Quote Originally Posted by kujayhwk:
I think we are simply seeing one of the insidious side effects of the 'Internet Age'.
Before eveyone was wired, if you had a crackpot idea that you wanted to disseminate, you could write a small 100 page book, and then search around for a desperate publishing outfit that would take a chance on selling a couple hundred or a thousand copies.
The resultant product would usually end up in the local library in a small dusty, little-visited corner inhabited by dubious characters that the librarian always kept a close eye on.
Or you could publish a small newsletter and hope to garner mailing addresses from word-of-mouth advertising, usually transmitted by those same dubious characters from the library.
Or you could get invited to 'splain yourself on a AM radio station broadcasting at 3AM in the morning, with your audience mainly consisting of bleary-eyed, long haul truckers cruising down the interstate.
Thus, crackpot bullshit would move through society at a relatively pedestrian pace.
Fast-forward to the Age of the Intrawebs and we see crackpot bullshit moving at the speed of light, infiltrating into and out of 'Basements of Mom's' around the planet.
You can compose any manner of unfounded wild speculation, add in a few photoshopped pics, hit the 'Send' button at 2:32 AM, and by 8:15 AM have 3 million adherents, reposting the same bullshit on their FacePage, tweating on their Tweater account, or watching a cartoon re-enactment of it on UTubes.
The ability of the internet to enhance the intellectual capabilities of our society is still a highly debatable topic in my opinion.
But I really miss the hot librarians the most.
kujay - couldn't agree more with this & do remember a couple hot librarians back in the day, lol. More farout & crazy conspiracy stuff than ever before but most 'em have little to back 'em up in the way of facts, reality & basic common sense. Whereas with 911 (though I don't believe alot of what is associated with the conspiracy theories), we do have quite a bit of factual & documented info as well as interviews & 911 commission testimony.
I've never believed that it wasn't the passenger planes that hit the Pentagon & crashed in Shanksville as many "truthers" do, but I always had a huge problem with what one can only assume was a stand down order given by Cheney before the plane hit the Pentagon. This is based on Mineta's (sec of transportation) testimony & what he has said from that time til now with no deviation & the way it was dealt with in the commission report. In the mos leading up to 911, there were at least 16 credible intelligence reports (some from other countries) saying we should be on high alert for terror attacks that are likely to involve hijacked aircraft. And Cheney had already been simulating terrorist hijackings very similar to what happened on 911 & in fact, was reported that he was running 1 on the moning of 911.
Then on 911, we have the WTC attacks that have already occured, folks pouring out of the WH & capital bldg & you have Cheney in the WH bunker before 9:25 am - the appx time Mineta said he arrived & found Cheney already there. The towers have already been hit, there is an AA flgt77 whose transponder was down/disabled with no communication since 8:50am & 1 would have to assume they would have be on the highest alert there in DC. A young man comes in & says a plane (shown on radar but with the transponder down) that is 50 miles out, then a bit later 30 miles out, then 10 miles out & asks Cheney if the orders still stand & he whips his neck around & says something to the effect of, "Of course they do. Have you heard anything to the contrary"? One can only assume that this is about the plane that hits the Pentagon & that it was a stand down order from Cheney (10 bases in the immediate DC area - 2 NORAD ones) because it wasn't intercepted or shot down. Planes are not scrambled until after the plane hits the Pentagon. I don't see how this can make sense to anyone but would love to hear anything from ones that believe the official version in it's entirety, as long as it's logical, understandable common-sense wise & plausible. There are other suspicious & questionable things in regards to all this & here's a couple links that might be helpful -