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Time to start getting money in. $20 for NCAAF and $10 for NFL. Also anyone interested I have started a $10 College Basketball. Under NCAAB private contests- Contest Name Sweet Lou's 3 and password is powhatan. Invite anyone you want. Picks will be displayed in this contest. If you need to send me money address 131 Martin Drive Marion Ohio 43302.
snives13 | 1 |
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Quote Originally Posted by SatNightFever05:
OSU didn't seem to have any issues scoring the following week at Nebraska.. 27 points in 2.5 quarters before Miller got hurt.. And again, ND, yes 31 points against, but only 270 total yards against, the Irish's lowest output by far of the season.. 31 points came from kickoff return and couple TO's that set up Irish with short field Buckeyes got Mike Adams back for Nebraska and it changed positions for a few buckeye lineman. Bucks ran the ball better and B Mill had more lanes to scramble in. Adding that one lineman and changing many others may or may not have helped. The bucks play calling is bad. With that said I still remember the second half collapses Mich st has had in the past. They have beat Michigan 3 times in a row in a rivalry dominated by the Wolves. Will be a close game but I like the Hokey Pokey to break the streak. He knows the importance of taking this rivalry back, and even if i'm wrong well Go Bucks you get the picture. |
covin | 31 |
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CMON MAN! No one in this league is feeling sorry for you. You should be playing 10 a week just because your retired. Do you think Jerry Binni would spare you a dime? NO. Timebomb Shafe? NO. Georgie? Hell no he's taking that loot. Satchmo? Yea he'd buy ya an IC Light. You don't feel pressure in this league you bet 10 a week cause that's how we roll at Georgie's. And if you can't feed the family this week wouldn't be the first guy from Georgie's who lost the grocery money!Lol I hope you took Air Force cause Unc would've!
JTSnively | 5 |
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Welcome back Football. As the leaves start to fall and the air gets cooler it can mean only one thing...Football Season. Welcome to all our new players. We are at an all time with 26 signed up (2 still no picks yet, what are you doing j rosnick). Our newbies include: 2 of my Richwood boys Junebug aka Johnny Parish and djdolfan aka Duane "Tiger Woods" Jolliff. We have a Meadowbrook boy cousin Mike roped in in john_anthony. I know his real name but don't know if he wants his identity released so we'll leave it at that. John feel free to forum and tell about yourself. Last we have some more family members in Shamrock and OhioValley (probably the the two best name choices i've seen in the contest in 6 years). Shamrock aka cookie aka lou holtz aka aka Mr. Barnesville aka Mark Cook. Also we have OhioValley aka Bigz and Lillte Mistovich. The current Godfather of Powhatan Big Mike (and little) have come out strong with an 8-3 but have not ponied up the loot. It's fake money boys let it all hang out. And finally let us remember our fallen family and friends. As we get teary eyed thinking of 9/11 and our fallen comrades remember what a great country we have.....and yes ol Uncle Sam one of the original players on wagerline (covers) we miss you and your comical banter on the forum. Unc would be proud of his boy grossman...deep in the hole already! He loved your game Rossy! Enough of the emotional shit as Unc, Grandpa, and Uncle Ben just did another shot of.....smooth as silk. It's great to have all on board it's the best $20 or $30 (if in nfl to) you'll ever spend and if it was real money we'd all be divorced. LOL. Good Luck from your commish snives13
snives13 | 2 |
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Welcome to another exciting year of gaming. First I'd like to welcome our two new cappers, Derek_4 aka Derek Heminger my brother in law and vukmoney aka Nick Vukovich a new teacher and coach at the dale from the Pirate Cove of Cardington. Good luck gentlemen and Vuk with a name like money you better pick up the pace! Now on the abuse charges..... So I go to my dad's house for an enjoyable afternoon to watch the bucks and what do I get? People on my ass for not betting $500 everytime! @#%^&&%%## u guys! This comes also from my buddies. Kiss my !#$TL^&L&! I'm also looking at the leaderboard and see guys at the top that are 8-3, 6-1 (yea you Rosnick and Price) so while your worried about my 2 and 3 hundred grow your own sack and bet all 10 you weak bitches! I mean myself and Vukmoney the only two with 20 bets in 2 weeks. Hypocrits. If you notice me 10-10 and vuk 10-10. Me plus 900 and Vuk minus 900 guess if you play 5's on your best you can win. Therefore lay off my strategy. And one final thought Zac is gonna hit someone hard this Friday against Miami Trace you know why.........cause two years ago's winner with his great strategy to copy someone's final picks (grossman) ain't hit a damn thing this year so far! HAHAHA! Good luck and here's thinkin of you UNK! You'd be proud. |
snives13 | 2 |
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I have my own theories! I'm gettin ready for the stretch run. I will not fold to your peer pressure!
