penn state die hard here and this is how i feel.....disgusted
first thing first sandusky was investigated in 1998 which tells us a few is that INVESTIGATORS knew and did nothing about it. two is that penn state had to know and left it to the investigators. now where i live, if investigators cant find anything to hang on someone, than maybe there is nothing. what more could penn state have done? well, surprisingly Sandusky resigned in 1999, so i think there is your answer about what penn state did.
now in 2002, mcqueary witnessed some bad stuff going on and decided to wait a day to tell anyone, and told JoePa. JoePa went to the AD, as he should have and reported it. You could imagine the shock of JoePa at this point as a trusted friend of his for 35 years was just held in this spotlight. But in my opinion its on Mcqueary to go the cops because he was the one who saw it, JoePa is hearing it second hand and passing the info onto his boss to investigate it.
the problem here is penn state should have completely washed their hands of this fool once he resigned. Letting him stay around campus, is to say the least alarming.
Think about this, if someone tells you they saw one of your best friends in the shower banging a kid, would you be shocked?? would you immediately go to the cops or would you report it to your boss first? its real easy to say what you would have done in hindsight, until you are in the position of this torture.
sandusky in my opinion, like any child molester should be hanged for the torture they have caused. they are just as bad as a murderer in my eyes, perhaps worse.
personally, i think since 1998 many penn state higher ups and some coaches were at least aware of this problem, as were the POLICE, lets not leave them out of this. They did investigate this in 1998. For that police chief to stand there today and say what he did is hypocrytical. they are at fault too! i think it was all swept under the rug because of the great state of the program and university and no one wants this public.
the timing of this is ironic too. rumor has had it earlier this year, as early as a few weeks ago about joepa announcing his retirement before the nebraska game. i personally think, whether this occurred or not he was going to retire. now he just may stay to not go out like this...will the choice be his, i hope so.
still too much left to be determined here, tomorrow he will answer questions at his presser. joe has cooperated with a federal grand jury. he has run one of the cleanest programs in the history of sports. remember, only stanford and penn state have never been found guilty of ncaa infractions. god help our great university that there isnt much more to this than sandusky being a complete pos and some others covering this up. And god bless those children. This is all so shocking, especially for us loyal fans. It really makes me wonder and I cannot just flat out defend or pin joe pa to the cross. Soon enough we will see.