As for Grinier. Last July she protested the national anthem. Her statement a year ago. “I’m going to protest regardless. I’m not going to be out there for the national anthem,” she said. “If the league continues to want to play it, that’s fine. It will be all season long, I’ll not be out there. I feel like more are going to probably do the same thing. I can only speak for myself.” Now facing 9 years in the gulag system which is a life sentence. She cherishes the Fourth of July. Her dad fought in the Vietnam War… B.G. loves that and so she cherishes this holiday, and she uses it as a day to honor his service and freedom, so I know that it’s killing her that she wasn’t able to do her annual fireworks show and put chairs on the lawn for all of us to sit down and really give him the respect due,” she added. Gulag system is an institution of forced labor camps . Survival of a term of more than 10 years is less than 1% chance for an american. So you all condoning a death by forced labor sentence for less than a gram of hemp oil......