Come on think the only people who go on big losing streaks and have bad days/weeks are those who chase??? That's completely unfair. Sports gambling is tough...period. We go through spots like this...we question our decisions. It happens to every single one of us. Different people have different approaches and many of them can work...whether it's chasing, or using labby, betting 10 games a day, or betting one. All these have their ups and downs and it's different strokes for different folks. All have their pros and cons. Don't come in piling on from the top of Mt. Pious. It's not fair to Kreatture, or the forum. We know you don't like chasing, you've made it clear in numerous threads...this is not the time to remind us. You make some good contributions around here, but an "I told you so" post is totally uncalled for. We get enough of that crap from the sportsbaths of the world. Lets get back to learning from each other, supporting each other, and winning.