Originally Posted by ApacheM:
problem with this 'new' birth certificate is that it's, well....new. It
lists his birthday as August 4, 1961, then lists his father's native
country as Kenya.
"The problem with that is Kenya didn't exist until 1963; it was British East Africa or East Africa Protectorate until then."
It actually says Kenya, EAST AFRICA on the certificate.
So your first point is wrong.
" It also lists the hospital of his birth as Kapi'olani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital, which didn't exist until 1978. "
The name Kapi'olani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital was used by this facility since 1931. The original hospital was opened in 1890 as Kapi‘olani Maternity Home. It changed its name to Kapi‘olani Medical Center for Women & Children in 1978.
So your second point is invalid to anyone that can read.
Prior to that time it was Kauaikeolani Children's Hospital. It is also dated April 25, 2011, with Dr. Alvin T. Onaka signing to the stamp of "I certify this is a true copy or abstract of the record on file in the Hawaii Department of State Health".
The two hospitals merged in to become the aforementioned Kapi‘olani Medical Center for Women & Children.
Here is a link for the above info: