Last summer I brought something new to this forum, an accountable record of all my plays from multiple Systems in clear, easy to read, simple spreadsheets. It was the beginning of a new career for myself and I put in a lot of hard work every day. It paid off. The Systems I followed were a huge success.. my money management, however, was not! I learned a lot last summer, not only about myself, but also about this business. While it will always continue to be a learning experience, I believe I am ahead of the game in many areas. A career in Sports Investing, is indeed, quite possible..
This summer, I'll take the lessons learned from last year and apply them in what will hopefully be a very profitable season. The biggest early mistake I made last year was getting in over my head with regards to the number of Systems I was playing at the same time. While there are always many, many Systems on this forum at any given time, some are definitely better than others. You have to be careful not to stretch your bankroll too far, cuz when some of these Systems start to have a couple of losses that strain can become overwhelming.
I'm not saying my Systems are better than the other ones out there right now, but I will say that mine are all clearly defined. While others are still tinkering with adding and subtracting filters, everything is laid out here and will be followed to the letter. There will be no confusion of what the daily plays are. The spreadsheets hold this accountable.
Depending on your current bankroll, I would recommend investing in no more than 3 good MLB Systems at one time. I believe it is better to play 1 or 2 really great Systems with a higher Unit size, than to play 4 or 5 Systems with smaller Unit sizes. So if you're all ready playing 2 or 3 Systems which are working for you, I don't recommend you start another. I don't expect any losses on these Systems this season.. but I also know anything can happen, and sometimes History will write a new chapter (ie. #16 seed Montreal's NHL upset over #1 seed Washington in this year's playoffs).. so if we do encounter a loss, there will be no worries as a Recovery Process is all ready in place for this. Last year's Recovery Process was a huge success for the RunLine Blitz after I had severely messed up my Unit Management.
Those of you who were here last summer know I created a Top 5 Home Team System. While the System was an overwhelming success, I had some severe Money Management problems midway through which really hurt my overall numbers. If I had played the System the way it was intended, it would have been a grand slam.
After running a System Analysis at season's end, here are the breakdown numbers..
No Filters -- 107-8 This would have been the record if just played straight up. However, this was not how it was played.
System Filters in place -- 89-3 This was the actual record of what was played, with certain filters in place for most of the season. The filtered plays were 18-5, so as you can see, they worked very well.
Altho 89-3 is still pretty good, it was not good enough for me. These 3 losses were pretty easy to pick out, and thus 2 new filters were added for this season..
Added Filter #1 -- No Interleague Play -- I had thoughts of not playing IL games last season, but proceeded anyway. IL games went 11-2 Overall straight up.. 7-2 with Filters in place. One loss was in an AL park (Toronto) and one in an NL park (SF), so the decision to just avoid IL games all together was made.
Added Filter #2 -- No September Play -- This should be a no-brainer in just about every MLB System, but I ignored the advice of others and proceeded anyway. September went 25-4 (yes, half of the overall straight up losses were in this month alone!), 21-1 with Filters in place. The Filters did their job, and you may think only 1 loss isn't so bad.. but there were also 3 additional Game 3's in this month (4 total). Considering there were only 9 Game 3's in 92 overall series, the stress of September baseball is to be avoided, so the decision to just quit at the end of August was made.
If we filter Interleague games out, that would have left a record of 83-1, and if we had quit the end of August, the Overall Record would have been 62-0. There were 15 series where we saw a Top 5 home team play a Bottom 5 road team.. these were double unit plays, and went 15-0. Game 1 of these Series' went 9-2 until the end of August, with the 2 losses winning on Game 2. September saw a record of 4-0, but 2 of these were forced to a stressful Game 3. Once again, September baseball was to be avoided.
This season, with all the proper filters in place, we hope to run a perfect season. This will still be difficult, of course, but I believe it's as well prepared as any System out there.

Best of Luck this 2010 MLB Season!