One in five runaway and homeless youth are a victim of human trafficking- inclusive of sex and labor trafficking.
68 percent of the youth who had either been trafficked or engaged in survival sex or commercial sex had done so while homeless.
LGBTQ youth and youth who have been in foster care experience trafficking at higher rates than other youth.
81 percent of labor trafficking cases involved forced drug dealing, often occurring as a result of familial and cultural coercion as well as pressure from suppliers and gangs.
Survivors of childhood sexual abuse experiencing homelessness are at particularly high risk for sex trafficking
interviews with youth illustrate some common themes and pathways:
Lack of basic needs, such as not having a safe place to sleep at night, often play a role in their trafficking experiences.
Early trauma, such as homelessness and exploitation, begins early, often well before age 18.
LGBTQ+ youth are particularly vulnerable and experience trafficking at higher rates than other youth experiencing homelessness.
Youth who have been in foster care also experience trafficking at higher rates than other youth experiencing homelessness.
Youth experiencing homelessness who have also been victims of sex trafficking are more likely to have mental health and substance use issues, to have experienced physical and emotional abuse by parents or guardians, and to have a history of sexual abuse.
Using this research, policymakers, service providers, and advocates can and must bring about change to meet young people’s basic needs to prevent and address homelessness and trafficking
What Causes Youth Homelessness? Youth homelessness is often rooted in family conflict. Other contributing factors include economic circumstances like poverty and housing insecurity, racial disparities, and mental health and substance use disorders.
Now predators troll for homeless youth.
Hence they watch bus stations, parks after hours, and are keen on detecting hygiene , hunger they provide a sense of friends help to trap the victims .... Buying them food, or providing them with shelter. Picking up youths hitchhiking ect.
Homeless immigrants are also exploited but the numbers are seldom reported and usually handled through deportation proceedings in obscure court cases....
The bottom line here is pizza gate was uncovering a network of human trafficking operating through the dark web... As youths finding shelter food clothing are being kidnapped and exploited.
Sold destroyed and some dead some are found and brought to hospital setting some recruited for drug dealer s . Other become apart of the justice department through legal proceedings a criminal conduct many have drug dependency mental illness due to the trama of extended period of Time.
None have the ability to work due to ID and labor standards. And nobody wants to address the problem that DHHS has been documenting since Foster Care was apart of the social welfare system.
These kids are having kids as equality as wanted . It is a serious crisis in America affecting the lives of millions of American families.
To put it to the stats....
2020, there were about 25.1 million children in the United States, aged 12 to 17 years
Of that 12% 1 in 8 are or have been homeless runaways or in foster care systems if not already confined to juveniles justice systems.
This is the face of our future.....
This isn't a secret war... It's in your face in today's America. All across the country.