Quote Originally Posted by Boom_Boom:
What the problem is you guys see only when I speak....
You only see when I make a rebuttal.
I'm not a prick! I'm not a know it all....I always treat everyone with respect. Go back and look at every situation that you thought I was being a prick and you will see that the other person will make a rude comment, attack or just absolutely make up a lie. Go find a situation where I just opted to blast someone for there opinion.... you wont find it

the truth is I respect people and there opinions.
Do I think everyone should agree with my thoughts? Absolutely not. Take a few guys in this thread..... cbowles and RLP or Train or dugie or Arid. We disagree all the time!! But do we or I ever make rude comments towards them? Do they make them towards me? The answer is no....not one time have I or they ever disrespected the other one. NOT ONE TIME!
You have to understand austin, when I make a statement around here everyone will dissect everything I say. Take this how you want to, but the fact is I do get a lot of traffic in my threads... I do get a lot of views...and I am respected in this forum. You said im very average....that's your opinion, but the truth is I have been really successful at this for a long time and my years here on covers here will prove that. I want to share my thoughts on football, picks and everything about the sport in general. Why? Because I do feel like I have alot to offer to this forum.
I respect everyone's opinion. If I dis agree with something in your thread I will approach it the right way. I wont come in and say
" hey guys, boom never thinks he is wrong....he did pick Wisconsin to win the N.C game"
That's an interesting stance. Yet, I didn't make any belittling comment to you. I just pointed out the hyprocrisy in your initial post where you dedicated 2-3 paragraphs on the unbelievable moose you had and yet last week, barely a peep (if any, which I don't remember), about the extremely lucky fortune of you covering with Clemson. Every comment or post I've made has been very civil.
YOU chose to call me an idiot MULTIPLE times. You chose to act like a baby. That is why your above post is complete BS. Outside of your minions, this is fairly evident. And once someone strongly disagrees with you or your statements or actions, you turn into a child.
Look, you may not do it on purpose, i don't think you do, but when you say shit like "I know none of you watch as much football as I do", it comes off as condescending as fuck. Maybe your sarcasm just doesn't translate, but when you post shit like that, it entirely sounds like you are spouting your resume on how great a capper you are and why no one else on these sites can equal your knowledge.
Good luck to you.