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Also ensure you change your CASINO rotation once you WIN a bit-- We put on such a SHOW one day playing for 17 hours Straight that NOW we are KNOWN by face, and we have been HEATED UP-- So change your rotation if you are WINNING otherwise they will monitor you, and possibly BAN you and bottom line you dont want them to know who you are---- We talked about it, but we said we would leave when we lose a certain amount and it took 17 hours, so we couldnt leave when we were WINNING-- ALso never TALK TO ANYONE in the CASINO because 99.8% are LOSERS and DEGENERATES-- EVEN LISTENING TO THEM is a WASTE- They have nothing to SAY that will HELP YOU- They try to INFLUENCE people and make you INTO A LOSER ALSO-- The Casino lights, noise, atmosphere, setup is USUALLY too much for an AVERAGE MAN, its only an INTELLIGENT person that can WIN there--- |
Sammy_Meatballs | 22 |
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For Roulette Players be on ALERT for the following TRICKS-- Having played Roulette now I have uncovered many CASINO tricks and manouvers they utilize------ SCAM#1-- THE Board that shows the WINNING NUMBERS-- This is an Illusion- This is there to make a PLAYER LOSE-- Reason- The Casino purposely Does not put all the numbers on the board- You are looking at FALSE information and it is not correct-- Every single CASINO player looks at the BOARD- I asked the CASINO itself why all the NUMBERS dont register on the board and was TOLD the machine sometimes does not register all numbers- THEY told me the TRUTH- however hte reason is because HIGH ROLLERS will see PATTERNS and then BET- IT alerts a LOSING TABLE to SMART PLAYERS-- SO they stop registered numbers when the TABLE is LOSING MONEY-- NEVER LOOK at the board-- IF you are tracking, TRACK MANUALLY BY HAND-- #2-- The CHIP MACHINE IS BROKEN-- They have to count everything by HAND-- This is done to COOL off a HOT TABLE and CHANGE THE RYHTYM of the table and SLOW the table down-- They count every single chip by HAND, this reduces their PAYOUTS because they are not LOSING now as much because the game is really slowed down-- This also ensures that the WHEEL is RESPUN on every SINGLE SPIN changing the rythm also-- #2- The GUY in the SUIT COMES with SOME NEW CHIPS- They always SHOW up when the TABLE is LOSING- THEY WILL NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER come and bring new CHIPS if the table is WINNING -- THe casino when WINNING speeds the game up becasue they dont want any DELAYS also-- #3- FREQUENT DEALER CHANGES-- If a dealer is COLD they will CHANGE THE DEALER more frequently, and change their pattern- #4-Pit BOSSES showing up in SUITS frequently at the TABLE, security standing behind you to try and RATTLE a player-- BOTH have happened to me MANY TIMES, in fact upstairs sends guys downstairs to find out what is going on with the PLAYERS- #5- Sending Drink Ladies to the Table when the TABLE is HOT- This is another manouver they use when the table is HOT, they always send any distraction to slow the table down-- #6- This is a SPECIAL variable that I have uncovered but will not get into it in this POST and is the KEY to winning in ROULETTE and what CASINOS dont want PLAYERS to do, and is resulting in guys with SUITS standing behind me and my partner watching us while we are WINNING-- #7- The Roulette CARD the casino Gives you to TRACK numbers is a SCAM--- Next time u go to casino ask for a ROULETTE TRACKING CARD-- Ask yourself these questions-- WHy is the ROULETTE wheel not a CIRCLE and shaped like a HORSE TRACK instead-- ALso ask yourself why is the tracking card designed for you to track numbers side to side in a very confusing manner instead of UP AND DOWN like is on teh LIGHTED boards-- ANSWER- they make the CARDS actually more confusing and they delay your ability to process information and the WHEEL is not even in a CIRCLE and if you track you cannot track 100 numbers sideways, you need to look from TOP to BOTTOM-- Its really FUNNY because We dont fall FOR even ONE of their SILLY TRICKS, its funny because I have called them out on a few TRICKS-- A casino is a BUSINESS not a HOSPITAL, they employ many tricks and deceptive practices-- Understanding them is the first step in WINNING there--- Think about this, anything a CASINO provides to YOU, via information is THERE TO FUCK YOu not HELP YOU-- Manually track everything, dont look at their boards, and NEVER NEVER EVER USE the COMPUTERIZED ROulette terminals-- |
Sammy_Meatballs | 22 |
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Sammy_Meatballs | 7 |
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JON JONES is gonna grab VERA and mark my words, MANHANDLE HIM, he is gonna OVERPOWER HIM, out wrestle him, beat him, punch him, kick him, throw him-- VERA is a box, he will get the SHIT knocked silly out of HIM by JONES-- THere is a reason JONES is -240 or so and he has won 1 fight in the UFC-- VERA is simply a JOKE and will get smoked by VERA-- I would not be surprised if JONES could take VERA, grab him by the Ass and Spank his ass, that is how much of a mismatch this fight is--- Vera is going down and will get KO'd for sure--- If anyone watched this fight, is THIS NOT WHAT EXACTLY HAPPENED? |
