Come on mwhit82. It’s been three days. Surely that’s enough time for even you to post a retort.
Posted by mwhit82 in another thread:
“Sorry SS, I could only read a pg before I got turned off....The only way I would accept a gun is in dyer need, such as alaskan's who put up w/ polar bears and black bears. Otherwise every other animal species is terrified of humans, and yes it may prevent you from getting car-jacked in certain cities, I also believe it will/could lead to your death in many more. My state tried to pass a law saying that Conseco Fieldhouse or Lucas Oil should allow guns on state property, which is beyond moronic belief since I have been to Pacer/Colts games in their respective buildings where a fight would obviously and has obviously occurred, where if the respective parties held weapons SHIT WOULD'VE ended very bad. I was at the 1st pacer home game after the brawl in detroit, and to think regular ticket-holders could've carried in weapons just baffles me
I think the dick-heads in the most recent Pacer series who chanted Rose MVP would've brought on many opponents and 1 gun would've brought on another. That's how pussies fight, I gotta a gun how bout YOU..Guess Darwin didn't consider pussies w/ guns as survival of the fittest, yeah you may be a moron w/ a gun so I guess you win Let's agree to disagree and use thought/intelligence to judge our differences, and not who owns the most accurate gun w/ ability to shoot off the most rounds. Seems like that specific war has already been fought (civil war) and the deaths associated are incredibly high. Maybe we could be more civilized and compare dick size or some shit The fact you have a big-gun doesn't mean you're right, just scarier. I don't think that's what this country is built on, we accept others point of views, and to think we terrorize each-other sounds a bit like what the radical Muslims are all about”
Posted by mwhit82 in another thread:
“Sorry SS, I could only read a pg before I got turned off....The only way I would accept a gun is in dyer need, such as alaskan's who put up w/ polar bears and black bears. Otherwise every other animal species is terrified of humans, and yes it may prevent you from getting car-jacked in certain cities, I also believe it will/could lead to your death in many more. My state tried to pass a law saying that Conseco Fieldhouse or Lucas Oil should allow guns on state property, which is beyond moronic belief since I have been to Pacer/Colts games in their respective buildings where a fight would obviously and has obviously occurred, where if the respective parties held weapons SHIT WOULD'VE ended very bad. I was at the 1st pacer home game after the brawl in detroit, and to think regular ticket-holders could've carried in weapons just baffles me
I think the dick-heads in the most recent Pacer series who chanted Rose MVP would've brought on many opponents and 1 gun would've brought on another. That's how pussies fight, I gotta a gun how bout YOU..Guess Darwin didn't consider pussies w/ guns as survival of the fittest, yeah you may be a moron w/ a gun so I guess you win Let's agree to disagree and use thought/intelligence to judge our differences, and not who owns the most accurate gun w/ ability to shoot off the most rounds. Seems like that specific war has already been fought (civil war) and the deaths associated are incredibly high. Maybe we could be more civilized and compare dick size or some shit The fact you have a big-gun doesn't mean you're right, just scarier. I don't think that's what this country is built on, we accept others point of views, and to think we terrorize each-other sounds a bit like what the radical Muslims are all about”
So it’s better to be a “man” and try to use your fists to defend yourself from a guy with a gun than to be a “box” and try to use a gun to defend yourself from a guy with a gun?
So it’s better to be a “man” and try to use your fists to defend yourself from a guy with a gun than to be a “box” and try to use a gun to defend yourself from a guy with a gun?
“Shotgun’s that have scopes to measure about 1000 m”
Thank you for making it so abundantly clear from the start that you don’t have a clue as to what you are talking about.
“I only quote the knowledgeable...You are more than 80% more likely to die of a gunshot wound than the rest of us non gun holders”
I'll just leave this here:
“I truly have no problem w/ gun holders killing eachother off”
That speaks volumes about the type of person you are.
