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I would like to thank Zack and Neene for meeting the challenge! Ntty is on th big island in the 1st quarter best of luck. Best I cn do is third but I;='ll settle for that. Looks like the Gman and Lilsnive re whats left.
I wlecome you ll the THE BOWL SHEET! Ceremonial in the United States Air Force. I will present the Excell product shortly. Lets call it a mere $10, play em all, most wins gets the money and there will be three tie breakers. Play all games with the spreads from 21 Dec till the end, very self explanitary. I will send it to THE COMMISH, a spreadsheet of all participants will be sent out so you will see where you at. I'm not coumputer savvy so we'll do it old school, like Georgie would have done!
John, I know what I want for Christmas, that picture of Julie rolling the girl with the ball in the air. Suitable sub is her jail photo after getting busted peeing in the woods at college, I'm proud of both! 13517 W. Glendale Ave, Apt 2093, Glendale AZ 85307. All other Christmas gifts will be accepted! at that address. Happy Holidays to all and to all a good night, got the Rams tomorrow, Cards will make the playoffs with a win or if 49's lose a game! Go Cardinals! Go Steelers is a given! Unc Sam out people!
UncSam | 3 |
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After my class at University of Phoenix Stadium today I learned the following: No Snively, or anyone else on this pool has ever been drunk! You have never been under the influence, you were merely impaired. Only a medical doctor or BAC can acuratley tell the extent of your alcoholic beverage intake! What this means is after a 30 pack your impaired unless an MD or BAC indicates you drunk! There was even a test! Seems those in VIP boxes/second tier seating will never be DRUNK!
UncSam | 3 |
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I am remiss to hear the bottom line! Zack will be a white collar cheap skate, but not so fast my friends, today is a fresh day of betting. I will curse myself by saying I'm going 7-0 or 3500 points! I'm no MATH teacher but 3500 + 1820 = 4820. TO THE COMMISH: Are you paying just for 1st place or are you paying 2nd and 3rd as well? Sure would take a bang out of Zack's, just wondering! Since he is investing it........he'll have interest paying for it! If he decides to buy a keg, give it all to him! Gotta go to Fiesta Bowl trianing!
UncSam | 4 |
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Congrats for being warriors JButch and Parker! Two people on here could learn alot from you two. I'm refering to the two leaders who have been affraid to bet since November. Butch and Parker are down negative 5 digits and still in the fight, that my friends is called tenacity, true gamers, reckless abandons!
We have another kind of gamer on here, Matt Snive, he claims he bets opposite his picks on here for real money. Being in close to fifth place on here tells me he is losing real money. I call it warrior spirit Hooyah Matt. For those of you non military Hooyah is an Army term that means anything but no! So many gamers on this site without a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of and still betting, true blue collar!
Lets fill up the forumn to make the two white collar leaders and make them bet this week! In pinochle its bidder out, ping pong is win by two for Christ sake!
UncSam | 4 |
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If you were winning a rival game would you lay down and let them come back? I think not!
If you had the best ice cream cone you ever tasted in your life, would you stop licing and let it melt? I think not!
If you were having the best sex of your life with room approaching orgasm, would you get dressed and leave? I think not!
If someone owed you a million dollars, would you say, "No more for me", when you got to 500,000? I think not!
With that said................................................
They are stuck in a corner affraid to stay in the fight!
I say to my loving sister and wonderful nephew BOOOO! Showcase you skills that got you to the point your at or we may begin to think it was all luck! VR UncSam 500 X 10 week after week after week, pickin early!
UncSam | 2 |
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after 4-0 on Saturday, I'm finally above water! I have to comment that, "You might be a box sit on wins! Cold a hell her, got down to 56 last night! Gettin ready for the Cards playoff game and waitin on March Madness. I plan on winning the Chevron March Madness brackets which is why I don't care if I lose this one. I'm desperate for more wins, hence, University of Louisiana @ Laffayette -4.5.
I pondered over the Bearcats playing at Hawaii, you know the travel and all but realized we're talking about the Natty Cats, they probably stay at the club "til fo in tha moning" every game this year! If they have on their black unies, the white facemask accentuates thier faces like an X-ray! The only track team with pads and a helmet!