Sammy_Meatballs | 27 |
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Much like I predicted with PRECISION that JON JONES would beat VERA LIKE A mexican cop beating a TOURIST this is the same situation-- I am serious when I say GSP can BEAT HARDY EVEN IF HE WAS NOT ALLOWED TO THROW A SINGLE STRIKE---- GSP is at another LEVEL-- He will just TAKE HIM DOWN and ITS DONE---- Much like the UFC tried to HYPE UP a 70 POUND BRANDON VERA who IMO would get his ASS kicked by pretty much ANYONE that can fight they are doing it with VERA ALSO-- You see HARDY is not GOOD- I saw him fight once and was like who is THIS CLOWN- He is nothign SPECIAL-- UNLESS its fixed which I DONT THINK IT IS, its TAKEDOWN, SLAM BAM TACKLE GAME OVER FOR HARDY-- FOr those of YOU who havent figured OUT UFC, its nothing more than MEDIA HYPE AND MARKETING that SELLS you FIGHTS that are not COMPETITIVE--- I can see it now already-- DAN THE KILLER HARDY , amazing this, amazing that, amazing record,-- ALL BULLSHIT--- If the UFc tries to sell a FIGHT there is a REASON--- because its not a REAL FIGHT--- I am in SHOCK that people actually THOUGHT VERA COULD EVEN STAND in the ring wtih JONES-- If jones foguht VERA 100 times, I think he would WIN 99 times and maybe lose onec because of DISQUALIFICATION or fluke injury-- I say GSP wins 99 out of 100 times ALSO-- HARDY is a JOKE, GSP will pound this FOOL into the MAT and spit on HIM and EASILY win this match-- I mean I look at it this WAY-- GSP is an OLYMPIC wrestler and does ANYONE think HARDY can BEAT AN OLYMPIC wrestler that has good cardio, good standup-- LOL this fight should be IMO -10000, at least-- |
Sammy_Meatballs | 7 |
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DIDNT even watch the figth, just heard that VERA was knocked the fuck out and pummelled in ROUND 1-- NOT a surprise my friends |
Sammy_Meatballs | 27 |
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THey show kansas game for a few secs and then switch it back to the wash game-- Are they in love with the PAC 10 or what? |
Sammy_Meatballs | 1 |
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revengeissweet1 | 18 |
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Its easy to HIDE behind a computer, when MONEY is involved its real-- Lets make it happpen Vanzack and Revenge----- Money talks guys, your bullshit does not-- Accept the Challege and show me waht you guys GOT--- Show me your SKILLS, show me a message like this? |
Sammy_Meatballs | 64 |
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These 2 GUYS run their MOUTH a lot-- Well thats fine, then PUT your MONEY where your MOUTH Is-- MODS please dont DELETE this thread- Let it be-- This is a good Competition and TALK is cheap MODS< guys talk a big game, and I am willing to BACK MY TALK UP-- I know most are box cowards like Revenge is Sweet and Vanzack, the type of guys that RUN as fast as possible from a FIGHT_- Lets do THIS--- |
Sammy_Meatballs | 64 |
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Let's See IF SHE IS READY for the CHALLENGE---- If you accept and dont chicken away like a COWARD you are going to be in for a good SOLID OLD SCHOOL BEATING--- AN Old SCHOOL beating is when you beat a guy, and then BEAT him with his OWN SHOE---- You my friend WILL LOSE your CASH by the MAN SAMMY MEATBALLS--- This challenge is also OPEN FOR Mr. VANZACK himself. |
Sammy_Meatballs | 64 |
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Lets get this ON-- Lets figure out a LEGITIMATE way to ENSURE money is PAID OUT and lets DO THIS--- We can do this with the NBA---- You pick the AMOUNT, and lets START THIS-- |
Sammy_Meatballs | 64 |
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Thoughts? |
Sammy_Meatballs | 2 |
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There are very few teams with this starting front court of a guy 6'6 playing Centre and SCOLA who is listed at 6'10 but he is more of a SMART intelligent defender-- Scola is good but he is not a 20+ scorer every game--- Rockets have no team defense-- last year they had YAO, ARtest at least hounding people and LANDRY tough physical play--- i am telling everyone right now SOME team will eclipse 130 On houston this season-- They HAVE NO DEFENSE. |
Sammy_Meatballs | 26 |
