aussie guy's website is cheesy, he really needs to put a few bucks into it for a more professional look.
I apologize now for speaking about something that I don't know to be a fact, but chances are that UNC will follow in the footsteps of aussie and start selling his picks. Most good cappers here who develope a strong following go that route, and no one can blame them. Aussie is getting $30 per pick, if he has only 20 people buying 1 pick per day, that is $4,200 per week in revenue. Not bad for doing what UNC does here for free.
I will point out that karma can be a mo-fo, and Ive seen a few guys from this site who have gone on to sell their picks suddenly lose their gift of picking winners.
UNC, I sincerely apologize for hijacking your thread. I won't respond to any further comments.
It is true far... it went that way.....cant blame anyone for that