Quote Originally Posted by BarstoolProphet:
No it wont. He will now "back test" it for 2 more years so that he can add a few more thousand units to it. To hell with what it will do going forward. Dudes living in the past.
Still have a shout out to Melosslet and Flwareagle, you guys have anything to say? Or did you guys boycott Covers once your beloved leader got booted.
Maybe you guys are helping out with the so called "lawsuit" he has pending against Covers.

You guys belong in the circus. along with all the other clowns.
wat do you mean "do i have anything to say"???..wat do you expect me to say??,you self-important,arrogant mis-informed piece of steaming shi..t.
you acting like sumthing is my fault or i made a promise that wasnt kept.
go back to anything that i posted and show me where i said anything in terms of success could be guaranteed for the future you retarded,pompous monkey....all i said was that you dont know wat youre talking about and cant assure everyone in here that this is guaranteed to fail without even knowing wat the parameters are or whether the back-tests were accurate and legitimate...and that remains the case.
just because it lost doesnt mean you were right...it means that one of a possibility of things that cud happen DID happen..wow!!amazing that,you took a guess and now youre back to gloat about it....well done

i said multiple times that neither i nor you know the full details of the system so its best to reserve judgment till results play out....as with following anyone thats a stranger on the interweb its a leap of faith and everyone is responsible for their own choices to bet.
but you harping on and on about how failure is imminent and guaranteed was mis-informed grandstanding.
obviously 1 of the biggest issues i had was with your maths and the mathematical assumptions and projections that you made to scare people away from this..you were appallingly bad in that regard and i proved you 100% wrong beyond any doubt so i certainly hope youre not back in here to gloat about your projected mathematical synopsis cos thats just a joke.
as 4 me personally,i chose to play a 4-game chase,then another 2-game on the end... at fairly small stakes(BECAUSE THATS MY CHOICE,AND JEFF NEVER ACTUALLY FORCED ME TO DO ANYTHING OTHERWISE).and over-all after the disastrous loss i am still up a little bit only because there have been over 60 single unit wins thus far....so ya can shut the fu.k up if youre thinking out gloating to me about any losses...i assessed risk and designated money management the best way i saw fit and its turned out fine,even in the worst circumstances.
as mentioned multiple times there are many ways to use and play jeffs system and folks shud take the time to find that which has the best risk vs. reward balance and relative profit return...6-game was absolutely insane to me so i wud never venture that route.until recently i had never even heard of a more than 3-game chase in sports betting...not a big systems/chasing kind of guy.
and the reason i havent been in this thread for ages is obviously because its null and void now,jeff not here anymore so no point in checking in......get the plays from the other place but unfortunately i see youve infiltrated there as well with your poisonous,superior thoughts and attitude,like youre better than the rest of the peasants that tried sumthing a little risky.
was either of your parents a creepy stalker by chance??you seem to have it in your genetic make-up...for a dude that is totally opposed to this system and the validity of it you sure love hanging around a lot.......creepy

but then i guess youre just a good samaritan,rite??..doing your bit to help out all the helpless,poor gamblers out there??

so now ive said sumthing...is that enuff????