Quote Originally Posted by ilsp2003:
which concise statements has Trump made ?
Trump stated that that he won the most electoral college votes since Ronald Reagan - yet almost every President since Mr Reagan won more electoral college votes than Mr Trump.
"I guess it’s the biggest electoral college win since Ronald Reagan," the President said.
Mr Reagan won two terms; he gained 525 electoral college votes in 1984 and 489 the previous election. It was the largest landslide in recent political history, but Mr Trump's 2016 victory did not come close.
Former President Barack Obama won 332 votes in 2012 versus Mitt Romney’s 206 votes, a far higher number than Mr Trump’s 306 electoral college votes in 2016.
But previous victories on both the Republican and Democrat side have outpaced his landslide in the electoral college.
Mr Obama won an even higher number - 365 - in 2008.
Bill Clinton gained 379 electoral college votes in 1996, and George H W Bush gathered an incredible 426 votes in 1988.
In 4 short weeks President Trump has accomplished more towards keeping his campaign promises than any President in recent history.
No one can argue that almost every President prior has basically made campaign promises for the sole purpose to get elected. HRC flip flopped during her campaign based upon the results of polls on a particular issue.
The President made claims and is trying hard to back them up.
If he made no attempt to deliver on his campaign promises, you and your ilk would be cut and pasting every promise he had made, every day, while screaming that the President is a liar.
I don't agree with all he does, nor the manner in which he says things, but you have to acknowledge that he is at least trying to do what he said he would. Haven't seen that in a US President in decades, if ever.
As for the electoral vote non-issue, which the left is now obsessed with ...
It was clarified that Trump was comparing himself to previous Republican Presidents with his comment of margin of victory. He was still wrong, as Bush #1 had more electoral votes than President Trump did. So he was off by 4 years.
Common sense suggests that he was not lying about what he said, he was simply mistaken. Big difference. His mistake is benign, it has no effect on anyone, or anything. Yet there you are writing about it, and the MSM spends countless time discussing it.
Perspective ... you can't buy it at your neighborhood store