Quote Originally Posted by HutchEmAll:
You took Harvard in a game that was a coin flip and a tiny spread (something you have ALREADY skewered CG for) that likely would come down to the last possession or two (it did).
Not only that, you bought a meaningless half point and paid -120 for your bet (how many times have you posted about CG getting vigged to death???).
And lastly, you recommended the guy who was getting -2.5 buy it down to -2 and YOU ARE PROUD OF IT.
You are so acutely inflicted with SARS (self-absorbed reflex syndrome) that you can't even see how wrong this all is on so many levels.
Well first off as I've said many many times, you've contributed nothing to this forum in terms of write-ups or picks. You're just a parasite, popping up here and there to put in your own two cents on whatever riles up the sawdust between your ears.
Second I waited a week to cap that game and got the line I wanted, 1.5, which was available to EVERYONE for many hours after posting, not lines that some 'premier' cappers post (i.e., their lines with their bookies which have absolutely no bearing on anyone actually trying to pick a game).
I WON with my line and It wasn't a lucky win either. Harvard gave back a 9 point lead very late.
Why? Well Yale had EVERYTHING to play for and I CLEARLY stated in my thread points were at a premium.
Like my Rutgers/Michigan post, I said Rutgers would win the game and the only thing that could fu** it up was the 2.5. A missed extra point later and I lost that game and Rutgers fans stormed the field (as predicted).
Third I said the same here: Harvard would WIN, so to avoid a Rutgers debacle where points are at an extreme premium, I bought a .5pt down and won.
A poster got 2.5 and I advised him to buy a half point down. I in noway endorsed 3.
So I created a thread in which, with a lengthy and informative write-up which (which even included a relevant highlight package of the Dartmouth game):
1) won at 1 and 1.5
2) pushed at 2
3) did NOT lose in any way/shape/form based on what I said in that thread as the line moved towards tip off.
I was right about it being a tight game and I was right about Harvard taking it down as the psychological impediment Yale had to overcome was too much bear.
And yes, I can tell CG not to play tough, close games because he's not capping a thing. He's snorting coke and waking up with barnyard animals running around his living room. I can cap within a .5 pt. I got the best line and everyone had a shot at it at the time of post, ya know the best line, something Van continually preaches about getting?
So you are able to bash a freak Rutgers loss by .5 or but when I win by .5 you bash that too?
Get the fu** out you fool.
Again I ask what you contribute? Anything? And you are here to talk down to me?
Step off chump. I wipe my shoes on jokes of posters like you and this other 10 post idiot who has a problem with a winning write-up, fully explained and all questions answered, who try to bash me, someone who has something meaningful to say unlike yourself.