“but to think it will help you in personal protection seems absurd to me....Maybe cops in my city have me feeling comfortable, but I know that explanation doesn't fit the bill for morons who think class war-fare will allow for inner city folk to destroy the everyday citizen....Any1 who thinks they are so much more involved I ask you/no beg you to reply since I doubt your freedoms will be stolen because you cannot own a gun”
Let me ask you a questions slick: It’s 2:00 in the morning. You and your family are asleep. Suddenly someone breaks into your house with a shotgun with the intent on doing harm to you and your family. You dial 911 and the police are on their way. What do you do to protect your family and yourself during those 10 minutes you are waiting to be rescued by men with guns?
“a multi-chamber gun that can fire off 16+ rounds”
A drunk retarded homeless man could do a better job intelligently talking about quantum physics than you do talking about firearms.
“I ask that you tell me where in the constitution it tells you to kill another human, let alone 16 others???”
I ask that you tell me where anyone said it did.
“Shotgun’s that have scopes to measure about 1000 m”
Thank you for making it so abundantly clear from the start that you don’t have a clue as to what you are talking about.
“I only quote the knowledgeable...You are more than 80% more likely to die of a gunshot wound than the rest of us non gun holders”
I'll just leave this here:
“I truly have no problem w/ gun holders killing eachother off”
That speaks volumes about the type of person you are.
“but to think it will help you in personal protection seems absurd to me....Maybe cops in my city have me feeling comfortable, but I know that explanation doesn't fit the bill for morons who think class war-fare will allow for inner city folk to destroy the everyday citizen....Any1 who thinks they are so much more involved I ask you/no beg you to reply since I doubt your freedoms will be stolen because you cannot own a gun”
Let me ask you a questions slick: It’s 2:00 in the morning. You and your family are asleep. Suddenly someone breaks into your house with a shotgun with the intent on doing harm to you and your family. You dial 911 and the police are on their way. What do you do to protect your family and yourself during those 10 minutes you are waiting to be rescued by men with guns?
“a multi-chamber gun that can fire off 16+ rounds”
A drunk retarded homeless man could do a better job intelligently talking about quantum physics than you do talking about firearms.
“I ask that you tell me where in the constitution it tells you to kill another human, let alone 16 others???”
I ask that you tell me where anyone said it did.
“I doubt NOT owning a gun will help me in personal protection”
First smart thing you said all thread.
“I really question those who own a gun think that will help them from getting jacked (when that rare occasion occurs)”
Over a million (and in some studies “millions of”) crimes every year are stopped because of a gun. Keep on questioning.
So with over 3 million violent crimes committed each year in the US you think it’s a “rare occasion"?
“gun holder will probably kill themself in despair”
Right, because I’m sure the gun told them to do it. If someone wants to kill themselves, they are going to kill themselves. It has nothing to do with the gun and to claim everyone shouldn’t be allowed to own a gun because of it is beyond ignorant.
“or at least allow their child, niece, nephew to blow away their own kin by accidental mistake”
If you have children in the house, use common sense and keep your firearms in a safe. Problem solved.
“I doubt NOT owning a gun will help me in personal protection”
First smart thing you said all thread.
“I really question those who own a gun think that will help them from getting jacked (when that rare occasion occurs)”
Over a million (and in some studies “millions of”) crimes every year are stopped because of a gun. Keep on questioning.
So with over 3 million violent crimes committed each year in the US you think it’s a “rare occasion"?
“gun holder will probably kill themself in despair”
Right, because I’m sure the gun told them to do it. If someone wants to kill themselves, they are going to kill themselves. It has nothing to do with the gun and to claim everyone shouldn’t be allowed to own a gun because of it is beyond ignorant.
“or at least allow their child, niece, nephew to blow away their own kin by accidental mistake”
If you have children in the house, use common sense and keep your firearms in a safe. Problem solved.
“I know dude, feeling superior over a "crazy" criminal”
It has nothing to do with “feeling superior over a crazy criminal.” It has to do with doing everything in your power to ensure that if it comes down to him or you not coming home that night, its him.
“your child killing his friend because he didn't think the gun was loaded”
Once again: if you have children in the house, keep your firearms in a safe.
“Stats don't lie bro”
What stats?
