Yes we have a lot more cops killing than other countries because we have a lot more crime (and just because it wasn't a violent crime DOES NOT MEAN that police force, including killing, was unnecessary). We are the number 1 country in total crimes, by almost double that of the #2 country. And out of the number of cops killing, there are way more good cops having a completely valid reason for doing what they did compared to the number of bad cops who didn't.
You know and I'm sure you do THERE ARE A HUGE AMOUNT OF CRIMINALS AS COMPARED TO THE NUMBER OF BAD COPS. There just is no comparison in numbers. AGAIN, protest according to the numbers; Protest to get rid of our criminals and you will see a tremendous drop in deaths by criminals, by good cops and by the rare bad cops.
There is no valid reason why the U.S. has so many criminals. Put your Guardian Angels to work in getting rid of crime instead of trying to get rid of the few bad cops. I bet the numbers on both sides will drop - criminals and bad cops...
I know I have way more experience with our police system than you ever will. I am the son of a police officer who spent several years in the US army prior to becoming a police officer. My father was a police officer in Michigan before we moved to Florida where he worked for the Ft. Lauderdale PD and was badly injured while escorting President Ford. Being the son of a police officer, I've dealt with it every single day for over 21 years straight and that's not including all my years away from home, and I'm over 50 now.
Yes there are bad cops out there. Yes they should be held accountable for their actions and treated as the criminals they are, but there are way more good cops out there than the bad ones, and I'm probably being conservative saying 90% vs. 10%. All I'm saying is protest what the numbers prove.
Yes, we need to get rid of the few bad cops, but more importantly, we need to support the good cops, even those who have killed for valid reasons, and get rid of ALL THIS CRIME in the United States.
Anyway, I'm done arguing. I didn't come to this forum to argue politics. Just like I don't watch the NFL for politics. I and the majority of people watch for entertainment.
To All:
Stand for our National Anthem. Respect our flag. Respect our military. Respect our police. Abide by and respect the law. Respect our country. If you're that unhappy here, LEAVE!!! We are not a perfect country, but if you want to help make it better, instead of condemning our police, help get rid of our biggest problem - our HUGE amount of crime.