Fuckin Obama, talk is cheap but he did mention a NCAA football play off. Anyones name that sounds like Osama shouldn't be pres. He is only 17% black, more arabic than anything!
UncSam | 1 |
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Yeh, don;t be fooled by box teams caving in in the 4th Qtr, Tex A&M fumble, LSU D-less with seconds, and last but not least the fuckin EARS! Disgusted in PHX! I also hate when people sit on wins, SCARED!
JButch17 | 2 |
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Had to go with W. Mich to offset Matt Snively. I'll quopte McCarther, "I shall return"!
JTSnively | 7 |
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Brother John,
You only picked 7, where is your other three? I like your Boisy and Troy picks. I had to go against the Bellaire QB from Bellaire and pick the Chipawas of Cent. Mich. Bet with my wallet not my heart. At least I'll get to see him play tonight. We both like TT, send me your email address again.
JTSnively | 7 |
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I ain't scared, my pics are in! Damn computer was telling me I had too many picks when I had 9! Being a computer extroidinaire I turned it off and truned it back on agian to get my 10th, check out my over 75.5 on TT and OK. I had to cancel my trip to Ann Arber because of a VA review board on the 28th, can't miss that, could mean alot more money for me. I hope you sending money to Hank's place! Talk to you soon.
JTSnively | 7 |
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Bob "Timebomb" Schaffer had to be rescued from the icy waters of the Captina creek after leaping off the Inez Wright bridge. shortly after his four teamer was ruined by the 11-10 Steeler victory over the San Diego Chargers. After seeing the ball scooped up for a touchdown by Kumoniwantolaya Timebomb paid off his gambling debts in cash to fellow gambler "Dimbo" Kish.. With an undisclosed amount in Kish's hand the touchdown was called back. "He headed straignt for the bridge", Kish said! Luckily for Schaffer his high alcohol level guarded him against hypothermia while another town drunk Donnie West swam out and pulled him to shore. Shivering, West quoted, "I was gettin high under the bridge when I heard someone scream, fuck, then heard a big splash. " Being suicidal myself, I just swam out and grabbed him", West boasted! The Powhatan Fire and rescue arrived to find both men shivering and drinking a beer. Fire chief "Barhead" Nelms transported both men to the Riverside Inn for treatment from no other than Lizzette Vessles. "If Lizette can't straighten these two out nobody can"! Vessles has taken over the title of head bar maid in the hatten since the death of longtime bouncer and bar maid Susan Armann!
Numerous others fell victim to the game, some relief was brought to the valley with the Browns win Monday night over the Bills but some still suffer. A charity fund has been set up in Schaffers name, donations can be mailed or hand carried to Hank's Place to get Timebomb ready to bet for this weeks college games.
UncSam | 1 |
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I have proof that a bear cant lick a beaver! Too bad AF ground aborted against the mormons! Looks like Neene is back in the fight, I saw an under thats going over and some other shitty pics pending! Lets go in cahoots Matt, In the rare event one of us win, lets split the cash, gives us better odds, what you think?
snives6 | 4 |
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Good luck nephew Matt, I would have been talking shit but Snively's and computers don't mix! I was on the phone four hours today trying to get this fuckin thing workin.. They are saying shit like browser, isn't that somebody with one eye brow? Reboot, my hardware, new steel toed boots right? Passkey, thats what you get at the gas station to go shit, right? One and on and on, I'm a pig wearing a wrist watch! How in the hell did you get to add to the forum? I was going to brag about Natty but couldn't find new topic. Natty almost lost cause they didn't have on black unies, the whit face mask makes the bruthas look like DNA trays! You picked Louisville cause Natty beat the ears, big dummy!