“since I bet all your friends have had their cars jacked and houses invaded, yet your curious child has no curiousity on what your gun can do”
In what universe is this a well thought out, intelligent argument?\
So you say that if we all owned guns we are much more likely to have someone jack our houses, yet our 10-13 yr old kids will have no interest in those same guns...I question what reality you come from, clearly you don't understand kids or crime, since a kid would play w/ daddy's gun way before a criminal would randomly select your house for a jacking
“I know dude, feeling superior over a "crazy" criminal”
It has nothing to do with “feeling superior over a crazy criminal.” It has to do with doing everything in your power to ensure that if it comes down to him or you not coming home that night, its him.
“your child killing his friend because he didn't think the gun was loaded”
Once again: if you have children in the house, keep your firearms in a safe.
“Stats don't lie bro”
What stats?
“since I bet all your friends have had their cars jacked and houses invaded, yet your curious child has no curiousity on what your gun can do”
In what universe is this a well thought out, intelligent argument?\
So you say that if we all owned guns we are much more likely to have someone jack our houses, yet our 10-13 yr old kids will have no interest in those same guns...I question what reality you come from, clearly you don't understand kids or crime, since a kid would play w/ daddy's gun way before a criminal would randomly select your house for a jacking
On almost all major issues (abortion, death penalty, etc.) a well thought out, educated case could be made for either side.
Gun control is not one of them.
The only thing anti-2nd Amendment people have on their side is lies, half-truths, and emotion. Considering they are going up against facts, reason, and logic it’s no surprise every gun control thread ends with them waiving the white flag and walking off with their tail between their legs.
On almost all major issues (abortion, death penalty, etc.) a well thought out, educated case could be made for either side.
Gun control is not one of them.
The only thing anti-2nd Amendment people have on their side is lies, half-truths, and emotion. Considering they are going up against facts, reason, and logic it’s no surprise every gun control thread ends with them waiving the white flag and walking off with their tail between their legs.
I have a dilemma, I got the bug and things went out of control very quickly. My original intent was to buy a 22 rifle for plinking, then I looked online for videos and the 22's just didn't seem very exciting(there's hardly any noise or recoil, much like shooting a pellet gun). After doing some research I bought a Sig 556(came with a free 522), a Howa 1500, and a Winchester Wildcat. Currently they sit at my local ffl cuz I didn't bring the proper documents when I went to pick them up. I was told for a non citizen they require prove that you have established 90 days of continuous occupancy at your present address. My plan was obviously going back with the paperwork, but I guess I'm getting cold feet for several reasons....
1. I worry if having this purchase on record could affect my future application for citizenship
2. How long will it take before I get tired of my toys and develop an addiction to acquire bigger and more impressive rifles
3. What type of enjoyment can I really extract from firing these guns, I mean once you've mastered 100 yds you'll want to go 200, then 600, 800, 1000 and beyond. It will be a constant drain on the wallet and to shoot long distance a decent scope is not cheap(something I found out later. I convinced myself I must get the guns cuz they were unbelievable deals and I can save up for the accessories later)
4. The gun laws are everchanging, what's ok today may become obsolete in the future. I think the single bolt rifles will always be fine, but assault style rifles like the Sig 556 may become illegal(I believe it's already against the law to own them in a few states)
Factoring everything into the equation, the original cost of ownership, cost of ammos(stock or reloading), club membership/range fees, regular maintenance/supplies, etc. I have come to this conclusion on my next course of action...
1. Bring the paperwork to the ffl and pick up the guns. Maybe keep the Howa and Winchester, sell the Sigs.
2. Return the guns and pay the 15% restocking fee and shipping
3. Keep the guns and try to sell them after a few months when they're out of stock, thus more likely to recup my total investment, perhaps even make a small profit
I know you some of you guys are true gun enthusiasts and love your hobby. For me, frankly, I just don't know if in the end the money, time and investment outweighs the reward. I know this might be a silly comparison, but the satisfaction of mastering a serve or shooting a jumper would be just as rewarding with far less financial commitment. Yes, I got the guns cuz I was bored and they looked cool, and now I'm having second thoughts
I have a dilemma, I got the bug and things went out of control very quickly. My original intent was to buy a 22 rifle for plinking, then I looked online for videos and the 22's just didn't seem very exciting(there's hardly any noise or recoil, much like shooting a pellet gun). After doing some research I bought a Sig 556(came with a free 522), a Howa 1500, and a Winchester Wildcat. Currently they sit at my local ffl cuz I didn't bring the proper documents when I went to pick them up. I was told for a non citizen they require prove that you have established 90 days of continuous occupancy at your present address. My plan was obviously going back with the paperwork, but I guess I'm getting cold feet for several reasons....
