This is how it is being framed. Heres a doozy. From the panel of the view.
“I don’t think she’s trying to portray herself as a victim. I certainly don’t see her as a victim. I see her as a woman who refuses to be shut up, who refuses to be silent. [audience applause] I see her, frankly, and I think the reason that she’s got this appeal is because she is this very empowered woman.
This is how it is being framed. Heres a doozy. From the panel of the view.
“I don’t think she’s trying to portray herself as a victim. I certainly don’t see her as a victim. I see her as a woman who refuses to be shut up, who refuses to be silent. [audience applause] I see her, frankly, and I think the reason that she’s got this appeal is because she is this very empowered woman.
This is how it is being framed. Heres a doozy. From the panel of the view.
“I don’t think she’s trying to portray herself as a victim. I certainly don’t see her as a victim. I see her as a woman who refuses to be shut up, who refuses to be silent. [audience applause] I see her, frankly, and I think the reason that she’s got this appeal is because she is this very empowered woman.
This is how it is being framed. Heres a doozy. From the panel of the view.
“I don’t think she’s trying to portray herself as a victim. I certainly don’t see her as a victim. I see her as a woman who refuses to be shut up, who refuses to be silent. [audience applause] I see her, frankly, and I think the reason that she’s got this appeal is because she is this very empowered woman.
At least you acknowledge the truth and own up to it...which is more than ANY other rightie has done on this site...all others try and either point blame to the left (which you did afterwords) or minimize his abuses which is a joke. Trump is a major abuser of people...and keep in mind when someone tries to reduce women and point blame, what the hell is that about? This lady and the multiple others who had relationships with Trump are people just like you and me...there is no need to belittle her as a means to elevate a slimeball Trump. Trump is a serial abuser of women, in and out of the bedroom.
Obama, yeah there are many things I disagree with about Obama but that isnt the topic or the issue. I dislike his continuance of wars and the increases of debt, I dont like how he was secretive about things and how he made many promises and did not fulfill many of them. But to me Obama was much more of a leader and representative of this country than Trump ever will be. I was never ashamed or disgusted with how Obama conducted himself in public and he had more class and tact than many presidents before him.
At least you acknowledge the truth and own up to it...which is more than ANY other rightie has done on this site...all others try and either point blame to the left (which you did afterwords) or minimize his abuses which is a joke. Trump is a major abuser of people...and keep in mind when someone tries to reduce women and point blame, what the hell is that about? This lady and the multiple others who had relationships with Trump are people just like you and me...there is no need to belittle her as a means to elevate a slimeball Trump. Trump is a serial abuser of women, in and out of the bedroom.
Obama, yeah there are many things I disagree with about Obama but that isnt the topic or the issue. I dislike his continuance of wars and the increases of debt, I dont like how he was secretive about things and how he made many promises and did not fulfill many of them. But to me Obama was much more of a leader and representative of this country than Trump ever will be. I was never ashamed or disgusted with how Obama conducted himself in public and he had more class and tact than many presidents before him.
Very pathetic comment...as if someone, anyone doing things you disapprove of is a lesser person or not deserving to be treated with respect AS A PERSON.
Terrible terrible way of thinking SS but I know you REALLY feel this way and you really rationalize Trump and his treatment of multiple women because you minimize like this.
Really disgusting way to think of another person, you should be ashamed of how you are acting.
Very pathetic comment...as if someone, anyone doing things you disapprove of is a lesser person or not deserving to be treated with respect AS A PERSON.
Terrible terrible way of thinking SS but I know you REALLY feel this way and you really rationalize Trump and his treatment of multiple women because you minimize like this.
Really disgusting way to think of another person, you should be ashamed of how you are acting.
Yeah the old "the ends justify the means" garbage. You are a great example of how a total schumck like Trump can have his behavior dismissed because you THINK he is accomplishing something....btw these things you mention I do not know of them and you have not given any detail as to what they are....NOR have you explained how these "things" are good for all, not just a conservative republican like you.
