This isn't my write-up, but it's an informative piece and I thought I would pass it along.. read it carefully, then read it again. And no, I did not pay for this.
"Good Morning Ladies & Gentlemen...Today I want to discuss a very important concept for those of you that handicap games...Now I know that plenty of sports bettors don't do so, and I can promise you that living in Vegas...I've met a lot of very successful and winning sports bettors that don't do any handicapping themselves...
And that's fine...In fact, I commend them because rather than allowing their ego to cost them money...they instead are sharp enough to know they can beat this market by simply gaining access to winning handicapper's selections...
For those type of "investors"...the key to success lies in their ability to determine which handicapper's selections have value...and have access to them...After that, their only responsibility becomes proper money management...
But like I said at the, I want to focus on those of you who do your own handicapping...
Now granted, part of handicapping is "information gathering"...whether it be stats & trends, or even another winning sports bettors selections/opinions...And another part is gathering information that is needed to help you create your own "True Line" to compare to what the market is offering...
With that said, I have found that too many handicappers allow their biases to dictate the information they gather...Meaning, they only look for information, stats, ect...that help support their initial opinion...ultimately making that information bias and many times...worthless...
Bottom Line, and truth be told...I know so many paid cappers in this industry that do that exact same thing...They already have formed their opinion and made their selection...before truly gathering information to support that play...
Let's face it, I would estimate that 75% if not more...of the information passed along via analysis has been gathered AFTER a selection has been made...The reasons for this is to help validate that selection, but more's also the best way to ensure that they aren't passing along what they believe to be their "formula" for success...
I mean, let's tell it like it is...if every paid sports handicapper gave out via analysis EVERY single factor and step they took to reach a conclusion...within no time, the client can simply do the exact same...and eventually have no need to pay them anymore...
Now I know that's not the best things I can say, being a "paid capper" myself...But like I said before, I'm not in the business of wasting my time or bullshitting you and telling it like we want it to be...rather than how it actually is...
And I'm not accusing anyone of anything...Instead, I'm just simply stating fact...and hope that most of my subscribers are sharp enough to have already realized this a long time ago...
The reason I bring all of this up, is not to knock our industry...because I truly believe that there are a handful of paid cappers out there that truly are as sharp as they come...and whose information is extremely valuable and their insights rare and amazing...But with that said, few of them are actually going to provide their exact recipe...It is what it is...
Getting back to today's topic...
I believe that too many handicappers do that very same thing whether they realize it or not...They don't really allow the information gathered and handicapping locate and isolate value on a board...Instead, after already having an opinion or lean...they then look to do what they can to support it...
And I am telling you that this process, whether they realize it or both worthless...and more importantly...doing it all BACKWARDS...
You have to try and go into it unbiased...And then allow your work and the information you interpret, to lead you to where the value is...It's just like I talked about when I stated that the VERY 1st THING A CAPPER SHOULD have their own price to compare to what the market is offering...
Otherwise, you are allowing your bias to sway you the way you want to be swayed...whether you do it consciously or not...I mean, if you already look at what the market is offering and have a lean, or worse...and strong opinion...then I can promise you that you will not only create a price that supports that opinion...but you will also look to gather the kind of information that ONLY supports that opinion...
Finally, I was fortunate enough to have been brought up in this game surrounded by extremely sharp bettors and bookmakers...And because of that, by the age of 15 I had already taken down my Pittsburgh Steelers penants & posters...knowing that I would from then on, be cheering for them one week...and rooting against them the next...
These guys showed me that I shouldn't have an opinion, unless I have some kind of data to help me form that opinion...And if by chance I do so without having the information provide me with an opinion...then by all means I better be able to change that opinion when the information calls for it...Which let's face it, is very hard to do because we are all human and we tend to defend our opinions...
So I urge those of you that handicapp games...don't waste your time hunting down information that helps support your opinion...instead, spend your time gathering information that helps form and leads you to your opinion...And I promise you that you will not only improve your results, but you will find yourself uncovering the kind of valid information that you otherwise would have missed...
Thanks again for all your support, and best of luck ahead...Vegas-Runner."