snives6 | 4 |
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All football bettors Get me your money. $20 for college and $5 for pro. While your at it buck up and join the ncaa hoops one for another $10 bones. If we get more than 10 2 winners if not winner take all. The pool is under Pokey's (another legendary Powhatan watering hole) and the password is train bridge. Best of luck if your not scared. I realize some of you don't know hoops but could it be worse than some of your football bets? Invite your boys! Also if you want to send me your money my address is 131 Martin Drive Marion Ohio 43302. |
snives13 | 1 |
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All football bettors Get me your money. $20 for college and $5 for pro. While your at it buck up and join the ncaa hoops one for another $10 bones. If we get more than 10 2 winners if not winner take all. The pool is under Pokey's (another legendary Powhatan watering hole) and the password is train bridge. Best of luck if your not scared. I realize some of you don't know hoops but could it be worse than some of your football bets? Invite your boys!
snives13 | 2 |
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First things first. It just ain't the same without UNC. However we know he is watching over us and I'm sure he has taken over as the best capper in Heaven. UNC had a way with words and I heard they may even be some of his old posts come back to life this year. We'll see. Anyway time for our annual intros.
1st the Snively's
The Commish (Ben Snively) bet against me and you
JT Snives(John T Snively) the godfather had a big week to get self back in race and will intimidate folks to bet 5 bills.
lilsnives(Zac Snively)- last yr's champ and starts for Jon Alder as a soph-impressive list but will sit his ass on a lead and will steal your bets for a victory-also currently in last this yr-justice served
snives6(Matt Snively)- a Georgies baller from way back, 5 bills is his style, he ain't afraid to go for da jugular.
Mike9573(Mike Snively) worked for Georgie as a youngster. Gets tips from Jerry, Jim, and Time Bomb (unfair advantage) will Bullshit with the best of em, a newbie this season.
Noles6 (Aunt Neen) Current leader, Bobby Bowden lover, cold hearted capper, sister of the godfather picks in her bloodline!
So with that said the Snively tree looks like this on this site. JT father of BSnives and lilsnives his brother Terry (Unc pete who we need to teach to get on internet and get him in next yr) father of snives6 and mike9573 and noles 6 aunt neen sister of jt and pete.
Our other relatives on this site through marriage jason rosnick a future pharmacist very shortly(i think he's in yr 10 at OSU and lovin it) and Tyler Palko-real name Ryan Lucas stud baseballer from Drake I believe come on Ryan can we get rid of the Palko they sucked then and they suck now.
Best of the rest in order of current standing.
Grossman-Greg Rossman- one of unc's favorite players no the favorite I think Unc is smilin of Grossman this yr
BigKat-Mike Davis with a name like dat nuff said
J Butch-John Butchko Injury prevention specialist at Rdale. Ex Hilltopper (honorary valley boy)
BDiehl-Brett Diehl I'll pay for this but our newest loverboy!
Sduncan-Scott Duncan one of bsnives favorite targets in high school but rumor has it his wife is makin his picks!
halla09-Current NFL leader
Drake 24-Cameron Drake Muskie Danville step up your picks
Parker-Eric lets go cavs
Price-Jeremy hope he don't have to save my life...with these picks
Pauff-Frank Lima boy better start pickin like from senior and not bath
Good luck all! Get that money in before your to far down to get out of hole. It's easier to pay when you think you still got a chance!
snives13 | 2 |
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Unc I hate to say it but the only chance we have is for someone to pressure Zac. Spent Thanksgiving in P-City and Zac is planning on sitting on his ass. The only hope we have is if Aunt Neene or Rossi can put some pressure on. I thought Aunt Neene would keep playing but come on she's still rootin for the Seminoles I mean sure I used to like them to when they were good. Recognize the Gators are Florida's hero now. Sorry Bobby B. I've had people ask me about making people play, betting 500 a pop, and so on. It comes down to this. We must be able to put pressure on people who are NUTLESS or they just won't play. Unc I ask Zac what he was going to do with the money and he said bank it. Cmon at least buy your family a keg for being such bad bettors and allowing you to win. Buck up young man. Make a bet chump. I might hand trap him next time I see him!