I plan on winning this thing people, right after I hit the lottery! I'm 41-40, feel me! I thought bot kickers tonight did a great job, don't you! I'll be talkin more shit tomorrow if I can find the add a new topic thing, maybe I'll call Qwest and Toshiba, better yet, hook it up Comish! Until tomorrow, Natty rules VR Unc Sam
PS nice pick on the under, horse shoes and hand gernades bud!
snives6 | 4 |
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Whooooooo Nelly..........Not so fast my friends! Not only did I get a bad ass tattoo on my right forearm "Kata" but it seems the sun shined on the two dogs I picked. Yes the sun shone on the Phoenix dogs ass to the tune of 1,000 points! Get used to it Zack and quit bragging! How quickly we forget when your brother Ben dogged you not so long ago! You may be removed quicker than your appendix was!
From now on its Valley of the Sun picks, forecast sunny on this Top Dogs Ass people! I wish you all luck as the sun shines and the temperatures rise, it ain't over till its over, feel me on this one Brother John, it could be bombs over Tokyo for the rest of the season!
Unc Sam just got his credentials to work the Fiesta Bowl and West Region March Madness at University of Phoenix Stadium (UPS). Monday Night Football's craziness at UPS took me to another level!
Got my Veterans Day gift, 1,000 points! Keep looking at my Georgie III VP Sarah Palin pic, she got my back! Yes the picture you see is SP!
UncSam | 1 |
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Sounds good Nephew, I'm down! $10 on its way!
snives13 | 3 |
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Needed a small tune up at the VA! I was carrying around my friends Mike Bonny's head for a few days so I thought I better go in for a PTSD alignment! My picks are in, read and weep or read and cry, I ain't scared!
Zack, now you know what it feels like to get some of your guts removed! Hope your better! I'll be watchin tomorrow and rootin my ass off so beware! Unc out!
PS I had a sex change operation while at the VA, Ck pic, some sah I look hot as a brunette!
UncSam | 1 |
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Explaination:Und has been locked up! Sheriff Joe made it rough on "No Jive" don't count me out, I'll be, and am back, read em and weap! Give me some con leave!
JTSnively | 7 |
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Its all good Neff! I was up til the big 26 but still managed to see some of my favs. Noles moved up with the Demon Deacons kicking the Noles ass, so, Snives move up! Who ever is ending their life this wekend..........congrats! I lost in the AZ losers pool but went in cahutes with Pittsburgh Bob to stay alive, we got NYJ to lose Monday!
I love when Zac is in the #1 position, since he is a Snive he wont rest on his laurels, he'll bet til he plummets! Actually I seeing you and I to take it all Ben! Watch out for Marcella, she got game, well sense! Don't count out Matt either, once he quits betting on WVU he'll move up. I'm much more stubborn, I'll continue to take Oh St and WVU caue I'm representing home and don't give a fuck! Freedom is good!
UncSam | 5 |
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Ok, maybe spell ckeck would have broke it down better but improvise home boys! I got a new look, new concept after jail, you get a Moligan this Sat but remember I'm here to cheer them on! I been up for 26 hours and enjoying some freedom! Marcella is on the way with tha goods! Yunz all in trouble! VR 58-04 Patric S. Snively
Post Script: Tent City Sucks!
UncSam | 5 |
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I announce to my formativable foes that I am out of jail! Yes, kicked out one day early! I won't go into gruesome details, just cut to the chase! Snively's are durable, tenacious but at times we need to lick our wounds. Enjoy this down time cause we are thick as thieves! I hated to bring the Snives down but they, and I were not betting our best! # 4 No Jive is OUT, time served! this means to all you CAFL that You Are in Trouble, except for the Ferry Kid! Don't even try it CAFL Ferry kids are touch, harder than titanium! Note: the acronym has changed to Columbus Area Flat Landers!
For the rest, there's a time to play and a time to don't! Snives are in Offensive mode! Check you six cause here come the dicks! My picks.possibly others may have been affected by my incarceration but Katy Bar the Door! here they come! Enjoy this week cause next week you will plummet!
Its College football from now on, forget the wife envy and hater games, its on. Its on like Donkey Kong!
here we go Sniv-elys, here we go!
I'll coin a phrase from Dick Vitale, "yesterdays gone and tommorrows not here yet, two most wasted days of the week! I wish you CAFL good luck, enjoy, possibly, the quiet befroe the storm!
Drop the big 50's on me, I'll be your Huckelberry!
UncSam | 5 |
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