
Thank you.....
I was refuting his silly comment..but in general what I said is quite true as you have to admit.
I'm assuming you're an employed taxpaying American (if not, then the discussion stops here)
If you're an employed taxpaying American, why would you be against this program? Saving taxpayer money? Eliminating abuse of a program that was originally designed to help people? If it's simply because Trump brought it up, and you're on your Liberal snowflake MSM high-horse, then, you may need to take a good long look in the mirror.....
Like I said in the OP - if you REALLY need the food staples for you and your precious children to live, then they will be delivered to your house, free of charge. What other country even offers something remotely close to that? You don't even have to try to take the bus to the local market and "shop" and then worry about carrying bags home, bus transfers in a "rough" neighborhood, etc., etc., etc.....
You and your family qualify for a certain amount of food staples per week/month/whatever, and your allotment shows up on your doorstep 3 days later - BING, BANG, BOOM.....
No more EBT/SNAP/Food Stamps that get traded for drugs & alcohol - you're getting FOOD - - DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR
Not sure how else to explain it, or what your "issues" could possibly be.....
Thank you.....
as for the original topic, I see nothing wrong with this. But of course those who receive the help probably won't. Which is why the dems will fight it.
It's kinda like how I'd support amnesty for almost all law abiding illegals here, as long as they have to wait 25 years to vote.
You'd think the dems would jump at this, since they care sooooo much for these people. Nope they wouldn't. Doesn't serve their interest in the least. amirite?
as for the original topic, I see nothing wrong with this. But of course those who receive the help probably won't. Which is why the dems will fight it.
It's kinda like how I'd support amnesty for almost all law abiding illegals here, as long as they have to wait 25 years to vote.
You'd think the dems would jump at this, since they care sooooo much for these people. Nope they wouldn't. Doesn't serve their interest in the least. amirite?
Its a terrible idea because the cost to put this in place is too high, the maintenance is too much and forcing people to take what is given wont be well received. Instead of this big pile of politics I'd prefer what happens in some states that use WIC...there is a LIST of items people can purchase and that is the ONLY things allowed...why not just program the card to work for only certain skews and no other.
Many years ago...way way too many I was a checker at a grocery store, very very very young...and we would only be able to scan certain items and certain brands only...usually generic and it had to be the item in question and it was all healthy.
Instead of this box silly crap just reduce what is allowed?
Oh and why it wont go down, you think companies like Pepsi and Coke and P&G are just going to sit there and allow this to happen?
Its a terrible idea because the cost to put this in place is too high, the maintenance is too much and forcing people to take what is given wont be well received. Instead of this big pile of politics I'd prefer what happens in some states that use WIC...there is a LIST of items people can purchase and that is the ONLY things allowed...why not just program the card to work for only certain skews and no other.
Many years ago...way way too many I was a checker at a grocery store, very very very young...and we would only be able to scan certain items and certain brands only...usually generic and it had to be the item in question and it was all healthy.
Instead of this box silly crap just reduce what is allowed?
Oh and why it wont go down, you think companies like Pepsi and Coke and P&G are just going to sit there and allow this to happen?
Makes you wonder if any real thought goes on before king blabber mouth comes out with another hairbrained half baked idea. The whole premise is moronic and pure Washington garbage. And to think that the dope actually used to sit on his golden throne and bash the crap out of politicians for such stupidity and he ends up being worse than all of them.
Trump is such a phony..
Makes you wonder if any real thought goes on before king blabber mouth comes out with another hairbrained half baked idea. The whole premise is moronic and pure Washington garbage. And to think that the dope actually used to sit on his golden throne and bash the crap out of politicians for such stupidity and he ends up being worse than all of them.
Trump is such a phony..
Myth is that food stamps are used to buy alcohol, drugs and cigarettes according to truthorfiction. Actually, food stamp fraud is rare and government guidelines limit what can be purchased.
Wallstreetcapper is right. Trump's proposal would replace a system that is working to a risky system that increases bureaucracy and food waste. Government isn't better in choosing food for your family than you are. A similar government program "commodity supplemental food " is hard to administer. Besides, distributing boxes of food to millions would be an inefficient logistical nightmare.
According to USDA economic research, every dollar in SNAP benefits generates $1.80 in the economy which is among the most effective way to boost jobs and economic growth. Also dividends in improving public health and reducing poverty according to Urban institute.
Myth is that food stamps are used to buy alcohol, drugs and cigarettes according to truthorfiction. Actually, food stamp fraud is rare and government guidelines limit what can be purchased.
Wallstreetcapper is right. Trump's proposal would replace a system that is working to a risky system that increases bureaucracy and food waste. Government isn't better in choosing food for your family than you are. A similar government program "commodity supplemental food " is hard to administer. Besides, distributing boxes of food to millions would be an inefficient logistical nightmare.