Yeah the old "the ends justify the means" garbage. You are a great example of how a total schumck like Trump can have his behavior dismissed because you THINK he is accomplishing something....btw these things you mention I do not know of them and you have not given any detail as to what they are....NOR have you explained how these "things" are good for all, not just a conservative republican like you.
I can attack his personality as yes it is super easy...I can attack his business failures and lack of transparency, that is easy...I can attack his policies as well, that is very very easy. I can attack all of them because he is a phony person and a lousy president.
He is acting with these trade war bluffs, he is playing to payback industries that supported him and got him elected. If he really wanted to knock China, putting a tariff on alum or solar panels or cars is laughable at best..it is a bluff meant to get attention in the media. If he wanted to really crack China he could do something that mattered to them, but he wont because that might damage industries that would get ticked off. Figure out what imports China needs, figure out what exports have the greatest IMPACT on China financially and restrict what matters...THAT is how he would act if he were serious about a trade restriction and taking action.
I can attack pretty much all his "actions" to date because most all of what he has done benefits his income class at the expense of the lower income/middle income taxpayer...see when we finance a cut based on historic high debt that is called STUPIDITY. He is catering to those who got him elected and sending the bill to the group who has no power or ability to fight his selfish, elitist actions.
Trump is a dope...an all around dope from person to business to POTUS.
I can attack his personality as yes it is super easy...I can attack his business failures and lack of transparency, that is easy...I can attack his policies as well, that is very very easy. I can attack all of them because he is a phony person and a lousy president.
He is acting with these trade war bluffs, he is playing to payback industries that supported him and got him elected. If he really wanted to knock China, putting a tariff on alum or solar panels or cars is laughable at best..it is a bluff meant to get attention in the media. If he wanted to really crack China he could do something that mattered to them, but he wont because that might damage industries that would get ticked off. Figure out what imports China needs, figure out what exports have the greatest IMPACT on China financially and restrict what matters...THAT is how he would act if he were serious about a trade restriction and taking action.
I can attack pretty much all his "actions" to date because most all of what he has done benefits his income class at the expense of the lower income/middle income taxpayer...see when we finance a cut based on historic high debt that is called STUPIDITY. He is catering to those who got him elected and sending the bill to the group who has no power or ability to fight his selfish, elitist actions.
Trump is a dope...an all around dope from person to business to POTUS.
respect as a person??? maybe if she came forward years ago but not now.... should we treat and respect hit men , drug dealers, child molesters , rapists etc equally?? she comes forth now??? like all these hollywood ... had no problem sucking, screwing and accepting awards but now their flame no longer shines they complain...Trump may lack some social skills but he was elected...seems like someone is jealous of the POTUS.... he gets some quality tail, beautiful wife, while others get belly button lint... or have a secret man crush.... btw fake blonde big t*ts too funny!!!!
respect as a person??? maybe if she came forward years ago but not now.... should we treat and respect hit men , drug dealers, child molesters , rapists etc equally?? she comes forth now??? like all these hollywood ... had no problem sucking, screwing and accepting awards but now their flame no longer shines they complain...Trump may lack some social skills but he was elected...seems like someone is jealous of the POTUS.... he gets some quality tail, beautiful wife, while others get belly button lint... or have a secret man crush.... btw fake blonde big t*ts too funny!!!!
Haha...oh I am just fine thank you. This forum does not affect my personal life in any way....plus all you back slappers need some reality from time to time to balance all the hypocrisy and lunacy so rampant here.
Thanks for caring though, it really comes through as warm and sincere.
Haha...oh I am just fine thank you. This forum does not affect my personal life in any way....plus all you back slappers need some reality from time to time to balance all the hypocrisy and lunacy so rampant here.
Thanks for caring though, it really comes through as warm and sincere.
