Quote Originally Posted by kaponofor3:
I'm not saying I think it is RIGHT that STEEL gets thrown in the slammer. I'm a libertarian at heart and believe that everyone should be able to do with their body as they so choose, let's just get that straight out of the gate. I'm just saying that the ways the laws are structured -- which is not changing anytime soon sadly -- he's done the crime, so he now has to do the time. Is it fair? Absolutely not.
i guess i'll just assume, that because you yourself partake in
the illegal drugs, you profit from the corrupt laws, you don't like
mexicans or negros, because as a white middleclass membeer that profits
from unjust laws, you would never have to worry about the enforcement of
said unjust laws"
Shame on you BE
what is your reason for respecting prohibition laws, as just? Was it because in school you were brow beat to death about how bad they were. Had convicts marched out in front of you in assembly's, had police come with evidence and bark about the dangers, hell some children get marched into prisons to see where they might end up if they were such bad people to meddle with drugs
OR, do you respect them as just, because upon experiencing them for yourself, you decided with an open mind that yes, this is bad, this is something that we as a society need to fund the fuck out of with our labor (taxdollars), so that peoples most sacred of private property, their body, can be assualted by the state for ingesting plant matter? Why don't you go turn yourself in after firing up that bowl of funky?
I read some posters attempt to rationalize the scenario here with the OP, that "if One person is saved, then it is worth while". These same people admit, that there is ZERO reason to believe that even with immense waste of energy via the police state, funded by we the people, that arresting people like this has no effect on the supply chain
What the hell kind of logic is that?
Have you ever lived on a city street where the police and fire won't even drive down certain blocks, because they get shot at? You understand that it is not the drugs that cause this kind of crime, it is the criminal element that is created BY THE GOVERNMENT DEEMING SOMETHING ILLEGAL! In this case, cocaine, but marijuana is right there with it, 400oz$
If marijuana were made 100% illegal tommorrow, with no tax, zero government interference into the market, you do realize that would mean some top of the line funky shit for literally 5$ an oz. I garden vegetables in 1600 sq. ft of land i rent from the twnship for 14$ a year. Outside of my time, i could grow 100lbs a season there with not so much work, just some good soil, water and sun
So who benefits from the 400$ price tag? chew on that for a while. and i apologize
there is no rational thought process to end at the conclusion that drug laws are made to be obeyed. Follow the money back to the hands of the rent-seekers, not just in the black market, but those in pharmaceuticals as well. politics is all economics. those who demand the control, know that there is no means to stomp out wanting. So they see this as an opportunity to sucker people into using the government as a tool to siphon rents from the trade of a product, on it's path to end user consumption.
Portugal knows