Since when does betting a favorite make you a square? And what is a "public dog?" What's it based on?
So he bets like a square....dogs or favorites and especially "public dogs" are useless references.
It doesnt. Sharp guys bet favs and dogs. After seeing his picks now, you can clearly see its very rare that he lands on the sides that the sharps are playing and thats probably due to him not really having his own set of numbers to use and more has to do with him just surfing forums looking for picks.
Having a winning percentage over 100-150 games doesnt mean you will now have a lifetime winning percentage. You keep talking about his winning percentage also. If he had a long term one, then he would have had piles of money from when he was back home in jersey betting online or at his local book.
If you think hes so good Hutch, then play all his plays when he posts them. Then both of you can go bust
Quote Originally Posted by HutchEmAll:
Since when does betting a favorite make you a square? And what is a "public dog?" What's it based on?
So he bets like a square....dogs or favorites and especially "public dogs" are useless references.
It doesnt. Sharp guys bet favs and dogs. After seeing his picks now, you can clearly see its very rare that he lands on the sides that the sharps are playing and thats probably due to him not really having his own set of numbers to use and more has to do with him just surfing forums looking for picks.
Having a winning percentage over 100-150 games doesnt mean you will now have a lifetime winning percentage. You keep talking about his winning percentage also. If he had a long term one, then he would have had piles of money from when he was back home in jersey betting online or at his local book.
If you think hes so good Hutch, then play all his plays when he posts them. Then both of you can go bust
Since when does betting a favorite make you a square? And what is a "public dog?" What's it based on?
So he bets like a square....dogs or favorites and especially "public dogs" are useless references.
Hes not a handicapper, hes just a kid who has had some luck betting, thats all. You cant do this for a living with just luck, you need real skills to do it long term. Look at what the bozo is already talking about doing. Unloading on some more plays in the hope of getting his money back. Thats not a pro, thats a SQUARE bettor my friend. Besides not being a very good capper, he now has to handle all the things called LAS VEGAS, which he clearly cant do. Every win is expert capping and every loss is a bad beat with this kid. Like todays UCONN bet, just another bad beat for the whiner. You know UCONN was up 2-0 and they lost the game. What a horrible bad beat for him. At first i was rootin g for him, then i started to see what type of human being is, now i hope he fails but i really dont have to hope for it. He will do it all on his own, because he has no handicapping method, nor does he have any money management skills.
Quote Originally Posted by HutchEmAll:
Since when does betting a favorite make you a square? And what is a "public dog?" What's it based on?
So he bets like a square....dogs or favorites and especially "public dogs" are useless references.
Hes not a handicapper, hes just a kid who has had some luck betting, thats all. You cant do this for a living with just luck, you need real skills to do it long term. Look at what the bozo is already talking about doing. Unloading on some more plays in the hope of getting his money back. Thats not a pro, thats a SQUARE bettor my friend. Besides not being a very good capper, he now has to handle all the things called LAS VEGAS, which he clearly cant do. Every win is expert capping and every loss is a bad beat with this kid. Like todays UCONN bet, just another bad beat for the whiner. You know UCONN was up 2-0 and they lost the game. What a horrible bad beat for him. At first i was rootin g for him, then i started to see what type of human being is, now i hope he fails but i really dont have to hope for it. He will do it all on his own, because he has no handicapping method, nor does he have any money management skills.
Hes not a handicapper, hes just a kid who has had some luck betting, thats all. You cant do this for a living with just luck, you need real skills to do it long term. Look at what the bozo is already talking about doing. Unloading on some more plays in the hope of getting his money back. Thats not a pro, thats a SQUARE bettor my friend. Besides not being a very good capper, he now has to handle all the things called LAS VEGAS, which he clearly cant do. Every win is expert capping and every loss is a bad beat with this kid. Like todays UCONN bet, just another bad beat for the whiner. You know UCONN was up 2-0 and they lost the game. What a horrible bad beat for him. At first i was rootin g for him, then i started to see what type of human being is, now i hope he fails but i really dont have to hope for it. He will do it all on his own, because he has no handicapping method, nor does he have any money management skills.
I think snake40 said it the best, "CG is just an incompetent blowhard waiting to be put out of his misery".