1. I worry if having this purchase on record could affect my future application for citizenship
2. How long will it take before I get tired of my toys and develop an addiction to acquire bigger and more impressive rifles
3. What type of enjoyment can I really extract from firing these guns, I mean once you've mastered 100 yds you'll want to go 200, then 600, 800, 1000 and beyond. It will be a constant drain on the wallet and to shoot long distance a decent scope is not cheap(something I found out later. I convinced myself I must get the guns cuz they were unbelievable deals and I can save up for the accessories later)
4. The gun laws are everchanging, what's ok today may become obsolete in the future. I think the single bolt rifles will always be fine, but assault style rifles like the Sig 556 may become illegal(I believe it's already against the law to own them in a few states)
Factoring everything into the equation, the original cost of ownership, cost of ammos(stock or reloading), club membership/range fees, regular maintenance/supplies, etc. I have come to this conclusion on my next course of action...
1. Bring the paperwork to the ffl and pick up the guns. Maybe keep the Howa and Winchester, sell the Sigs.
2. Return the guns and pay the 15% restocking fee and shipping
3. Keep the guns and try to sell them after a few months when they're out of stock, thus more likely to recup my total investment, perhaps even make a small profit
I know you some of you guys are true gun enthusiasts and love your hobby. For me, frankly, I just don't know if in the end the money, time and investment outweighs the reward. I know this might be a silly comparison, but the satisfaction of mastering a serve or shooting a jumper would be just as rewarding with far less financial commitment. Yes, I got the guns cuz I was bored and they looked cool, and now I'm having second thoughts
People who haven't taken a conceal and carry course and don't know anything about personal protection normally talk this way out of ignorance.
If I was walking down a street and someone was walking by me and pulled a knife and said, "give me your wallet," I would give him my wallet in a heartbeat. Then when he ran off (if he didn't hurt me), I'd run the other way to the nearest safe area and call the police. No moron in their right mind is going to try and be GI Joe when they are in an absolutely horrible spot like that.
Now if this same guy had pulled his knife 15 yards ahead of me as he walked toward me, I would turn and run like hell all the while pulling out my gun. Once unholstered, I would stop, turn around, and point it at him. And I'd attempt to shoot him if he didn't stop.
Or if I was at a store and someone came in and started robbing it at gunpoint....if I couldn't slip out the back, I'd get in the best hiding place possible and pull my gun. I'd hope like hell they just took off, but at least I'd have something to fall back on if he came looking for people in the store.
It aint about being GI Joe, it's about doing whatever you can to remove yourself from a situation (first choice) and then using your judgment as to when it would be proper to pull your gun to defend yourself. There are MANY situations I could find myself in where using a gun would not be possible (and would only be stupid). But I can think of a TON of times where it could potentially save your life (and if you took a course, you'd understand these differences and how you evaluate them).
THAT is why I have my permit.
People who haven't taken a conceal and carry course and don't know anything about personal protection normally talk this way out of ignorance.
If I was walking down a street and someone was walking by me and pulled a knife and said, "give me your wallet," I would give him my wallet in a heartbeat. Then when he ran off (if he didn't hurt me), I'd run the other way to the nearest safe area and call the police. No moron in their right mind is going to try and be GI Joe when they are in an absolutely horrible spot like that.
Now if this same guy had pulled his knife 15 yards ahead of me as he walked toward me, I would turn and run like hell all the while pulling out my gun. Once unholstered, I would stop, turn around, and point it at him. And I'd attempt to shoot him if he didn't stop.
Or if I was at a store and someone came in and started robbing it at gunpoint....if I couldn't slip out the back, I'd get in the best hiding place possible and pull my gun. I'd hope like hell they just took off, but at least I'd have something to fall back on if he came looking for people in the store.
