Quote Originally Posted by slikstiks99:
BMA you're already under the notion that conspiracy is impossible from the beginning. All you are doing now is finding state-sanctioned resources to conform to your opinion, but in reality your mind was made up to begin with.

Because "conspiracies are not possible"

This country is not that different anymore from Russia and the likes. Mob rule is just harder to see over here.
-All the people in the
who have not called for an investigation. Many who are
liberal and centrist. They did or said nothing while people
supposedly trucked in airplane parts to cover the crime.
Why? Again, no answer...
-The more than 1,600 widows and widowers of 9/11
would rather have investigations of the decisions which led
to the terrorist getting away with this. They don't want to
waste time investigating the mass murder of their loved
ones. Even the Jersey Girls. Why? They say it's the money...
[note: Whenever killing someone, pay off the relative. They
won’t say anything.]
-The media
(This one I almost believe) who doesn't follow up on the
biggest mass murder and conspiracy in American history. It
seems no one wants a Nobel prize for journalism. Not only
the American media but foreign press like the BBC and Al
Jazeera. Why? No answer here either...
-The photographers from around the world who took pictures
of the towers which clearly show bowing of the perimeter columns. These photos
support the NIST hypothesis that the sagging trusses lead to the collapse. Some
photos also show the core intact shortly after collapse which also not only
support the NIST hypothesis but discredits the "Controlled demolition" account.
-Popular Mechanics who debunked these sites are also
helping Bush commit the biggest mass murder in history.
-PBS Nova since they created a documentary explaining in
detail how and why the buildings fell. None of it said bomb.
-Everyone in the NIST
who covers up the largest mass murder in US history. This
independent organization doesn't have a moral person in
hundreds of employees because not one has come out exposing
this so called "Conspiracy". In fact, the hundreds of
scientist who signed onto the report are willing to not only
lie for Bush but cover up the largest mass murder in
American history. Some suggest only a handful can do the job
but that's simply impossible. The team in charge of the
computer modeling has to be in sync with the team of
structural engineers and so on. There are hundreds involved
in this investigation and every team has to work with other
teams using the same evidence and specifications.
-NY Governor Pataki
because he sold steel
from the WTC for the construction of the USS New York. If
the argument is the government sold the steel in order to
cover up the crime then Pataki is one of the criminals.
-The NY city scrap yards
because they also sold steel to
China before all of it was tested. Bush would have needed to call them up and
tell them to sell it before they could have investigated every beam. A task
which would have taken years and years not to mention millions more. Ironically
the republican Mayor Bloomberg could not be involved since he asked the scrap
yards not to sell the steel on behalf of the firefighters.