Quote Originally Posted by wallstreetcappers:
How can I applaud Trump on GDP growth ? Because I also understand the concept of AVERAGES... Simple, let's look at the body of work thus far in 18 months !! compared to O'bama's accomplishments (if you can call it that) over 8 years. You can credit changes he has put in place in the economy for the performance. Hard to argue w/ the facts, Wall !!
Facts? I think you completely ignored what I said and just repeated the same tired throw-up as if it came from Trump himself.
You want small government, what does that mean exactly? Are you going to go all "free market" on me and we can have a ten page laugh fest about that? Or are you going to go all "community/family take care of the poor and elderly" and we go over that boring erroneous concept?
Government is large due to abuses and neglect to the common citizen...so you can do this government get out of the way farce that Trump is doing yet the real plunder from these choices are borne by the environment and citizens. If you want small government then you have to throw down on corps because they cause government in the first place...abuses of free market cause governments to take action AFTER the damage is done, far long after the abuses are done and shady profits are taken. Free markets are not interested in taking care of the lesser, your side wants to take FROM the lesser and reward the elite...the chasm of income inequality and wealth inequality shows what happens when you take from and abuse those without power to reward those with power.
Last thing...you of course did not address the cost of this GDP print, how much should it cost to make a 4.1, how much for a 3.1 or a 5.1, how much in debt and future taxes/reduction in benefit for the lesser should it cost to print that 4.1 that you are applauding? A trillion, two trillion, ten trillion? How much in real cash, real debt, real benefit reduction should it cost so you can applaud a BK loser/cheater like Trump?
What does small government mean.. Really ?? How about reducing the size of government so we don't spend so much. That's what small government means.. I think I addressed that already in an earlier post. BIG government entitlement programs are the cause (i.e. cost drivers) of today's debt problems. That fact cannot be disputed.
And you say Government is large due to abuses and neglect to the common citizen. WTF ?? This is such a scary comment I don't even know where to begin. It almost begs the question, in your world, was government created to protect of the individual from abuses.
I'm sorry, but I'm a believer that government is the problem, and not the answer (remember that one ?) , and believing in comments such as "ask what not your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." H3LL, a democrat even said that one, go figure ! Tells you how lopsided our current democrats are in thinking big government is good..
And for god's sake, since you are calling out at what cost Trump's tax plan is having on your national debt, do I really need to point out to you again the REAL drivers of our debt again. C'mon Wall, you're smarter than that.. But , I will point out this to you...
You or anyone else don't even know IF there will be a negative impact to the economy in the form of a larger debt because of the tax plan . DEMS always have a difficult time understanding the concept of growth, not fully realizing that growth leads to greater spending by consumers, greater paychecks for workers, and thus, greater tax receipts for the IRS. Yes, a Surplus is possible.. Imagine that !!!
Try thinking of making the pie larger, instead of cutting the pie into different slices. A gain from one doesn't need to come at the expense of another, but DEMS (read O'bama) love engaging in this class warfare that pits individuals against other individuals. Not healthy, nor the truth.. I think I've covered enough ground here for you to ponder..