As a Penn State alumnus and life long Penn State fan, student etc this day is not awful. The awful days took place when the children were molested, countless day, by Jerry Sandusky.
Unfortunately, it has now come to fruition that Joe Paterno along with three other people who call themselves "men", were negligent to say the least in doing all they could to protect the kids, the university, fans, alumni and other faculty members from this disgusting act.
I will be the first one, to a man, as a man, to say I was wrong. I was fooled by Joe Paterno that he was a better man than who he was. While he did many great things for many great people, the few lives he ruined by not doing more in this when he had more knowledge than any of us knew at the end of the day disgusts me deeply.
While the heroes in my life are only people I know, love, or care about, Paterno to many in Penn State was an iconic figure that we could say to others is someone who could lead by example with the best of them. All things don't have to be what they seem.
I will say this once more, I was wrong about the guy, fooled and deceived much like many were of Jerry Sandusky.
While Joe Paterno played a small part in a mass travesty, his part nonetheless or lack of part lead disgusting acts to continue.
For those that assumed this all along, go cash your ticket at the window if you feel better. This is not a good thing for society though.
The best thing that will come out of all of this as we are a hundred times more aware today than we were 9 months ago about how to handle these situations and victims now can feel they have a voice that will be heard.
I have faith my great university will continue to acknowledge and make right of this situation as best we can with our great student body and move on to a new era.
Joe Paterno died because of cancer, but he lost his fight because he knew this was coming. Shame on him!
To all of WeAre Nation, its on us to make what a few bad men did wrong, so right.