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I follow Houston pretty closely--- Granted all the STATS and HISTORY favors HOUSTON in this SPOT-- What would you put your MONEY on-- A good ALLEGED SPOT or the BETTER TEAM-- HOUSTON has NO DEFENSE-- They have no Inside DEPTH also- SCOLA got 44 POINTS last night, I expect him to have a Bad game or average game at best-- Houston has NO BIGS and NO TEAM defense-- The last good team Houston played was ORLANDO and they beat them 110-92 Put it this way if HOUSTON is winning by 10 in this game I still give them little chance to WIN this game-- Aaron Brooks is going to get ABUSED by BILLUPS-- MELO is going to score a lot on HOUSTON- NENE and BIRDMAN are going to DOMINATE SCOLA, HAYES and the BENCH players-- Yeah Houston is at HOME, they shoot a lot of JUMPERS-- BUT they will not beat any TEAM with a GOOD inside presence who DRIVES to the HOOP a lot-- The KEY IMO is SCOLA- He wont have a 20+ point game and DENVER if they ATTACK the rim will score all day on HOUSTON- Watching Aaron Brooks and Kevin MARTIN defend is SCARY, they Defend like they are playing REC BALL at the local GYM-- I see little chance that DENVER does not get over 115 points tonight- HOUSTON is okay but has a TENDENCY if they play a good team to GET BLOWN OUT because they have no SIZE at all- Even New Jersey put up over 100 points on them- Sac beat them in Houston last week-- This is a really bad team when they play a team with good post players-- I can see a GOOD team scoring over 130 Points on HOUSTON this season-- UTAH put up 133 on them a few weeks ago-- DENVER is scoring well, and they WONT lose to this team- Houston would have to SHOOT LIGHTS out for the whole game- The only way Houston can win is if DENVER mails this game in- I dont see it, Houston vs a good team can look like a CBA team in truth-- I think Denver will show some maturity and win tonight as their recent 8-2 stretch with wins on the road means they are HUNGRY for the 2nd SPOT in the playoffs-- DENVER is serious about winning the TITLE this year they will need HOME COURT vs DALLAS and if they get it they should be good-- Lets nail this one-- |
Sammy_Meatballs | 26 |
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Quote Originally Posted by revengeissweet1: You're so not over her My ex was the same way, he was a gusher and never wanted to stop having sex but as the years have passed since we broke up he's become dirty to me, no reason for it other than we broke up & I dont wanna go back to him. I always knew something was weird about you dude. |
Rockdog | 38 |
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Rockdog | 38 |
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REVENGE is SWEET the CHALLENGE also GOES FOR YOU? LETS see if either of you GUYS take this Challenge-- I will send the MONEY , you send the MONEY to a TRUSTED COVERS OFFICIAL and we will GET THIS ON-- NOTHING WORSE THAN A TALKER-- LETS SETTLE THIS ON THE GAMES AND SEE WHO IS TALKING AFTER? I will put my MONEY where my MOUTH IS, lets see what you 2 can DO? If you guys CHOOSE to decline I would not be surprised as COWARDS usually RUN when they are CHALLENGED. |
Sammy_Meatballs | 133 |
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Quote Originally Posted by vanzack: You are a fixer - like the "wolf" in pulp fiction. I like that. PLEASE VANZACK, I thought you were a LITTLE SMARTER THAN THIS-- DO you think a QUALITY CONTROL ANALYST would seriously COME on to COVERS out of all places and BASH PEOPLE-- Lol VANZACK you dissappoint me my friend, no wonder you dont post any WINNERS, because you are all TALK MY FRIEND-- If you want a CHALLENGE, I will SEND THE MONEY TO ANY COVERS OFFICIALS-- YOU NAME THE AMOUNT, we decide on the SPORT, I WILL TAKE YOU ON HEAD TO HEAD IN A GAMBLING CONTEST? TALK IS CHEAP MY FRIEND-- CAN YOU TAKE A CHALLENGE OR ARE YOU A COWARD? Hmmm LETS SEE? |
Sammy_Meatballs | 133 |
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Quote Originally Posted by revengeissweet1: No I'm more of a consultant but my main duties are going in to companies who have a problem somewhere in their staff, be it financially or for some alternative reason and they pay me to figure out where the problem is REALLY? So you have a JOB with NO OFFICIAL TITLE? That seems pretty odd to me? I have a friend who is a SMOOTH talker and bullshitter with WOMAN. He tells woman he goes into companies and Finds the Problems in the Company and eliminates the problems-- VERY SIMILAR to what you are ALLEGING you do. ONE DIFFERENCE my friend actually has the BRAINS to come up with an OFFICIAL TITLE-- He says he is a QUALITY CONTROL ANALYST- It sounds MUCH MORE BELIEVABLE than SAYING what you DO but NOT GIVING AN OFFICIAL TITLE-- Oh Yeah I forgot I have this FRIEND and he told me HE goes to COURT and REPRESENTS people in CASES and speaks on their BEHALF-- OR Does a person SAY I AM A LAWYER-- EVERY JOB has an OFFICIAL TITLE-- People say their TITLE not describe their JOB, that is a SURE 100% SIGN of a FABRICATION my friends-- You should have used the TELECOMMUNUCATIONS thats another good LIE my friend-- You may be able to FOOL GULLIBLE people like VanZACK but you will not fool a person with HALF A BRAIN-- If you are going to TRY and PULL a QUICK one over people buddy, DONT EVEN BOTHER TRYING IT ON ME BUDDY-- Who is the GENUIS NOW SUNSHINE? |
Sammy_Meatballs | 133 |
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