Quote Originally Posted by Sammy_Ace:
The only embarrassing thing I see is your record against the spread last week. If you're gonna post a pick, why don't you do us all a favor and give us your rationale for liking a particular side or total.
First of all Sammy I must set the record straight :
For reasons of compliance with Covers , Person in question will exclusively be forever known as :
= O In O 's defense , I must correct you :
Week 10 , O had a winning week at 9 - 7 ... However ,reason being for all the controversy directed at O from various members ,
O Has in FACT only 3 winning weeks up to date : 10 - 6 - 1 Week 1....
9 - 7 - 2 Week 3 and 9 - 7 Week 10.
I can guarantee that O 's NFL record stands at 72 - 74 - 4 for the year . HOWEVER O has been riding quite a dry spell since week 3 going 43 - 56 - 2 with an alarming 18 out of 43 success rate on sides.
It is evident that while some cappers as myself are NOT into recreational gambling, it appears evident by checking O 's personal page that O seems to be suffering from a unique form of attention deficiency that renders him mostly concerned with matters of missing rating stars and missing tittie avatars over money matters , which is why we are all here :
TO CONTRIBUTE VALID AND INTELLIGIBLE GAME RELATED INSIGHT to make $$$ ! So while it's O 's prerogative to regularly commit Cardinal Capper sin attempting to pick 30 + College games in a day resulting in a catastrophic 13 out of 31 on week 2 ,
it comes as no surprise that members as myself tend to resent 0's posts containing more facts about his age and bogus record than posting insight on games. Proof positive that at 63 , quantity does not equate quality as one can see through O 's posts in this game page.
Sammy Ace, your posts ,win or lose are clear ,bringing insight and different perspectives ,far from the drivel O claims it to be.
I salute you and few others regardless of Covers Rookie or Legend ? ( lol) status ,sticking thru the BS and posting value info that can bring one closer to a correct choice.
Covers has come a long way in recent years from Clovers and Icon picks with more members posting intelligible insight helping some to make critical cash decisions.
As for myself, I see absolutely no " Value input" regarding 0 's double hand job posts 
and occasional Dim witted drivel such as " Bad coaching breeds bad teams"...No garbage !!! lol Sammy,Throughout the years,it's about all the rationale you can expect to get from
Not Bashing,just stating facts.