This was one of the threads I checked before making my bet, just to see if there were any angles that could talk me out of it. If you had made your second post originally it would have tapped into thoughts I would later have on my own and maybe save me some money, but instead you just use the heartless line, which frankly was not convincing to me or nearly detailed enough to be of any help in actually trying to cap this. All I read everywhere was Serbian sentiment and I did not think it through, just went gung ho and pulled the trigger after winning my Eagles bet. In fact I cheered on the Eagles so hard just so I would have money to spend to make Davis Cup exciting.
Too bad you did not make your valid points before I pulled the trigger. As it is, pointing out the bad value in greater detail after the fact was practically useless to me and anyone else who read it. Your second post accomplished nothing and your first was not convincing. But post what you wish, it is a free country. I just wish you had made the points sooner. Obviously by checking the order of posts in this thread I had already realized my mistake long before you came in to point out the exact same thoughts.
Like I wrote, live and learn.