Quote Originally Posted by cd329:
Hes not a handicapper, hes just a kid who has had some luck betting, thats all. You cant do this for a living with just luck, you need real skills to do it long term. Look at what the bozo is already talking about doing. Unloading on some more plays in the hope of getting his money back. Thats not a pro, thats a SQUARE bettor my friend. Besides not being a very good capper, he now has to handle all the things called LAS VEGAS, which he clearly cant do. Every win is expert capping and every loss is a bad beat with this kid. Like todays UCONN bet, just another bad beat for the whiner. You know UCONN was up 2-0 and they lost the game. What a horrible bad beat for him. At first i was rootin g for him, then i started to see what type of human being is, now i hope he fails but i really dont have to hope for it. He will do it all on his own, because he has no handicapping method, nor does he have any money management skills.
I think snake40 said it the best, "CG is just an incompetent blowhard waiting to be put out of his misery".
I think snake40 said it the best, "CG is just an incompetent blowhard waiting to be put out of his misery".
That statement is pretty much dead on. He still hasnt learned his lesson and is already thinking about firing on some more games to get his money back right away. He just keeps thinking because he has won games in the past, that means his next plays have to win. He just cant grasp that he could go on a losing streak for awhile, like every bettor on the planet does. He only spends a couple hours everyday capping games, where true pros do it all day long. Since he doesnt cap and follow the stuff all day, he was a fool to quit working.
I said it already and will say it again, this whole thing were all watching is just CG'S MONTH LONG VEGAS VACATION. Instead of chevy chase being the star of the movie, CG is the star
Quote Originally Posted by Laroja:
I think snake40 said it the best, "CG is just an incompetent blowhard waiting to be put out of his misery".
That statement is pretty much dead on. He still hasnt learned his lesson and is already thinking about firing on some more games to get his money back right away. He just keeps thinking because he has won games in the past, that means his next plays have to win. He just cant grasp that he could go on a losing streak for awhile, like every bettor on the planet does. He only spends a couple hours everyday capping games, where true pros do it all day long. Since he doesnt cap and follow the stuff all day, he was a fool to quit working.
I said it already and will say it again, this whole thing were all watching is just CG'S MONTH LONG VEGAS VACATION. Instead of chevy chase being the star of the movie, CG is the star
Lmao going back to the strip club?? You are a TRICK. Quit paying these hoes and get back to the grind. You really should be betting 100/game now not 500. 500 is still too much. Now you will lose more $ cuz you want to be a trick. Keep paying these hoes bra you will be broke by mid April for sure
Lmao going back to the strip club?? You are a TRICK. Quit paying these hoes and get back to the grind. You really should be betting 100/game now not 500. 500 is still too much. Now you will lose more $ cuz you want to be a trick. Keep paying these hoes bra you will be broke by mid April for sure
GOING BACK TO THE FUQING STRIP CLUB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have fvcking lost your fvcking mind......
Hes like a child in the toy store, pissing away money on toys he wont even be able to play with next week. Maybe tonights set of strippers will clean him out of another 1k-2k
Quote Originally Posted by smacksmiter:
DA FUQ????????????????????????
GOING BACK TO THE FUQING STRIP CLUB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have fvcking lost your fvcking mind......
Hes like a child in the toy store, pissing away money on toys he wont even be able to play with next week. Maybe tonights set of strippers will clean him out of another 1k-2k
Lmao going back to the strip club?? You are a TRICK. Quit paying these hoes and get back to the grind. You really should be betting 100/game now not 500. 500 is still too much. Now you will lose more $ cuz you want to be a trick. Keep paying these hoes bra you will be broke by mid April for sure
The problem is that there's no way he can support himself on $100 per game bets. He'd have to average plus one unit per day just to cover his projected $3k nut and that's just not feasible.
This is why he needs to get a job and rebuild the stack until football season. He could still play $100 action plays every now and again if he did this. (He's obviously not going to quit gambling, he can't.)
CG claims to be a betting god in football. For him to rack off before football season would just be criminal. It would make this entire trip an absolute waste of time.
He no longer has enough money to just wait for football season w/o supplementing his income. But he has plenty of experience working in an office environment, a degree, etc. and should have a shot at getting a decent job even though Vegas is a depressed market.
He can still right this ship but it will require a change of mindset and attitude.
