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Quote Originally Posted by JCtime27: I'm a mask-aholic... ![]()
actual real life footage of turdperson,kellyM,fubah,zeus and deezy at their "virtue signallers anonymous" losers the lot of them. |
DogbiteWilliams | 130 |
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Quote Originally Posted by rod_steel: I love monotone Doris ![]() |
TommyC22 | 85 |
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Quote Originally Posted by ICAPSports:
@melossinglet No one gives a fuck whether Doris is a lesbian...or whether your a lesbian..or whether your mother is a fucking lesbian...that's not the point ...the point is..don't put awful people on TV bc they are .....____....fill in that blank....stop force feeding us bullshit to fit liberal agendas...especially in sports...where people like Doris..acts like she played 20 years with the fucking Lakers...she's horrible annoying and she's a total worthless box....just like Mark Jones fyi...again don't care if he's a lesbian either...he's God awful
well,the entire topic of the thread IS BASED ON THAT VERY IDEA so i dunno who the fugg you think you are to say that "no one" cares if she is or not..its not a big deal no,but was raised in the very title and would be interesting to know if its even accurate or not as it is one element of the whole progressive/transgender/anti-truth movement. but anyway,opinions are like arseholes of course..everyones got one and most of them in saying that i beg to differ,i dont think she is all that bad.i certainly dont find her unbearable.if her exact words were delivered in a male voice i guarantee that some opinions of her might change..but again,its all subjective. agree about mark jones.he is a douchebag and a corny racist. |
TommyC22 | 85 |
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oh so it IS burke that y'all are talking about??well in that case does anybody have one single credible source (preferably her own words) that confirms she scissors??cos i havent ever heard it and she was married to a dude once....not saying its not true but where is it validated or published? |
TommyC22 | 85 |
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Quote Originally Posted by Timealker:
@melossinglet Simpleton, Rube,Idiot? Just like a normal snowflake, you resort to name calling when you know you have no point in life and half your words are misspelled in your rant that Has absolutely nothing to do with my point of the men and women who have lost their lives. Show respect to them
no.i wont respect dumb people. |
TommyC22 | 85 |
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Quote Originally Posted by jesron1269:
@Timealker can’t stand snowflakes either
at least all the wars give us our "freedom" and our "way of life" though,huh??hows that working out after seeing what can happen in the blink of an eye the past year in your country,canada,australia,all across europe with the "pandemic"??man,sooooo lucky we murdered so many millions so that we can have such a fair,free "democracy".. |
TommyC22 | 85 |
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Quote Originally Posted by Timealker:
@melossinglet Would you prefer that we be attacked? So obviously your against sending military nowadays to Ukraine, Afghanistan and other war torn countries? Men and women sacrificed their lives for this country, but snowflakes like yourself will never understand that
please please please dont tell me you are too stupid not to know the games being played here....there are no "countries",there never was...just corporations and classes....its tough to come to the realisation that the past lineage of yours and mine and every other common mans families have just been used as disposable pawns to be emilinated off the face of the earth for no good reason,or at least not the reasons we are told..but its much better to be a grown up about it instead of jamming your head in the sand like some patriotic dolt. |
TommyC22 | 85 |
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betting on tobias nuts to shrivel in the playoffs is normally a very sound investment. |
PapaShango | 5 |
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who is the commentator?i dont have american feed broadcast....if its doris burke..well,she isnt a rugmuncher i dont think..? |
TommyC22 | 85 |
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Quote Originally Posted by Cowbeagle:
@Timealker Agree, also have Military background, it’s disheartening to see how a whole month is dedicated to gay pride, while active soldiers get one day, memorial day for deceased veterans, and Veterans Day for a total of three days a year to celebrate what makes America great
wait,going overseas and murdering strangers for centuries is what makes america great?? |
TommyC22 | 85 |
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replied to
Trae Young better than Doncic and better than Curry at the same age! Let the debate begin.
