Totals 8 - 2 +12.5 units
Overall 20 - 20 + 3.5
Bounce back week! Going 8 - 4 +10.5 units. I tell ya guys, If TCU doesn't turn the ball over a dozen times in the red zone I cover that one easy, plus you add a last minute Northwestern TD I cover that one too. But hell, that's gambling. Anyways let's get this thing going!
Ten Things We Learned
1. Is there any question to who the number one team in the country is now? My Goodness! Alabama is run away train running straight at you with no mercy. Please, I dont want to hear any of this crap about Tyler Wilson not playing either. I dont care if Tom Brady was wearing a Arkansas uniform yesterday. I would have not mattered. Then throwing his teammates under the bus after the game! Wow. GL this week at practice this week Tyler. I think it's safe to say Arkansas and John L are out of the NC hunt along with any hopes of him keeping that job. Hiring John L as the intern was a complete jack ass move. I say fire the whole administration! Beg Petrino to come back.
2. All week everyone including myself kept asking the question, why is Pitt only a 10 point underdog? As I said many times this week. STAY AWAY! This game was obviously predetermined by the football God's as " one of those games ". Congratulations V.T. Tino, I repeat Tino Sunseri completely owned you and is now your daddy. I would rather get beat by Little Johns sister college and have women run up and down the field scoring TD's then to have that incompetent loser Tino. Are you kidding me V.T? You officially get the WTF of the week award.
3. Look Florida fans. I want to say something. I'm impressed with your toughness. I think that the last two weeks this team could have either went two ways. 1) Lay down after getting down early and collapse as a team. 2) Man up take responsibility and show something I haven't seen since Urban was there, toughness. A willingness to put yourself on the line and be accountable for the team. That's football guys. Do I think this team is ready to compete with LSU or Alabama of the SEC? Absolutely not. But who is? I do think that the East will come down to Florida or Georgia. Now understand this Florida. If you slip up with a BS performance. I'm coming back stronger then ever! LMAO.
4. Florida S.T is the real deal people. This week I made my largest bet of the season in Florida S.T. I knew that there was no way wake could block this team up front. This DL is the best in the country and they go about 12 deep. I really think that the game this week with Clemson will be one of the best games of the year in college football. If im being honest, I m not sure we can win that game. Tallahassee is an extremely difficult to play. The key to the game is can we block those guys up front. If we can slow them down I dont think they can stop us. But if we cant, it's gonna be a long night.
5. USC is exactly who I thought they were. A team who has a idiot for a coach and there just not mentally tough enough to line up and play big boy football. I bet on them last night and I knew I was making a mistake. I just have to be proved sometimes and they proved it. Look, I think Lane is a low life dog. I'm glad to see him lose. Unfortunately USC is USC. All they have to do is run the table and there back in the hunt. But 14 points with a offense like that! Thats not a championship caliber team and I personally hope they lose every game the rest of the year.
6. I just had this feeling all week sparty was going to get beat. I had no reason why other then the fact I think Michigan S.T just doesn't have any offense. N.D is an improved team and I think this is about the best team Ive seen in South Bend in a long time. Brian Kelly is a solid coach guys. I know a lot of people dont like him but the guy can coach. Is N.D Back? I know I talked about it last week, but this team is playing there way back into the conversation of being a " good team ".
7. I asked the question last week and I will ask it again. What is wrong with Wisconsin? I cant understand this. I do think Utah S.T is one of the best no name teams in the country. Chuckie Keeton is tremendous. If this guy was on a better team we could throw his name into the Heisman conversation. The guy can flat out play. The problem with this team is they have no threat in the passing game. Obrien has been horrible. The OL cant block and if Wisconsin cant run the ball they cant win. I think it's time to hit the panic button.
8. Anyone see what G.T did yesterday? My goodness, they ran for almost 500 yds on a decent Virginia team. This is what drives me crazy about G.T. They come out one week and do this and next week they will come out and lay a egg and lose. G.T is without a doubt, the biggest DR. Jeckle MR. Hyde team in the country. I just wonder if they can continue this. I know what will happen tho, I will bet on them next week and they will only rush the ball for 120 yds and get beat SU. I like Paul Johnson, but if he cant get some consistency going with his teams, he will never be truly respected.
9. I told you guys that Utah would be ok. If you guys missed that game last night go watch it. I watched some of it and I plan to go back and watch it all. But the way it ended was un real. BYU completes a 4th down miracle then tries to kick the game tying FG as time expires and misses. But wait! The fans storm the field and get a unsportsmanlike conduct called on them. They kick it again an it hits the Goal Post. Anyways, some of you gave me shit about my early season prediction on Utah taking USC down. Well guess what? I still think it happens.
10. 3 Weeks down already. Man it seems like this stuff goes by too fast. Whether you had a good week or not, hang in there it's still early. I have a feeling im about to go on a big run myself. We are a few weeks in now and teams have showed there true colors. We are in for a great year! Everyone focus in for this week, I think this is going to be one of the better weeks of the season. I hope you all enjoy the ten things we learned, as it's always so easy to do when you have so many great games every week.
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