I was not going to post till seeing how College Gambler handled this big loss, but I felt the need to chime in after reading the follow-up posts. Am I glad that College Gambler lost his $5K bet, regardless of who it was on? Absolutely. I think it was the best thing that could happen to him at this point, as it gives him a dose of reality and a humility check after his pathetic know-it-all, "eff off" outbursts.
And after watching his recent video after the loss, only time will tell if he is sincere and ready to be disciplined, but I think it is a temporary emotional ruse, that will quickly subside once the action on the hardwood is ready to tip-off.
I think if College Gambler goes on another mini-winning streak, the board will get the typical self-centered, abusive treatment we have been accustomed to, but if I am proven wrong, and he handles himself in a professional, respectful manner, I will give him his just accolades.
I still believe at this point that College Gambler going bankrupt in short order, will be the best thing for him, as I stated much earlier in this thread during his insane outbursts. I just don't think he is even remotely mature or disciplined enough to pull this off, even though I do believe he is a decent handicapper.
If College Gambler is sincere, he should apologize to his family first, then the Covers community for the disgraceful way he acted, especially to those that tried to help him succeed.
That being said, even though Scalabrine brings up some solid points (when he is not on one of his racist rants, or making losing write-ups on some bottom-feeder team), the way he relentlessly abased College Gambler was so hypocritical and appalling.
When someone loses a big bet, like College Gambler did, or someone loses a big bet following your novella write-up, you would not want people bashing you relentlessly, just because your opinion on a game was also wrong.
College Gambler, per your video, follow your own advice (since no one else's seems to matter), and quit scapegoating others when you lose, especially the family members who seem to care deeply about you. Having a strong family relationship is more important than any bet you will ever make, win or lose.
It will be interesting to see how this saga plays out. And even if you completely lose your $20K bankroll (which is small in the whole scheme of things), but mature as a person in this ballsy ordeal of yours, you will have won. Just don't burn any more bridges along the way, as they sometimes take a lifetime to repair.