I assume you need to have significant movement in a line to make money on buying and selling... What do you consider "significant" movement?
Actually, I am very quick to sell. I often sell on 1 cent line moves in MLB. I consider myself to be a roughly 55% capper, so that is not good enough to not take advantage of situations where I can return a profit before the game starts - if I was a 70% capper - I would hold on to a lot more bets.
As far as when I sell, in MLB I have a very rigid system that is driven by thresholds. I have written a lot about this and will try to find it, but it depends on my line, the position I bought, anb how much movement - but there is no thought process - I never say "I really think the A's will win today" type of stuff - I follow a set of rules.
Also, when you hear people say sharp, square, public, or vegas, does your mind go crazy like me and want to beat the shit out of that person?
For the most part, yes. But I have come to learn that gambling is a lot like anything that humans dont fully understand (religion, medicine, science, probability, superstitions) in that they make up stories to better explain what they dont understand without even being fully aware that they are doing it. Most people at covers believe that "vegas" has a crystal ball and knows the final score. Not some, not one person, BUT MOST PEOPLE.
I used to argue with these morons, but I dont anymore - in the same way that I dont argue religion or politics - I think I have come to a place where I understand that these myths are out there and if the individual doesnt take the time to investigate for themselves - that is like a poker tell for me - it is a reflection on them and it is not my job to convince them otherwise.
But yes, I often feel like the only sane person in a room of crazy people, and scratching my eyeballs out. It can be very frustrating, but it is not limited to gambling - and as I know I am often wrong about things too - I am sure I am often one of these crazy people in someone elses bubble of expertice.
Lastly, what is your advice to me in helping me to keep my mouth shut when going after touts? ( I will be asking everyone this question)
Touthunting should be fun and safe for all parites involved.

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