Quote Originally Posted by TreyInventor:
Lmao going back to the strip club?? You are a TRICK. Quit paying these hoes and get back to the grind. You really should be betting 100/game now not 500. 500 is still too much. Now you will lose more $ cuz you want to be a trick. Keep paying these hoes bra you will be broke by mid April for sure
The problem is that there's no way he can support himself on $100 per game bets. He'd have to average plus one unit per day just to cover his projected $3k nut and that's just not feasible.
This is why he needs to get a job and rebuild the stack until football season. He could still play $100 action plays every now and again if he did this. (He's obviously not going to quit gambling, he can't.)
CG claims to be a betting god in football. For him to rack off before football season would just be criminal. It would make this entire trip an absolute waste of time.
He no longer has enough money to just wait for football season w/o supplementing his income. But he has plenty of experience working in an office environment, a degree, etc. and should have a shot at getting a decent job even though Vegas is a depressed market.
He can still right this ship but it will require a change of mindset and attitude.
The problem is that there's no way he can support himself on $100 per game bets. He'd have to average plus one unit per day just to cover his projected $3k nut and that's just not feasible.
This is why he needs to get a job and rebuild the stack until football season. He could still play $100 action plays every now and again if he did this. (He's obviously not going to quit gambling, he can't.)
CG claims to be a betting god in football. For him to rack off before football season would just be criminal. It would make this entire trip an absolute waste of time.
He no longer has enough money to just wait for football season w/o supplementing his income. But he has plenty of experience working in an office environment, a degree, etc. and should have a shot at getting a decent job even though Vegas is a depressed market.
He can still right this ship but it will require a change of mindset and attitude.
Lol I can easily find tons of cappers in both the NFL and CFB forum who are far better cappers than him. With money management skills to boot.
Quote Originally Posted by KennyWoo:
The problem is that there's no way he can support himself on $100 per game bets. He'd have to average plus one unit per day just to cover his projected $3k nut and that's just not feasible.
This is why he needs to get a job and rebuild the stack until football season. He could still play $100 action plays every now and again if he did this. (He's obviously not going to quit gambling, he can't.)
CG claims to be a betting god in football. For him to rack off before football season would just be criminal. It would make this entire trip an absolute waste of time.
He no longer has enough money to just wait for football season w/o supplementing his income. But he has plenty of experience working in an office environment, a degree, etc. and should have a shot at getting a decent job even though Vegas is a depressed market.
He can still right this ship but it will require a change of mindset and attitude.
Lol I can easily find tons of cappers in both the NFL and CFB forum who are far better cappers than him. With money management skills to boot.
Thats true Kenny but I feel hes better off betting 2 games a day at 100-150 a play instead of 500. The vig loss will be less and it'll take some pressure off of him. An 0-4 day would be 2k+ which is a huge % of his bankroll where betting 100-150 would be 4-600 loss. Much better in the long run even if its not a lot of money to support his bills etc, itll still get him thru MLB season and get him to nfl which he claims is his best sport. But hey why talk logic to CG at this point.
I honestly dont know why I care so much I just would hate to see this dude piss away the rest of his 20k when I know how hard it is to stack that much $. Him betting 500 is suicide. Its just a matter of time before hes broke. Its amazing to me this guy is back to hitting up strip clubs after losing how much hes lost thus far. I'm going to stop posting in here I'll just watch this guy go broke and be entertained by it I suppose. I have a tad bit over 20k saved up and I'm 28 and would never in my life bet 500/game. Ever. Thats way too much $ per play. I'm comfy at 50-100/game with the occasional big shot plays 200-400ish (rare). Much easier to grind away and build bankroll. CG has still failed to learn $ management and that will be his inevitable demise. I give him 3-4 weeks before that point.
Thats true Kenny but I feel hes better off betting 2 games a day at 100-150 a play instead of 500. The vig loss will be less and it'll take some pressure off of him. An 0-4 day would be 2k+ which is a huge % of his bankroll where betting 100-150 would be 4-600 loss. Much better in the long run even if its not a lot of money to support his bills etc, itll still get him thru MLB season and get him to nfl which he claims is his best sport. But hey why talk logic to CG at this point.
I honestly dont know why I care so much I just would hate to see this dude piss away the rest of his 20k when I know how hard it is to stack that much $. Him betting 500 is suicide. Its just a matter of time before hes broke. Its amazing to me this guy is back to hitting up strip clubs after losing how much hes lost thus far. I'm going to stop posting in here I'll just watch this guy go broke and be entertained by it I suppose. I have a tad bit over 20k saved up and I'm 28 and would never in my life bet 500/game. Ever. Thats way too much $ per play. I'm comfy at 50-100/game with the occasional big shot plays 200-400ish (rare). Much easier to grind away and build bankroll. CG has still failed to learn $ management and that will be his inevitable demise. I give him 3-4 weeks before that point.