UncSam | 4 |
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Now that some of us are mathematically eliminated from the football pool, I have started an NCAA basketball one. It will be $10.00 (get them football dues in) winner take all. It starts Monday and you get bet up to 3 games a day from 100 to 500. It lasts the entire year but if you have watched the football you may be wise to sit at zero (if your gay or something). Anyway if interested the office pool is Powhatan Winter League and the password is loutolzda (gotta be from the hatan to understand). Invite anyone you want (as long as they got the 10 bones). Remember it will not ask for the password until you make a pick. Best of luck to our football finalists.
snives13 | 3 |
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just walked into Dad's and let me tell you Matt his brother was waiting on him and I know that don't happen to much. Did you get my picture on your phone this morning? Go Bucks.
JTSnively | 4 |
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commish loses thurs (good cause fuck usc) and still moves up a spot. Have fun at Jv invite me diehl davis and team derr will be thinkin of you when were drunk at the beavers game. g o beaves
snives13 | 6 |
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Commish goes 7-2-1 this week and is out of the gutter. Gotta hand it to Zac Snives he is not sitting on his lead and looks as if he may be tough to catch. Mr. and Mrs. Snives 13 and BigKat got hammered at Rossman's reception. Ended the night at the Frosty Mug one of Marions finer establishments. Great party by the Rossmans what I remember of it. Hope I didn't say too many stupid things but sure I did. The natti was speakin for me. Back to work tomorrow and by back i mean there will be a lot of studying this week as I try to get closer to the top of that leaderboard. Unc Sam send me some heat from Zona.
snives13 | 6 |
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I'm glad your out Unc. Bucks looked pretty bad again today but Pryor is for real. I hate to be that typical Buckeye fan but changes need to be made. I love Tress but our O-Coord is an O-line coach(sorry dad but hell at least you liked to chuck it). After the game he should have got Troy's O coor and said how much to be a buckeye? Our D-line gets no pressure and we play bend but don't break D. Like I said though Pryor wins a lot of games for us in the future. Watchin Tenn/Flor we got a long way to go. I'm probably justed pissed because that's 1500 the bucks have cost me and I'll bet on the fuckers again next week. Went with Palko's Panthers and get my third push. Headin to Rossman's reception tonight prob end up drunk. Oh shit it's saturday would have ended up that way anyway. Threw 5 for 5 at about 3 we'll see how it turns out. I will not finish in 16th. As unc said here come the Snive's. Go Gators, Fresno St, Mich St, VT, and whoever else I prob picked who will lose. I love this Game.
UncSam | 5 |
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Followed up a 2-7-1 with a 1-8-1. I feel like John Cooper. On a positive note though I have made up with the Ridgedale Math Dept. Turns out they do like girls and drink a lot of beer.
Unc not to worry your nephews are cool. Matt called me on Saturday (while the bucks were still in the game) and we had a nice conversation. We both agreed how bad we were at gambling and figured at least it wasn't a Christmas eve battle about who could cover the flats. Been a few years but hell of a discussion one year between Matt and Dad. Ended in a draw as both were still correct. Go figure Dad and Matt both right while me, Mike, and unc pete sat in awe at the whole situation. Had just a couple of drinks that evening. Good luck this weekend lot of season to go and a lot of trash to talk. Just wish so many of my picks weren't trash.
snives13 | 5 |
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Sorry Bucks it was worse than my picks. 7 for 21 is it possible to pick this bad. Yes i'm livin proof. At least I get to root for the Brownies today! Should be another disappointment. Well at least I'm not rootin for Michigan or Notre Dame.
snives13 | 1 |
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Wooooooe Matty. First off I will not make excuses for Ohio State even if they are blown out. I am perplexed by the fact that you would rather win a BCS game than lose in the national championship? I believe you were a football player at one time and a very good one at that. Remember I used to make my college buddies at Musky watch channel 7 news and you always were the main attraction on the highlight reel. So your telling me you would have rather won your last game and not made the playoffs than to have lost in the state finals two years in a row. I HIGHLY DOUBT THAT! Now stop hatin and cheer your ass off for the BUCKEYES tonight in the hostile Coliseum. Also don't forget we only got there last year (which we weren't supposed to anyway) because 4 or 5 others choked in their respective big games while we went to Michigan and beat Lloyd in his last game there.
Love cousin Benjitis
snives6 | 5 |
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Cmon on Matt this is the Bucks we play some Defense! This ain't WVU vs Pitt to get to a national championship game. Tell him Palko, and it looks like last year may have been your shining moment casue I don't see Bill Stewart getting you to the promise land.
snives6 | 5 |
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Well Bigmouth i see you don't want to let things die. Mr. Diehl and I seem to be cool,but you want to beat a dead horse. So yes my wife may help me out with my attire, but maybe I should get you to. Seems your the new fashion police or should I say QUEER EYE FOR THE STRAIGHT GUY!
snives13 | 9 |
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