There is a thread already made for college football based on this same system. Thank you to neilsy25 who started that thread and has had great success.
I plan on starting the NFL version of this chase in Week 4 of the season which begins Sunday Oct 3, 2010.
I went back and checked the numbers for every NFL team over the last 4 years beginning in week 4 and over all of that time there were only 3 teams that did not satisfy the chase:
Phi Eagles in 07-08 UUUOOO,U
Was Redskins in 09-10 UUUOOO,U
Ari Cardinals in 09-10 UUUOOO,U
Those were the only times in 4 years where the chase would not have worked. In 2009-2010 you had two teams that did not satisfy but as you can see once those teams played that 6 game pattern, all 3 played the next game Under the total.
The chase only went to the 6th game once, and to the 5th game twice.
Only the NFC East and NFC West had losers in this system. All teams in other Conferences satsified the system.
Any comments about how to make this profitable would be great. Also how you would raise your bets each week or how to avoid losing everything I've made if one team doesnt meet the system.
Questions are welcome and I am excited to start this project. I hope you will jump on board with me and see if we can make this thing really sharp.