Quote Originally Posted by Rostos:
Every single person has faith. I dont care what anyone says, every single person has faith. Faith is the belief of all things unseen.
We draw out faith from evidences around us and deductive logically from these evidences. Here are some examples.
There are 2 airline companies, Company A and Company B
Comapny A has a 100% safety record, Company B has a 60% safety record.
Which ever plane you hop on, there is no guarantee, 100% proof/evidence that the plane wont crash, including plane A.
When looking which plane to fly, it would take less faith to hop on plane A than plane B, however, it still requires faith.
If you want to marry a girl, it requires a greater leap of faith to marry a girl who has had 10 divorces in her life as opposed to another girl who has never been married before. However, it still requires faith to marry the girl as no one can give you evidence, proof that if you marry the firl who has never been married , you will not break up with her.
Every single person practices faith every day in a variety of things they do. When you bet on a team, you have faith that the team will play hard, etc etc. Nevertheless, you dont have evidence that they will play hard, you have faith they do.
Remember, examine the evidences around you and reasonably deduct where you put your evidences.
Look at the world, did the universe pop into existence from nothing? did the constants of the universe just so happen to sit exactly where they are to the millionth degree to allow life permitting conditions? Did a lightning rod happen to just hit a pond somewhere for life to start occuring? You see, their is a ridicolous amount of luck for all this to happen. We dont even have to go that far.
Here is the deal breaker, all the evidence we have is that the universe began to exist, space time and matter began to exist, that is, prior to this, space, time and matter did not exist. Did these create itself out of nothing?
I have been told by Atheists when explaining this argument, you see, you dont know something cant come from nothing. You see how the Atheists are completely changing their level of epistomology here. No way in their daily lives they would ever believe something can come from nothing, but when this argument comes up, they resort to "how do you know it coant happen".
It takes an enormous amount of faith, actually, you would be called ridicolous if you believe something can come from nothing.
Faith = belief without evidence
Logical Conclusion = belief with evidence
Let's say the odds of a plane crashing are .0001%. Therefore, odds are if I fly, I will be ok.
What are the odds of a god existing? You can't tell me. You can't provide any statistical data to use to base a decision on whether to believe in a god.
I can't have "faith" that no god exists because the natural position is that no god exists. There is not a single iota of evidence pointing to the existence of a god. If I can't so much as come up with a percentage chance that god exists, the only way I can believe is I have faith.
If you wanna misconstrue the word "believe" to suit your own twisted world view then go right ahead, but you cannot change the context in which you are using the word, which is different when talking about whether I will survive a plane ride and whether a god exists.