in NBA Betting Quote Originally Posted by davemsh:
@melossinglet Oh O...We woke this guy up...Expect another 10 pages of paragraphs upon paragraphs upon paragraphs..... Can we get your other Cover's alias? Please...another covers poster called you out on it... Hilarious..Who does that? Creates 2 usernames on Covers to argue with other posters.... I know
TF you talkin about??you little-dick,no-life havin loser...STILL feeling salty about being utterly eviscerated in the discussion through this thread,huh??you dumb sack of trash.the only one likely to have an alternate account in here is you with that other cocksucker "throwdemdarts"..both of you are incomprehensibly stupid and struggle with the most basic of reading/comprehension requirements so its just difficult to conceive of a scenario where 2 people that thick actually exist. but hey,y'all keep sticking with your fantasy stories little fella...judging by your "opinions" its what you do best....smh,check his history...this 2-faced asshole spends his whole life scolding others after they get a pick wrong and yet REFUSES to ever state what side hes on himself and then has the unmitigated gall to accuse someone else of somehow being duplicitous...yikes!! |
begginerboy | 855 |
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replied to
Trae Young better than Doncic and better than Curry at the same age! Let the debate begin.
in NBA Betting Quote Originally Posted by StumpTownStu: Quote Originally Posted by davemsh: @begginerboy I think its clear as Pie who is better right now..and that's 100% Donic....Every GM in the NBA would agree on that... The debate was at the same age and even back then it became clear that Doncic was the clear answer so it became more a debate about Curry and Trae. ![]() ![]() ![]()
32 pages deep and it remains confounding and alarming the complete lack of reading and comprehension ability in this place...what a time to be alive,when the average attention span and patience of humanity will not permit them to read anything past a headline...if they even get to the end of that.sometimes folk will just fly off the fuggin handle at ONE WORD in a headline.
i think it is fair to say that any reasonable person on planet earth accepts that yes of course doncic is and has been better than trae and also that curry now is and has been overall better than trae by a strong margin...those things arent really up for debate.but,as you kind of point out,nuance and reading is hard |
begginerboy | 855 |
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Quote Originally Posted by reg1979:
@melossinglet I didn't say anything about respect for me, you illiterate turd. I said I wear a mask out of respect for the store employees who wear masks for the 8 - 10 hrs they are working. I can wear a mask for the 30 minutes I am in their store out of respect for them.
one of us is DEFINITELY an illiterate turd but is sure as fucc aint me....HOW IS IT DISRESPECTFUL if the fuccing person working there has had 53 injections (WHICH DEFINITELY,DEFINITELY WORK AND ARE 100% SAFE AND EFFECTIVE!!!! and thats whilst PRETENDING that this isnt a virus that is extraordinarily mild for 99.99% of the population as well. im not telling anyone they should belligerently choose to not wear one or not,its not much of a big deal at all either way to me......but to say it is a sign of respect is asinine and retarded.......and in this whole scenario we are also STILL pretending that the mask wearing is even slightly effective,which is highly debatable to say the werirdos live in some strange fantasy world and have been so traumatised and brainwashed over the recent past that you cant see logic and sense any longer and relish the moral superiority and outrage that comes from following rules that you think make you a "good,virtuous,respectful" citizen...comedy.
DogbiteWilliams | 130 |
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no doubt the police most certainly seem to be at fault in a serious way here for using excessive force and to shoot him in that area?.was it a "mistake" to direct the shot specifically at the guys head?hard to believe...there are many other options to incapacitate not sure what the legal protocols and technical details are as they relate to such an incident but the officer should be accountable in a major way one would think.
but once again,why are these people NOT COMPLYING????you can argue all day and all night about what certain laws should apply in society and what police should be able to do in a general sense,thats another issue altogether......but the fact as it stands that we all understand remains that legally and practically speaking we as citizens are 100% obliged to obey and comply in a certain way in any verbal or physical interaction with the police...everyone knows would have to be braindead not to know and understand.and yet EVERY SINGLE TIME one of these tragedies comes out there is ALWAYS some form of resistance or non-compliance.why?????had there been total and utter submission would the result have been the same regardless??we will never know.but can anyone show me one time.just ONE time.where one of these shootings has occurred after the victim had been passive and compliant in every regard? |
nature1970 | 277 |
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Quote Originally Posted by mctrap: Quote Originally Posted by thirdperson: Quote Originally Posted by BWS77: Quote American Thoracic society says masks don't lead to carbon dioxide poisoning because air pass easily through masks. Thirdperson talks out of both sides of her mouth. Air passes easily through masks. But stops Covid? She's never been right about anything. ![]() ![]() ![]()
dude,what in the actual fucc is going on in here?its like the twilight zone,just alternate universe stuff..mainstream rhetoric and opinion being touted as "fact"...wall to wall bots and NPC's ruining every genuine attempt at raising a decent discussion....of course i do realise in that in the real world there are a whole lot of dopes willing to swallow whatever garbage is fed to them and just go along to get along.....but goddamn,these cancerous puppets are hellbent and relentless about perpetuating this trash that can all be fairly easily debunked at this point in time.
