Quote Originally Posted by Killer_B:
More Tea Party Republicans would solve this issue, too many are democrats with (R's) after their name.
Please trawler, don't act like the Democrats are the answer... 6 years of this moron and the people have seen enough, I'm waiting for his own party to turn on him before he burns the party to the ground... My prediction is they're going to pull a "Bill Cosby" on him before long, just in an attempt to save the party.
btw, you should plan on that happening in '16, the country has had enough of the emperor and I don't think they're going to support that party again for a while, especially if things get better with the takeover from the last election, not that I'm sure that will be a good thing either...
didn't trawler was at all... neither is dan or myself... as a non-partisan independent I don't favor either side...
I think the problem is that the GOP have ran on this platform of obama opposition under the guise of fiscal responsibility and than when given the chance showed their true colors and as dan pointed out neither party could care less about fiscal responsibility...
This reminds of how obama ran his campaign on the promise of peace and accepted a nobel peace prize but has been involved in miliatry action that has progressives critical on him... You would think that you would see "conservatives" that believe in fiscal responsibility to critical of GOPs on this....
The issue here is about trust and character of the republican party... This is like if a party ran on the platform of prochoice than once in power immediately made all forms of abortion, birth control and contraception illegal, criminal and punishable by death....
Than in the next election ask for your vote and at that point it isnt even their platform or ideas because what we have learned is that it is all lies and false promises and will do the exact polar opposite of what they preached to grab power...
So there is no sense in voting for them simply because they have chosen to conduct themselves in a manner that they can never be trusted ever again... their words are meaningless because they their character and true colors have been exposed to all...
So the thread is not about championing democrats.... but instead it is about how this choice by the GOP legislative branch poor strategy for their image and future elections...
I would add that like the comparison I made with peace lovers being critical of obama you would think so called conservatives would be critical of this...
even sara knows the GOP base is full of.....