And when I came out here so controlled betting $550/$500 etc and dominating also.
Yea and look at you now you doing blow and placing a 5.5k on a shit team on a thought that the Hawks would stop covering because they have done to many already
I hope you turn it around Man I want to see you kill it in football season but that's a long way off
Quote Originally Posted by collegegambler:
And when I came out here so controlled betting $550/$500 etc and dominating also.
Yea and look at you now you doing blow and placing a 5.5k on a shit team on a thought that the Hawks would stop covering because they have done to many already
I hope you turn it around Man I want to see you kill it in football season but that's a long way off
only thing you 'have' to do is tell your loser cousin to cut his trip short and get the fukk out of there while you still have a glimmer of hope. Its a week of debauchery for him and he'll go back to his life/job while you're left there picking up the pieces
only thing you 'have' to do is tell your loser cousin to cut his trip short and get the fukk out of there while you still have a glimmer of hope. Its a week of debauchery for him and he'll go back to his life/job while you're left there picking up the pieces
We need another video PRONTO! You took down the coke snorting video so you owe us a new one.
Give the people what they want!
"That's how you step up! When they say it's all done, what do we do? We phukin fight! That's how you step up! Somone wants me to pack my bags? Come out here and phukin make me! Come out here and phukin make me! Ready for a streak now. Spurs first half....Spurs full game baby!"
The Legend, College Gambler
We need another video PRONTO! You took down the coke snorting video so you owe us a new one.
Give the people what they want!
"That's how you step up! When they say it's all done, what do we do? We phukin fight! That's how you step up! Somone wants me to pack my bags? Come out here and phukin make me! Come out here and phukin make me! Ready for a streak now. Spurs first half....Spurs full game baby!"
Thanks love the dough. I need to, to clear the mind for my "comeback". Do u agree with dropping a bomb play brother?
Yeah. You made some mistakes, and had terrible luck. 0-8 streak won't happen but once a year. If you drop a huge bomb and got Back up a few thousand, you would feel a lot better. Then you can go back to grinding. You got sloppy, it happens. Go out tonight, phuck with some hoes, snort some jumbo, have a good time. Remember boys will be boys.
Quote Originally Posted by collegegambler:
Thanks love the dough. I need to, to clear the mind for my "comeback". Do u agree with dropping a bomb play brother?
Yeah. You made some mistakes, and had terrible luck. 0-8 streak won't happen but once a year. If you drop a huge bomb and got Back up a few thousand, you would feel a lot better. Then you can go back to grinding. You got sloppy, it happens. Go out tonight, phuck with some hoes, snort some jumbo, have a good time. Remember boys will be boys.
Yeah. You made some mistakes, and had terrible luck. 0-8 streak won't happen but once a year. If you drop a huge bomb and got Back up a few thousand, you would feel a lot better. Then you can go back to grinding. You got sloppy, it happens. Go out tonight, phuck with some hoes, snort some jumbo, have a good time. Remember boys will be boys.
You need to keep your mouth shut, because you dont have a clue as to what your talking about. This is by far one of the worst advice posts in this entire thread. Telling him to drop another bomb. How long have you been gambling for? 2 weeks. Saying he can only have an 0-8 streak once a year,lolllllllllll. You my friend are a complete bonehead and you shouldnt give anybody gambling advice, including yourself
Quote Originally Posted by lovethedough:
Yeah. You made some mistakes, and had terrible luck. 0-8 streak won't happen but once a year. If you drop a huge bomb and got Back up a few thousand, you would feel a lot better. Then you can go back to grinding. You got sloppy, it happens. Go out tonight, phuck with some hoes, snort some jumbo, have a good time. Remember boys will be boys.
You need to keep your mouth shut, because you dont have a clue as to what your talking about. This is by far one of the worst advice posts in this entire thread. Telling him to drop another bomb. How long have you been gambling for? 2 weeks. Saying he can only have an 0-8 streak once a year,lolllllllllll. You my friend are a complete bonehead and you shouldnt give anybody gambling advice, including yourself
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