For all you SEC backers,you are nothing but Knuckleheads.
Stop kissing up to the SEC teams,and making them out to be unbeatable.
If they are so unbeatable,why after playing in 8 bowl games,are
they 5-3?Shouldn't they be 8-0?Lol
In addition,why is it when a SEC team losses,I hear that they weren't
into the game?That is total bullshit.The real reason is,they just got beat by a better team.
And the most important thing to remember is this,what is the
only team that beat bama this year?
That's right,(Texas A&M),who for you SEC jerkoffs don't know,
were in the Big 12 before last season,so the fact of the matter is,
let's get off how GREAT the SEC is.
If this is a game ND have no chance in,don't even bother playing
the game.
Say what you want,but ND is still ranked the nbr.1 team in the country
going into tonights game,and will tell you,you will be very surprised
of the behind kicking ND is going to put on Bama tonight.