According to USDA economic research, every dollar in SNAP benefits generates $1.80 in the economy which is among the most effective way to boost jobs and economic growth. Also dividends in improving public health and reducing poverty according to Urban institute.
Myth is that food stamps are used to buy alcohol, drugs and cigarettes according to truthorfiction. Actually, food stamp fraud is rare and government guidelines limit what can be purchased.
Wallstreetcapper is right. Trump's proposal would replace a system that is working to a risky system that increases bureaucracy and food waste. Government isn't better in choosing food for your family than you are. A similar government program "commodity supplemental food " is hard to administer. Besides, distributing boxes of food to millions would be an inefficient logistical nightmare.
According to USDA economic research, every dollar in SNAP benefits generates $1.80 in the economy which is among the most effective way to boost jobs and economic growth. Also dividends in improving public health and reducing poverty according to Urban institute.
Myth is that food stamps are used to buy alcohol, drugs and cigarettes according to truthorfiction. Actually, food stamp fraud is rare and government guidelines limit what can be purchased.
Wallstreetcapper is right. Trump's proposal would replace a system that is working to a risky system that increases bureaucracy and food waste. Government isn't better in choosing food for your family than you are. A similar government program "commodity supplemental food " is hard to administer. Besides, distributing boxes of food to millions would be an inefficient logistical nightmare.
According to USDA economic research, every dollar in SNAP benefits generates $1.80 in the economy which is among the most effective way to boost jobs and economic growth. Also dividends in improving public health and reducing poverty according to Urban institute.
Makes you wonder if any real thought goes on before king blabber mouth comes out with another hairbrained half baked idea. The whole premise is moronic and pure Washington garbage. And to think that the dope actually used to sit on his golden throne and bash the crap out of politicians for such stupidity and he ends up being worse than all of them.
Trump is such a phony..
Makes you wonder if any real thought goes on before king blabber mouth comes out with another hairbrained half baked idea. The whole premise is moronic and pure Washington garbage. And to think that the dope actually used to sit on his golden throne and bash the crap out of politicians for such stupidity and he ends up being worse than all of them.
Trump is such a phony..
Trump brings all this on himself, he treats people like garbage and his ego is so small he cannot stop his mouth from running, thus he gets what he gets with regards to my views on the schmuck.
I guess you didnt read what I proposed...reduce the number of items allowed to be purchased, there is no need to create some monster box mess that will add costs and waste, that does not solve anything and is inefficient. Just reduce the items able to be purchased to high nutritional necessities, THAT is your solution.
Unfortunately there is no solution for the joke that Trump is and I find it SUPER odd how more and more and more women are coming out to say he is a cheating scum and yet nothing...if this happened with Obama holy crap there would be 10 threads about it mere minutes after the news broke. Trump hid many many many women, he is a really disgusting example to this country.
Trump brings all this on himself, he treats people like garbage and his ego is so small he cannot stop his mouth from running, thus he gets what he gets with regards to my views on the schmuck.
I guess you didnt read what I proposed...reduce the number of items allowed to be purchased, there is no need to create some monster box mess that will add costs and waste, that does not solve anything and is inefficient. Just reduce the items able to be purchased to high nutritional necessities, THAT is your solution.
Unfortunately there is no solution for the joke that Trump is and I find it SUPER odd how more and more and more women are coming out to say he is a cheating scum and yet nothing...if this happened with Obama holy crap there would be 10 threads about it mere minutes after the news broke. Trump hid many many many women, he is a really disgusting example to this country.
Contrary to popular belief, the main findings of average steps in each country had little impact on obesity levels.
Instead, activity inequality - dubbed the vast difference between the active and the non-active - was a more accurate reflection.
The researchers told the BBC the bigger the gap between the two sets of people, the more obese people who lived in the country.
Tim Althoff, a PhD candidate in computer science who was involved in the research, said: 'For instance, Sweden had one of the smallest gaps between activity rich and activity poor... it also had one of the lowest rates of obesity.'
His claims were backed by the findings, which showed the US and Mexico to have similar average step counts - but stark differences in activity inequality and obesity levels.
Contrary to popular belief, the main findings of average steps in each country had little impact on obesity levels.
Instead, activity inequality - dubbed the vast difference between the active and the non-active - was a more accurate reflection.
The researchers told the BBC the bigger the gap between the two sets of people, the more obese people who lived in the country.
Tim Althoff, a PhD candidate in computer science who was involved in the research, said: 'For instance, Sweden had one of the smallest gaps between activity rich and activity poor... it also had one of the lowest rates of obesity.'
His claims were backed by the findings, which showed the US and Mexico to have similar average step counts - but stark differences in activity inequality and obesity levels.
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