At least you acknowledge the truth and own up to it...which is more than ANY other rightie has done on this site...all others try and either point blame to the left (which you did afterwords) or minimize his abuses which is a joke. Trump is a major abuser of people...and keep in mind when someone tries to reduce women and point blame, what the hell is that about? This lady and the multiple others who had relationships with Trump are people just like you and me...there is no need to belittle her as a means to elevate a slimeball Trump. Trump is a serial abuser of women, in and out of the bedroom.
Obama, yeah there are many things I disagree with about Obama but that isnt the topic or the issue. I dislike his continuance of wars and the increases of debt, I dont like how he was secretive about things and how he made many promises and did not fulfill many of them. But to me Obama was much more of a leader and representative of this country than Trump ever will be. I was never ashamed or disgusted with how Obama conducted himself in public and he had more class and tact than many presidents before him.
At least you acknowledge the truth and own up to it...which is more than ANY other rightie has done on this site...all others try and either point blame to the left (which you did afterwords) or minimize his abuses which is a joke. Trump is a major abuser of people...and keep in mind when someone tries to reduce women and point blame, what the hell is that about? This lady and the multiple others who had relationships with Trump are people just like you and me...there is no need to belittle her as a means to elevate a slimeball Trump. Trump is a serial abuser of women, in and out of the bedroom.
Obama, yeah there are many things I disagree with about Obama but that isnt the topic or the issue. I dislike his continuance of wars and the increases of debt, I dont like how he was secretive about things and how he made many promises and did not fulfill many of them. But to me Obama was much more of a leader and representative of this country than Trump ever will be. I was never ashamed or disgusted with how Obama conducted himself in public and he had more class and tact than many presidents before him.
Very pathetic comment...as if someone, anyone doing things you disapprove of is a lesser person or not deserving to be treated with respect AS A PERSON.
Terrible terrible way of thinking SS but I know you REALLY feel this way and you really rationalize Trump and his treatment of multiple women because you minimize like this.
Really disgusting way to think of another person, you should be ashamed of how you are acting.
Very pathetic comment...as if someone, anyone doing things you disapprove of is a lesser person or not deserving to be treated with respect AS A PERSON.
Terrible terrible way of thinking SS but I know you REALLY feel this way and you really rationalize Trump and his treatment of multiple women because you minimize like this.
Really disgusting way to think of another person, you should be ashamed of how you are acting.
At least you acknowledge the truth and own up to it...which is more than ANY other rightie has done on this site...all others try and either point blame to the left (which you did afterwords) or minimize his abuses which is a joke. Trump is a major abuser of people...and keep in mind when someone tries to reduce women and point blame, what the hell is that about? This lady and the multiple others who had relationships with Trump are people just like you and me...there is no need to belittle her as a means to elevate a slimeball Trump. Trump is a serial abuser of women, in and out of the bedroom.
Obama, yeah there are many things I disagree with about Obama but that isnt the topic or the issue. I dislike his continuance of wars and the increases of debt, I dont like how he was secretive about things and how he made many promises and did not fulfill many of them. But to me Obama was much more of a leader and representative of this country than Trump ever will be. I was never ashamed or disgusted with how Obama conducted himself in public and he had more class and tact than many presidents before him.
At least you acknowledge the truth and own up to it...which is more than ANY other rightie has done on this site...all others try and either point blame to the left (which you did afterwords) or minimize his abuses which is a joke. Trump is a major abuser of people...and keep in mind when someone tries to reduce women and point blame, what the hell is that about? This lady and the multiple others who had relationships with Trump are people just like you and me...there is no need to belittle her as a means to elevate a slimeball Trump. Trump is a serial abuser of women, in and out of the bedroom.
Obama, yeah there are many things I disagree with about Obama but that isnt the topic or the issue. I dislike his continuance of wars and the increases of debt, I dont like how he was secretive about things and how he made many promises and did not fulfill many of them. But to me Obama was much more of a leader and representative of this country than Trump ever will be. I was never ashamed or disgusted with how Obama conducted himself in public and he had more class and tact than many presidents before him.