It aint about being GI Joe, it's about doing whatever you can to remove yourself from a situation (first choice) and then using your judgment as to when it would be proper to pull your gun to defend yourself. There are MANY situations I could find myself in where using a gun would not be possible (and would only be stupid). But I can think of a TON of times where it could potentially save your life (and if you took a course, you'd understand these differences and how you evaluate them).
THAT is why I have my permit.
After some of the posts you’ve been making that actually explains a lot.
After some of the posts you’ve been making that actually explains a lot.
Trust me. You don't have to try.
Trust me. You don't have to try.
What's your point?
What's your point?
That actually depends on the situation. If you truly believe all that is your money, cell phone, etc. then yeah just give them what they want.
If, however, they have other, more sinister motives, having a gun could save your life.
Of course if you don’t have a gun you really don’t have a choice.
That actually depends on the situation. If you truly believe all that is your money, cell phone, etc. then yeah just give them what they want.
If, however, they have other, more sinister motives, having a gun could save your life.
Of course if you don’t have a gun you really don’t have a choice.
I reread the post you quoted and your post twice and I still have no idea what you’re talking about.
Maybe it’s the whiskey.
I reread the post you quoted and your post twice and I still have no idea what you’re talking about.
Maybe it’s the whiskey.
"So you say that if we all owned guns we are much more likely to have someone jack our houses, yet our 10-13 yr old kids will have no interest in those same guns...I question what reality you come from, clearly you don't understand kids or crime, since a kid would play w/ daddy's gun way before a criminal would randomly select your house for a jacking"
“If we all owned guns we are much more likely to have someone jack our houses”? Where the hell did I say that?
As for the kids: it’s called a gun safe. You can buy one for your pistol that costs less than $100.
"So you say that if we all owned guns we are much more likely to have someone jack our houses, yet our 10-13 yr old kids will have no interest in those same guns...I question what reality you come from, clearly you don't understand kids or crime, since a kid would play w/ daddy's gun way before a criminal would randomly select your house for a jacking"
“If we all owned guns we are much more likely to have someone jack our houses”? Where the hell did I say that?
As for the kids: it’s called a gun safe. You can buy one for your pistol that costs less than $100.
What does your post have to do with the post you quoted?:
"On almost all major issues (abortion, death penalty, etc.) a well thought out, educated case could be made for either side.
Gun control is not one of them.
The only thing anti-2nd Amendment people have on their side is lies, half-truths, and emotion. Considering they are going up against facts, reason, and logic it’s no surprise every gun control thread ends with them waiving the white flag and walking off with their tail between their legs."
Or is it that you felt you had to reply to it, but couldn’t come up with a decent retort even by your standards?
What does your post have to do with the post you quoted?:
"On almost all major issues (abortion, death penalty, etc.) a well thought out, educated case could be made for either side.
Gun control is not one of them.
The only thing anti-2nd Amendment people have on their side is lies, half-truths, and emotion. Considering they are going up against facts, reason, and logic it’s no surprise every gun control thread ends with them waiving the white flag and walking off with their tail between their legs."
Or is it that you felt you had to reply to it, but couldn’t come up with a decent retort even by your standards?
Valuing your life over money or drugs seems moronic? Wow, you must really be a junkie to believe that.
“The worst is you lose some property/money.”
So I guess each one of the 100,000+ women that report getting rapped every year are just a bunch of liars. I also guess the FBI has falsified their data about those 15,000+ murders that occur every year.
So you are “trying to act like a hard ass” if you value your life and the lives of your family members enough to get a gun for defense so if something does happen you can actually protect your family yourself instead of dialing 911 and hiding under your bed like a little box and hoping the bad men don't find you.
Valuing your life over money or drugs seems moronic? Wow, you must really be a junkie to believe that.
“The worst is you lose some property/money.”
So I guess each one of the 100,000+ women that report getting rapped every year are just a bunch of liars. I also guess the FBI has falsified their data about those 15,000+ murders that occur every year.
So you are “trying to act like a hard ass” if you value your life and the lives of your family members enough to get a gun for defense so if something does happen you can actually protect your family yourself instead of dialing 911 and hiding under your bed like a little box and hoping the bad men don't find you.
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