to me this is fairly simple stuff.i think that EVERYONE on any side of the discussion can concede that there have been at the very least some lies told throughout the whole period regarding the numbers affected,severity,death count,effectiveness of various measures and treatments by the establishment you and i know that it is almost EXCLUSIVELY lies and is built entirely on a lie..........but lets just say that "some" lies have been foisted upon that seems inarguable.
soooooo,if its a REAL global pandemic then these idiots really need to ask themselves what possible reason is there to ever lie about anything at all??it would be catastrophic and alarming and tragic and jarring in its own right,no?so what possible reason would there be to exaggerate or misrepresent a damn thing? |
DogbiteWilliams | 130 |
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Quote Originally Posted by BWS77:
Quote Originally Posted by melossinglet: Quote Originally Posted by BWS77: What's funny to me is someone walks by a person wearing a mask and thinks they are an idiot. Then they walk by someone smoking a cigarette and probably don't even think twice so a scenario that you completely fabricated in your own head is "funny" to you?....bizarre...what a loser. whats "funny" to me is cocks on the interwebbz that strangely make up irrelevant scenarios and tell everyone how funny they this point in time there is likely not a single person on the planet with a functioning brain that doesnt know that smoking has negative health effects...what a weird non sequitur Your mother obviously smoked during her pregnancy with you among other things. Congrats on overcoming the odds to be a mildly functioning human despite your obvious learning disabilities
ladies and gents,you can be ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that whenever a persons entire comment history is littered and over-flowing with nothing but 3rd grade insults/ad hominems that the content and quality of their position in any argument is basically zilch,zero,nothing.
so,in keeping with the tone this stooge sets,it is clear that he is easily one of the most useless,pathetic individuals here...just completely ignores what is written and flies off on some weird,irrelevant tangent that involves slinging childish barbs in the direction of some "nasty" person who has the unmitigated gall |
DogbiteWilliams | 130 |
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good luck,dude...great to see ya.keep rolling like you always do.. |
rod_steel | 15 |
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Quote Originally Posted by BWS77:
What's funny to me is someone walks by a person wearing a mask and thinks they are an idiot. Then they walk by someone smoking a cigarette and probably don't even think twice
so a scenario that you completely fabricated in your own head is "funny" to you?....bizarre...what a loser.
whats "funny" to me is cocks on the interwebbz that strangely make up irrelevant scenarios and tell everyone how funny they this point in time there is likely not a single person on the planet with a functioning brain that doesnt know that smoking has negative health effects...what a weird non sequitur |
DogbiteWilliams | 130 |
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Quote Originally Posted by reg1979:
@UNIMAN US death rate = 3,000 per million Germany death rate = 1,500 per million Don't know if the CDC said that about Harris and Biden or not. And I don't care if CDC said that. You don't even comprehend what the expression 'respect for others' means.
"respect for others"??????
absolute mind-bending insanity...."respect" |
DogbiteWilliams | 130 |
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Quote Originally Posted by mctrap:
Quote Originally Posted by thirdperson: Quote Originally Posted by nostradumbass: natural immunity provides protections against viruses. It has for millions of years and will for as long as this earth is spinning. To the opposite, vaccination is pushed by state-controlled media to prey on the stupid people to make a profit. To acquire natural immunity is risky and requires surviving death. So, I guess we all just need to be reincarnated in order to acquire natural immunity? Please "fact check" this brilliant assertion of yours. You know, so we can "Trust The Science."
hehehe...and you know why that deliberate oversight was likely left in there,dontcha??because if he wrote the actual statement,which would be "to acquire natural immunity is risky and requires surviving the 0.001% POSSIBILITY OF DEATH (for a healthy young person)" then it would be plain and obvious how absurd and ridiculous his assertion is.
fuccing holy hell,we are over 2 years down the road and there still exists douche-canoes like this spreading fearporn,acting like folk are dropping dead left and right in the street...imagine how impossibly dumb you would have to be to fall for it at this point.just who on earth does this bot think its convincing? |
DogbiteWilliams | 130 |
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