@thirdperson; first of all, thank you for posting 
"Climate change increases the risk of more extreme weather varying water levels of great lakes year to year. "
Fact or hyposesis? If fact, please provide proof. Just saying so doesn't make it so. Saying "experts say so" not an answer. Global warming trend really took off in 1980's (hmm, that's when China's industries took off, hmmm) The Great Lakes were the steadiest (levels) in the last 100 years from 2000-2013, the recent low in 2014 and then high in 2020 looks ohhh so similar to 1964-1972, and 1926-1932 looks even more volitile than any period recorded.
Polls show most people agree governments should do more to adapt and fight climate change. Fighting climate change like controlling COVID, drugs on the street, gun violence. Govt. can't do it. WHOLE WORLD would need to buy-in. Not happening. Cities are heat sinks, never mind that.
"However current global warming isn't caused by natural cycles as in the past. In recent centuries, sun shows a cooling trend during global warming. "
I agree, the sun is not warming or fueling the rising temps, all evidence points to carbon in the atmosphere.
Carbon emissions from fossil fuels are 90 times greater than from volcanoes.
No arguement here. Volcanoes emit dust and sulfur dioxide that "dims the sun" and cools the earth. That's my point. And scientists say when the sun goes through it's "solar minimum" volcanic activity appears to be greater. Here's a quote off of Google;
"Solar activity governs the volcanic activity on the Earth in long-term scale. Volcanic activity is usually higher in periods of prolonged minima of solar activity and vice versa. However, the mechanism of this forcing is not known."
We just entered a solar minimum, any volcanoes erupting??
So we can go "hell-bent" on stopping CO2 emissions before the end of world and then mother nature blows some volcanoes and we are now battling nuclear winters!
YES, human activity is affecting the earth, climate, pollution, etc. YES, we can try an about face to stop CO2 emmissions (will China?? they say "sure we will", you go first. We'll come along in say.....10 years from now) Meanwhile China builds more coal fired power plants.
Just like the Great Lakes where dredging was the cause of low levels! Need speed bumps in the St Clair River!! Climate change will dry up the Great Lakes!! Climate Change is causing levels to go up and down when historical graphs show levels behaving as they always had. The same thing is happening over climate change over a window of 40 years on a 4.543 billion year old planet.
I say keep migrating towards less CO2 but don't go crazy. Green our heat sink cities. Put money into research for COST EFFECTIVE geener ways. DO NOT hurt our citizens and our economy while other countries (China) fail to contribute. Get hard on China!!! We breath their pollution! Same with all countries, Mexico, India, etc.