Yeah you know the difference and you know exactly what you said here...so stop playing dance steps and quit generalizing and judging her. You have no idea why she makes the choices she does, nor are you putting any responsibility on the demand side of the equation. I dont care if she is in the adult industry or not, belittling someone or putting them down to justify or minimize is pathetic.
Yeah you know the difference and you know exactly what you said here...so stop playing dance steps and quit generalizing and judging her. You have no idea why she makes the choices she does, nor are you putting any responsibility on the demand side of the equation. I dont care if she is in the adult industry or not, belittling someone or putting them down to justify or minimize is pathetic.
I dont know if I am against Obama's approach with regard to Iraq...the public wanted us out long before we did and we should never have gone in to begin with. There is no solution that works then or now but throwing more money or soliders at it for sure wasnt and isnt working. There is no victory there as the root of the problem hasnt been solved. As long as there are religious groups still active in the area against one another the AQ or ISIS or whatever you want to call it will change acronyms but it will continue. There is nothing like religious fighting to kill millions of people. Saddam had this under control and I dont know of anything short of a dictator to stop it from continuing.
I dont know if I am against Obama's approach with regard to Iraq...the public wanted us out long before we did and we should never have gone in to begin with. There is no solution that works then or now but throwing more money or soliders at it for sure wasnt and isnt working. There is no victory there as the root of the problem hasnt been solved. As long as there are religious groups still active in the area against one another the AQ or ISIS or whatever you want to call it will change acronyms but it will continue. There is nothing like religious fighting to kill millions of people. Saddam had this under control and I dont know of anything short of a dictator to stop it from continuing.
Yeah you know the difference and you know exactly what you said here...so stop playing dance steps and quit generalizing and judging her. You have no idea why she makes the choices she does, nor are you putting any responsibility on the demand side of the equation. I dont care if she is in the adult industry or not, belittling someone or putting them down to justify or minimize is pathetic.
Yeah you know the difference and you know exactly what you said here...so stop playing dance steps and quit generalizing and judging her. You have no idea why she makes the choices she does, nor are you putting any responsibility on the demand side of the equation. I dont care if she is in the adult industry or not, belittling someone or putting them down to justify or minimize is pathetic.
Still using your sly dance moves...well its not fooling me at all. There is ZERO chance I remotely think you were trying to be pragmatic or neutral about her, no chance ever. So spare the side step and be more Christian, you know the ultra-conservative more than in my pinky finger Christian that you claimed????
Still using your sly dance moves...well its not fooling me at all. There is ZERO chance I remotely think you were trying to be pragmatic or neutral about her, no chance ever. So spare the side step and be more Christian, you know the ultra-conservative more than in my pinky finger Christian that you claimed????
I do not discriminate the term lady in the way you do obviously...and you are the one who said the silly Christian comments SS, not me.
A profession does not define a person, I have no way or reason to judge what kind of a person she is and what good does it do to try and soil her name or "term" anyway? Do you feel better that she does not meet the 50's definition of the word "lady" enough to drag this out in this manner?
I think Christ did not act this way, in fact I know he didnt...there is no need to worry yourself about what kind of a woman she is or why the road in her life has gone in this direction and for sure there is no need to try and debase her to make excuses for Trump.
I do not discriminate the term lady in the way you do obviously...and you are the one who said the silly Christian comments SS, not me.
A profession does not define a person, I have no way or reason to judge what kind of a person she is and what good does it do to try and soil her name or "term" anyway? Do you feel better that she does not meet the 50's definition of the word "lady" enough to drag this out in this manner?
I think Christ did not act this way, in fact I know he didnt...there is no need to worry yourself about what kind of a woman she is or why the road in her life has gone in this direction and for sure there is no need to try and debase her to make excuses for Trump.
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